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That's Mature!

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  • That's Mature!

    So I admit partial fault for not realizing I had most of my windows rolled down quite far and yelled loud enough for others to hear and should have just been quiet......however, this asshole was about 45 going on 16. Ehh, maybe 6, but driving a Jeep.

    In the McDonalds drive-thru, they have the double drive thru, two lanes. So when you are done ordering, you are supposed to look before you pull ahead to make sure the person in the other lane isn't also going. I can only imagine how many accidents happen at the double lane McDonalds.

    Anywho, I was first and started proceeding after ordering, and this middle aged jackass in a Jeep was right after me, didn't even look and started barreling forward.

    I stood my ground and held my place, but slowed down and yelled out the window "Watch where you're going you fucking retard!"

    Yeah, not very mature, but good gosh, watch where you're going! Honestly...common sense......

    Anyway, he stayed right behind me. I ended up having to pull forward and wait for my McChicken, and jackass got his coffee or whatever one small beverage he was in such a hurry to order before me, as he drove past me, he slowed down right next to my idling car and pointed and laughed at me, then drove off.

    Wow. That's mature. Someone pretty much my father's age just pointed and laughed at me.
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    i'm guessing he still lives with mom and has little/no social skills developed?
    look! it's ghengis khan!
    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)

