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Ask, and ye shall receive...

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  • Ask, and ye shall receive...

    ...directions to the exit.

    Hubby and I went to the local Highland Games yesterday. We ate haggis. It actually didn't taste bad.

    The games are located in a large park. Now the driveway in and out of this park is narrow. It's one lane, about 1/4 mile long, with a few turnouts to help cars pass each other. We were arriving just before the opening ceremonies to the games, and traffic was backed up all the way down the driveway, down the road, and almost to the downtown area.

    As we finally crept towards the gate, the parking lot finally in sight, suddenly everyone ahead of us started veering to the right. A truck was trying to come back out of the driveway. I did mention this was a narrow, 1/4 mile, one-lane road, correct?

    "Good luck," I said to the guy in passing. He snarled at me.

    Of course, if he'd bother to ask any of the people directing traffic in the parking lot (you know, like any sane person would do), they'd have directed him to the exit they had specifically set-up for the extra traffic. There was a dirt path that led you to a gravel lot which kicked you out right back near downtown, and that's how they were directing traffic to leave.

    Granted, the dirt road wasn't clearly visible behind the tall grass, and he may have simply not seen the bright orange "EXIT" signs with arrows. When there's that much traffic and that big of an event, though, you know they have to have a back road somewhere, so it should be common sense that one should ask if one doesn't see it.

    I wonder if someone flagged him down and directed him towards the proper exit, or if he actually fought his way against traffic all the way out. (I also wonder why he was leaving that early. He left before the opening ceremonies even started.)
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.