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Wii Bad

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  • Wii Bad

    I am putting this in sightings as it has been relayed to me by my stepson who works wallyworld. He dropped by to tell us this as he was sure I had heard it on the police scanner earlier. (which I didnt but oh well)

    He works as a CSR. A guy tried to return a 42" flatscreen that had taken a Wii controller to the screen. The guy had come out and said when asked what happened that he lost his grip on the controller and it went into the screen. Apparently giving a real nice spiderweb to it. Not sure what game he was playing but maybe he should have invested in some sweat guards or something.

    Anyhow My son says no. His manager backs him up and the guy has to lug the tv back out to his vehicle. WHich he does.

    Fast forward a few and my son is standing merrily at the urinal talking to a man about a dog when he suddenly gets a kidney punch. It is wii dude come back. My son is 6' and weighs about 230 mostly muscle from wrestling and farm work. So he spins grabs the guy and holds him in a lock of somekind (he didnt specify) while the other guy in the restroom goes and gets a manager. Fortunately there was also an off duty officer in the store and the LP guy saw the customer heading for the loo after he saw the son go in.
    So the Wii dude was not going to be gong anywhere.

    Long story short. Wii dude had apparently been wandering the store being followed by LP when he saw son go into the loo. A brief tussle later. Wii dude is being held by LP, aforementioned off duty officer and Son is standing by waiting to see what's going to happen. Wii dude becomes very apologetic so son declines to press charges (taught him to be forgiving and as he probably did more harm to the guy than what he got as he said the guy hit like a girl,, maybe he should have played the boxking games more) if guy gets banned from the store. Manager says so. Cops show up check wii dude out. Find out why he was becoming very apologetic he has an outstanding warrent for something. SO Wii dude goes away in back of cop car. Cops ask son again if he wants to press charges and says no but will give a compleate statement to cover his butt for later. Does so end of story.

    What is it with people?

  • #2
    I hope he "weed" on Wii boy, too.


    • #3
      That may have been unavoidable. Some people have trouble ceasing the stream once it has begun.
      You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


      • #4
        I have no idea as son didnt say if wii dude got any wii for his wii activity. But would serve him right.

        And I should ahve said hit like a little girl. onsidering how girls like mysty could probably hit me hard enough to make my anscestors feel it.


        • #5
          Quoth Rahmota View Post
          I have no idea as son didnt say if wii dude got any wii for his wii activity. But would serve him right.

          And I should ahve said hit like a little girl. onsidering how girls like mysty could probably hit me hard enough to make my anscestors feel it.
          I dunno...I beat up my first grown man when I was 10.

          Well, he was 18 and I did sort of sucker punch him in the groinal area first...

          Still, if dude hit your son in the kidney and couldn't even manage to do damage there, I agree. He was hitting like a girl.
          "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


          • #6
            Mysty is my hero....

            "I have no idea as son didnt say if wii dude got any wii for his wii activity."
            That's just hysterical...
            I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


            • #7
              Quoth Rahmota View Post
              I have no idea as son didnt say if wii dude got any wii for his wii activity. But would serve him right.
              Reminds me of that scene from "Dances with Wolves."(Anyone who watched the movie knows what one.) I didn't like that movie overall, but that scene was GREAT.
              "Magic sometimes sounds like tape." - The Amazing Johnathan


              • #8
                First off, may I just say that the Wii, though a fun system, can give you some of the best jokes EVER.
                Secondly, I'm glad son didn't get hurt by that punch, and I hope Wii guy did get wee'd on, because then he'd have to go to lock-up soaked and smelling bad.
                Wii guy must also be an idiot or a scammer, because those remotes are hard to throw, especially if you've got the wrist strap on correctly, and reports of the straps breaking have been greatly inflated.

                In closing, Wii guy = idiot, son = mega cool.
                Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                • #9
                  Mysty sometimes you scare me, I like that.....

                  Crosshair: Yeah I know what you mean. The movie had its moments and that was definately one of them.

                  Broomjockey: I am betting on idiot. Probably didnt even wear the wrist strap. Although since I've never messed with Wii as I'm a playstation fan I couldnt tell you so I'll take your word for it.

                  And yeah I wonder why they called it the Wii as that is a joke buffet right there.


                  • #10
                    That's what the name is for, to draw attention and publicity... I just would love to see their next few generations named Wiii, Wiv, Wv...
                    Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


                    • #11
                      I'd have expected the next one to be called 'Pu'.


