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Asshat at the Mobil Station

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  • Asshat at the Mobil Station

    This isn't a big thing, but it irked me.....

    The other day my college roommate was visiting, and when it came time for him to leave, I led him through my town to I-495 so he wouldn't have to take the long way. On the way back, I decided to stop at the Mobil On the Run (convenience store) to pick up fountain sodas for myself, my two brothers, and for a local friend, who were still at the house.

    While I was in the process of filling up four 32 ounce drinks, a store employee loudly shouted "EXCUSE ME!!" in a harsh tone just about right in my ear. I didn't even know he was there and nearly went through the ceiling and damn near spilled one of the drinks. Turns out some woman had started to go into an employees only area looking for a publci bathroom, having missed the rather obvious REST ROOM doors that are in plain sight of the front door. OK fine. I kinda wish he hadn't been so close to me when he shouted to her, but whatever.

    Then, after I have the four sodas in the cardboard drink tray and am carrying them to the register to pay, one of the cashiers asks this guy a question and again he screams "EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!" this time from directly behind me.

    Again, I nearly go through the roof, and this time nearly spill 128 ounces of soda on the floor. Why? Because he wasn't on the clock for another 10 minutes, and could not be bothered to answer any questions until (and he said this) he's had a chance to "prepare" for the shift.

    Idiot: EXCUSE ME! Please do not talk to me right now. I'm not on for another 10 minutes.

    CW: Well I just had a quick ques-

    Idiot: NO! Please, I'm not ready for this yet. Please do not talk to me for 10 minutes so I can get settled and get int he right frame of mind and all that.

    CW (miffed): How about I not talk to you at all?

    Idiot: I would like that very much.

    I paid for the drinks and left. And oyu know, if that asshat had caused me to spill them with his unnecessary shouting, I would not have helped him clean, even though it would make me an SC in his eyes. Now, had I spilled it on my own, then of course I'd help. In fact, right before he'd shouted the first time I'd slopped a little soda on the counter, and DID clean it up. I'm glad I don't work with this particular jerk.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    What a horrible employee. There are more polite ways to say that you're not on.
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    • #3
      I had an asshat in my shop a few months back. I was doing some paper work, and I had my back turned to the door. I thought I locked the door, and ofcourse the door chime didn't go off. So I didn't know that he was there, and he tapped me on my shoulder. I jump hella high, and told him we were closed. Which we was. I had the close sign on and everything, but still it was my fault for not locking the door.
      Under The Moon Paranormal Research
      San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research

