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Sucky manager at BK

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  • #16
    I don't think that's being an SC. I've done similar things before once or twice (it takes a lot to really piss me off). I've waited too long for service at a restaraunt before, and gone in and said "I've been waiting for a server for over a half hour, this is crazy, I'm leaving." There's nothing wrong with complaining, it is often necessary so whomever is running the establishment can identify problems. You just have to complain the right way and about the right things.


    • #17
      To clarify:

      Normal: "I'm sorry, but I can't wait any longer. I'm leaving."
      SC: "How dare you make me wait! I'll have your job for this! I demand a free meal to make up for your terrible service! I'm calling your boss to complain! I am the almighty customer!" (all at a very loud volume, of course)
      People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
      My DeviantArt.


      • #18
        thegiraffe handled things quite well. If there's a problem, management needs to be informed.

        And, it's called fast food because it's supposed to be fast. If she had gone to a cafe and then demanded to be out of there in 15 minutes she would have been an SC. But fast food places often require that a customer be helped within a minute of entering the store.

        If the store is busy, I'm going to wait patiently. If I don't have time to wait, I'll go somewhere else. I'm not going to wait around more than 5 minutes if it's not busy, and there's no obvious reason for the delay.

        I was at the grocery store a few weeks ago, and was stuck in line for an extra five minutes or so because there was some weird problem with a return credit for the customer ahead of me. I looked around and, after recognizing that there was no point in moving to another line, I just waited. I never said a word about it, except to tell the cashier it was not a problem when she apologized.

        When I walked out of the store, the MOD stopped me and handed me a small bouquet of carnations, and thanked me for being so patient. I was so shocked I just mumbled something like, "It was no big deal, thanks," and left. Thinking about it later, I felt really bad for the MOD. For her to give me flowers for something that small must mean that they have had to endure some pretty horrible SCs.
        Labor boards have info on local laws for free
        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
        Document everything
        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #19
          You weren't sucky at all. I'm surprised you stuck around that long! If they'd been *doing* stuff, or even hadn't realized you were there, and you yelled and screamed at them that would be sucky. But telling people who obviously don't care anyway that you're leaving is merely futile.
          Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


          • #20
            Quoth MMATM View Post
            I don't know. Sounds a little SC-ish if you ask me.

            Granted, employees standing around doing nothing is ridiculous, particularly at a "fast" food restaurant. But calling the manager or someone out on their slow service is a bit harsh, especially if there was some legit reason for it.
            I don't thing Giraffe was being SC-ish, if there was a legit reason for the wait, the manager should have let the waiting customers know. Like "I'm sorry, we're having problems with XYZ, it'll be about X minutes." If the employees and manager are standiing around doing nothing with customers waiting, I see a problem. I would have called them on it like she did.

            Granted, I usually get 1.5 hours for lunch (ducks pineapple barrage)


            • #21
              *throws a pineapple he made sure is still whole and not peeled at RogueOne*

              I don't even get a meal break! Stupid One Employee Shift exemption!

              Luckily every place in the food court knows me and I get prompt service. ((And extra large helpings at the Cajun place. Mmm..... Bourbon chicken))

              Back on the topic at hand... nope. Nowhere near the same country code as an SC.
              Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.

