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Bah, Verizon is annoying me.

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  • Bah, Verizon is annoying me.

    (just a bit of a vent on Verizon, not really a SC or SE, so I'm not really sure where to put this)

    Verizon is annoying me lately. I have a Verizon wireless cellphone that was previously paid for by my parents as a Christmas present. Now that I'm out of school, have a good job, etc, it was time to transfer the phone into my name. We were given the incorrect information by a authorized dealer on how to do this, and I ended up inadvetently getting a new line, but the next day I returned the phone and cancelled the account. This was back in November. A couple weeks later, I go back up to my parent's and find a bill from Verizon, I assumed, as I was told over the phone it would just be a bill showing that I owed nothing and everything was cancelled. Good thing I double checked, I open the bill and there's a $160 charge. I call Verizon and it turns out that oops, the line was never cancelled and the account was never credited. Girl cancells the account (again) and credits all my money back, after trying to get me to pay for the day I had the line that I never used. A couple weeks later, I get another bill from Verizon, not as high of a charge but still telling me I owe them $20. Call them back again, wait on hold and stuff and find out that they never credited all my money back. So they credited that, and hopefully that's the end of that.

    But that's not the entire reason I'm a bit peeved at them. I work for a company that does cell phone location technology for a couple of the largest carriers in the US (not Verizon). Our technology is used primarily to fufill E-911 standards. FCC rules state that cellphones need to be able to be located within a certain range so that if it calls 911, the person can be located. The earliest milestone that all wireless carriers had to achieve is to be able to at least route the call to the correct 911 call center. Apparently, Verizon cannot accomplish this pretty easy task where I live. A few nights ago, the steam from my shower set off the fire alarm in the building. We call 911 on a Verizon phone, figuring that the fire department needs to come over to check the building and reset the alarm. And guess what? We're not routed to the correct call center. We ended up having to give the 911 center that we got routed to a land line number so they could route us to the correct center. And what's more is that I know Verizon has working location technology, my phone has a trial navigation system that relies on it.

  • #2
    ive actually liked the service i received from verizon over the past few years. i have always had great reception. i was up in the middle of a national forest in wisconsin, and was able to call my mom. nobody else who had a cell phone there was able to.

    the only trouble ihad, was when i was trying to change phones. my old phone had stopped working. the dot by the battery turned red, which meant it got wet. i just can't figure out for the life of me how it got wet. the only thing i can think of is my cat knocked water on it when i was sleeping. anyways. verizon was going to replace my phone for only $20. i talked to a rep over the phone, and choose a phone, and he said he put the order through, and blah blah blah. i was supposed to get it within 3-5 business days.

    16 days later, no phone. so i called verizon back up. turns out, the guy i talked to didn't put the order through. i guess he typed in all the information fo the phone i wanted, but didn't put the order through. so this new guy i was talking to took care of everything. he apologized for everything, put the order through, gave me free overnight shipping, and a free carrying case. not once did i become a SC. my dad wanted to take over and become one, but i wouldn't let him.

    i did ask for a manager though. i wanted to make sure they knew this happened. i explained what happened, and i told her that while the first employee was wrong with what he did, i was very pleased with how this second employee took care of it. she threw in an extra free 100 minutes. i didn't ask for it. i wanted to let them know what happened and how i felt.

    sorry for the hijack. i just meant to say that while i have had one annoying moment with verizon, i actually like the company.


    • #3
      hey we're human we make mistakes*-and we're pushed to have call times under 5 minutes and less than 15 seconds aftercall-not trying to defend just look at our side as well-over 200 floor reps at the center I work at and 8 of us to approve credits, research difficult billing issues, and call customers back-yeah and we're getting more floor agents and the "research department" that I'm in isn't getting any more help-we don't even have any kind of supervisor)-I love my job but some days I think all 54 million customers are calling in.

      *Also it may not be the floor reps fault-sometimes disconnect orders, plan changes and the like "get stuck in the switch" and we don't find out until the customer calls back-then we have to call tech support to fix it-computers are not error free, and everything we do is computerized.

      BlaqueKatt-loveses her job(I actually help peeps out)-loveses her customers (tolerates the SCs), also loveses giving out the free minutes
      Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

