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Shopping, the good the bad and the wtf?

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  • Shopping, the good the bad and the wtf?

    The good
    I got my masq dress with minimal hassle. Usually I think I make sales girls cry, cause I have to be let into the dressing room a ton of times. This time, I just let my brother and friend get the dresses. I let them chose what I wear (Which hardly ever happens. I take their opinions, but they never choose. But since they both dress up way more than me.. I let them.)
    The sales lady was really pleasant at the crowded (Surprisingly) mall. I liked her.

    the bad
    I realize that anyone that works at a restaurant or any other place with a butt ton of customers, is probably gonna be grumpy if they've been their til open. But when the customer is being exceedingly nice. (I asked for Turkey, got a tuna sandwich, no big, I like it too.) and you keep looking at me with this 'hurry the hell up look' and snap your gum while I'm handing you money, looking like a bored high schooler, I wanna thunk you. And to tell your co-worker, "She should have got light mayo." is just rude. Very lucky I was in a good mood, or I"d have happily told you where to shove your light mayo. And it's not on a sandwich.

    The WTF?
    The most adorable child I have ever seen was walking around on one of those child leashes. I hate those things. It's really not that hard, to keep up with a child. They don't move that steady to start with. I watched this child, this adorable little girl, get LIFTED UP by the leash. Not picked up under her arms like most people pick up a child. But lifted up by the leash. That's not right! Who the hell does that?!

  • #2
    Quoth superhotelworker View Post

    The WTF?
    The most adorable child I have ever seen was walking around on one of those child leashes. I hate those things. It's really not that hard, to keep up with a child. They don't move that steady to start with. I watched this child, this adorable little girl, get LIFTED UP by the leash. Not picked up under her arms like most people pick up a child. But lifted up by the leash. That's not right! Who the hell does that?!
    The leashes are good when used properly. I used with my younger daughter (the one who was climbing before she could stand) and she loved it. No arm strain from holding her tiny arm in the air for long periods, and she could rove a little (yeah I controlled how far). And unlike the kid of the lady yelling at me about the leash, my daughter didnt dash into the street and miss being killed by about 4 inches. However lifting the poor kid is out of line. Thats not proper use at all.

    Edit: just had a call from that daughter. lol. her husband gave in and got a leash for their 2 year old. He wouldn't let Dad alone til dad agreed he could have the leash (attached to a dog backpack.) So funny, cause their 3 kids are wicked smart and extremely stubborn.
    Last edited by Teskeria; 09-24-2010, 01:58 AM. Reason: added info


    • #3
      Awww...that poor kid. I bet they were behaving too.
      As for the server, that was very rude of them and I wouldn't have been so polite, but I haven't been feeling good enough to go shopping lately anyways.
      And for the dress, I saw it in your other thread and it's lovely, even though guys picked it out. Actually my husband knows more about what looks good on me than I do, so he picks out my dresses and such.
      Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


      • #4
        They were. The lil girl was just sitting on the floor, being quiet while her mom talked.


        • #5
          "This leash demeans us both."

          And sorry you had to put up with that bitch of a restaurant worker.
          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


          • #6
            Back when my generation were kids, our parents didn't use leashes. We knew better than to stray from them when in a store or anywhere else.
            It makes me cringe when I see a kid on a leash. I don't care how it's justified, it's wrong to do that.


            • #7
              Quoth superhotelworker View Post
              It's really not that hard, to keep up with a child. They don't move that steady to start with.
              Maybe not in a full sprint race, but when you're bent over trying to grab a child, you don't move very fast. Especially in a crowd of people, like at the mall, which is probably the situation one is in when trying to catch an escaping toddler. And they may not move steady, but they move fast once they gain momentum.
              "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


              • #8
                please dont judge those parents who use restraints. many have a good reason. some kids can walk nicely then take off like a rocket.

                some have absolutely no road sense. how tragic would it be that a parent was made to be ashamed of putting their child in a restraint and then the child took off and ran across a road. losing a child is devastating and life changing and i applaud those who do the right thing even if others dont like it.

                with regards to the picking up of the child by the restraint then that is questionable judgement.
                have to admit that when my daughter was smaller we played and she loved to be picked up in silly ways like by her jumper or her pants. made her giggle but it wasnt something i'd do in public.

                that waitress was unbelievabley rude !!! should have got the light mayo?? you should have turned around and told her maybe she should have gotten some manners. what a rude cow


                • #9
                  I can remember my mom using the leash on me and my sister when we were little. I have pictures of us at the zoo, and we have harnesses on and my mom is holding the leash.

                  I remember liking the leash because if I wanted my mom or dad, all I had to do was follow the leash back to them. It was a safe feeling with that leash and harness on.


                  • #10
                    I used a harness and leash on my son when he was little. Even with little toddler legs he could run like the wind and I, frankly, cannot. All it takes is a moment's distraction (and you cannot watch your kids literally every second) and your kid runs into traffic unless he's got the harness on. Unless you're one of the lucky ones who has an incredibly mellow and obedient child, you don't realize just how fast they can be and how quickly they can disappear from your sight.

                    Now picking a child up by the You don't do that to a dog or cat, you certainly don't do that to a child.
                    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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                    • #11
                      When I was younger, taking care of my three little brothers while my mom was working, I'd have killed for leashes. One child may not run very fast, but when all three are going in different directions, it can be difficult.
                      The Case of the Missing Mandrake; A Jude Derry, Sorceress Sleuth Mystery Available on Amazon.


                      • #12
                        Quoth XCashier View Post
                        I used a harness and leash on my son when he was little. Even with little toddler legs he could run like the wind and I, frankly, cannot. All it takes is a moment's distraction (and you cannot watch your kids literally every second) and your kid runs into traffic unless he's got the harness on. Unless you're one of the lucky ones who has an incredibly mellow and obedient child, you don't realize just how fast they can be and how quickly they can disappear from your sight.

                        Now picking a child up by the You don't do that to a dog or cat, you certainly don't do that to a child.

                        my Ex and I had the same attitude. my parents however (very old school) disaproved UNTIL daughter pulled a fast one at about 2 years old.

                        we were all in a second hand store looking at couches for us. GM & GF were watching daughter. they get distracted for just a few seconds and like the wind daughter was SPRINTING for the store's open front door (which opened out onto a busy street) . you do not/can not realized HOW FAST a 2 year old can run when motivated. a harness and leash was soon purchased and used on a regular basis.

                        Yes we did get a LOT of nasty looks and some really snide comments (and a few threats of calling CPS on us) , but we ALWAYS had our daughter within reach AND she COULD not just take off after noticing something interesting or shiny or cute.

                        picking up a child by said leash is not right.
                        I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
                        -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

                        "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."


                        • #13
                          I used the harness/leash with both mine as toddlers & was often complimented about how I was keeping my kids safe

                          I also held their hands while walking, with the end of the leash over my wrist, I can't move very fast either so it was a godsend for those moments when they just pulled away with no warning.

                          About the time my son was a toddler there was a nasty fatality in town. Parents were walking alongside a busy road, chatting, with their 2-3 year old trailing just behind them, or so they thought. She had no restraints & no one was holding her hand but they couldn't understand how she ended up under the wheels of a large van. Witnesses said the child was a good 20 feet behind them & they didn't notice

                          Yep. leashes may not look PC, but they give a small one a little bit of needed independence while keeping them safe, but I too wouldn't use out to pick a child up!
                          Arp happens!

                          Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.


                          • #14
                            I used to babysit and never had a problem keeping up with the kiddos. (Except maybe their mouth but kids know it all LOL)
                            I just.. DON'T pick your child up by that thing! It's not right. And it probably hurts.


                            • #15
                              I'm going to chime in with support for the leash. My daughter moves like the wind and I needed it to keep track of her. While I didn't use it in day to day life, I did use it at crowded places like the zoo. And she wanted it! I'd tell her we were going to the zoo, and she would find her monkey back back (the tail was the leash), she'd make sure it was in the car, she'd put it on, and she'd hand me the end of the tail.

                              I think it was like someone else said, and she was comforted knowing I was right there, and she had the independence of being able to wander, but still not get lost.

                              Although I would never have picked her up by it. Just the wrong way to use one, and likly to hurt the kid.

