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The Bus Ride From Hell (Slightly Gross Part)

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  • The Bus Ride From Hell (Slightly Gross Part)

    So, yesterday was mine and my fiance's romantic night in, which means I have to get the bus straight from work to get there. The bus was ready to set off on time, and I thought everything would be plain sailing from there. Obviously that was not so, or I wouldn't be posting here. Can I also say here that I think the bus drivers in my area deserve a medal for what they have to put up with!

    The Bus Is NOT Your Personal Rubbish Dump!

    I got on the bus, and went and sat at the back. A chav sat in front of me, but on the opposite side of the bus, if that makes sense. He then just dropped his can of Red Bull behind him so it spilt all over the seat, and then threw his rubbish on the floor of the bus! It just showed utter contempt for the poor bus driver who had to pick up after him.

    I Don't Have To Show Manners!

    It's a pet peeve of mine, people who don't say please and thank you to the bus driver. I counted at least 75% of passengers who got on the bus, barked their destination at the driver, snatched the ticket, then got off the bus without saying thank you to the driver.

    I Have A Mobility Scooter, So I Can Be Rude!

    Yes, the mobility scooter is relevant. This woman (British readers, picture Madge from the sitcom Benidorm, and you have your woman!) and her husband flagged the bus down, and her husband put the ramp down so she could drive onto the bus. This is where it begins. Bear in mind, this woman spoke in a patronising and rude tone throughout.

    W: Wait driver! My husband is putting the ramp up!

    We drove on for a while then someone (NOT this woman) pressed the bell for the next stop. They got off, and then once the driver was shutting the doors, the woman decided to say SHE wanted to get off too.

    D: Hang on, let me reverse back to the stop

    She didn't, by the way. She finally got off and rode off on her sourpuss scooter, and we were all glad to see the back of her.

    Drunk *Warning: GROSS*

    I've been on the bus 10 minutes, and an inebriated man gets onto the bus. The first warning sign was when he nearly fell over on the way to his seat. After about 10 minutes, the driver stopped the bus and asked the drunk man where he was going, and then this happened:


    Drunk: No....

    Driver: Well what's that then?! Dirty....

    We drove on for about 5 minutes, then the driver stopped the bus and told the man to get off. He stood up, then proceeded to fall on the floor and just sit there. In the end, the poor driver had to pick him up off the floor and carry him off the bus. I felt so sorry for him because once he got to the other end of the journey, HE was the one who would have to clean up that drunkard's vomit, plus drive the bus back while it stank of vomit.

    Horrible Children!

    As if the incident where 40 screaming, obnoxious school children got on the same bus as me and proceeded to wreak havoc for the rest of my journey, I got another winner yesterday. Mum and dad got on with 3 children, and each child (all were at least 4 years old by the way) proceeded to have a temper tantrum. Every. Single. One. Imagine, if you will, the song "Paradise City" by Guns N' Roses, being played at full volume on an iPod. This was STILL not enough to drown out these children's individual tantrums. They finally got off a couple of stops before I did.

    So, I got to my destination an hour and ten minutes after first getting on the bus, and I told the driver I hoped his night would improve significantly. God, I need to learn to drive....

  • #2
    Quoth Miss_Stress View Post
    So, I got to my destination an hour and ten minutes after first getting on the bus, and I told the driver I hoped his night would improve significantly.
    Thank you for giving a kind word to the bus driver. Heaven knows, he needed a little encouragement after those awful passengers...!
    I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
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