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Bit of a sighting averted?

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  • Bit of a sighting averted?

    Note: Please don't get into debates over whether or not you "should" tip, or if tipping is normal where you live, or whatever. Thank you.

    Our family's Halloween tradition is to have dinner at Red Lobster. Basically developed because my mom didn't believe in trick-or-treating, so we'd go to dinner and then to a harvest party at church. Now the dinner's just persisted. Anyway.

    She put the actual meal on her credit card [as her sister is actually going to pay her back as a thank-you for other stuff], and then was going to tip in cash. My dad and I both noticed that she was only going to tip $5...on a $120 bill. That was all she had, so she didn't see anything wrong with it. So I added $10, so it was at least more...the waitress was REALLY nice and really good, so we didn't want her to think we hated her!

    [Also, felt sorry for everyone in the restaurant as my nephew has developed a new habit of banging his head against things...he did that twice against the table. And started screaming. Poor baby. Although the second time, he started giggling really soon afterward, it was a little weird. that normal, by the way? I'm a tad worried...weird child that he is...]
    "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
    "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
    Amayis is my wifey

  • #2
    First, as an x-employee of Red Lobster, thank you for choosing us! Also, thank you for going above and beyond what you needed to do with the tip. The waitress will definitely appreciate it, because I know they would always wonder if they did something wrong if they got a rather low amount on a higher bill. It happens, and they go on, but they do wonder if they offended someone.

    Also, as for the child, sometimes they are just silly little buggers. It should be ok, so long as they don't do it too often, it CAN cause brain cells to die...for ANYONE.

    I have heard of an illness that actually makes the nervous system not work like it should. As in, it either exaggerates the pain or lessens the pain. So if a person hurts themselves badly, they don't even know it. THe receptors don't associate pain until it's VERY high, as in so high you'd go into shock immediately. It also can cause your body to not be able to judge the core temperature of your body. It's very rare and isn't a high percentage, so i REALLY doubt that.

    It just made me remember it when you said he'd hit his head and then giggle. *shrugs* As i said, highly doubt it's that. Just a random thought aloud.
    I can only please one person a day, today isn't your day, and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

    When someone asks you a stupid question, give them a stupid answer.


    • #3
      Quoth surreal20 View Post

      Also, as for the child, sometimes they are just silly little buggers. It should be ok, so long as they don't do it too often, it CAN cause brain cells to die...for ANYONE.
      That's especially bad because unlike the cells in your body which can replace themselves...brain cells don't get replaced. Once they're gone...they're gone for good. I remember reading that somewhere many years ago.


      • #4
        Quoth Brojekk View Post
        That's especially bad because unlike the cells in your body which can replace themselves...brain cells don't get replaced.
        I see proof of it every day at work.
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


        • #5
          Quoth surreal20 View Post
          First, as an x-employee of Red Lobster, thank you for choosing us! Also, thank you for going above and beyond what you needed to do with the tip. The waitress will definitely appreciate it, because I know they would always wonder if they did something wrong if they got a rather low amount on a higher bill. It happens, and they go on, but they do wonder if they offended someone.

          Also, as for the child, sometimes they are just silly little buggers. It should be ok, so long as they don't do it too often, it CAN cause brain cells to die...for ANYONE.

          I have heard of an illness that actually makes the nervous system not work like it should....*snippet*

          Hehe, you're welcome. I love Red Lobster. It's like...the fanciest place here anyone can actually afford. Love the biscuits, OM NOM NOM. Yeah, that's why I added to it--she didn't do anything wrong and I didn't want her to think she had. She was actually quite awesome.

          I think he's probably just a silly little bugger, but his mommy is getting a bit worried at how often he does it. I hope he doesn't kill too many brain cells!

          I also wonder if he has that illness...probably not, since he DOES start screaming, but...hmmm...
          "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
          "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
          Amayis is my wifey


          • #6
            I totally understand putting the meal on the CC and the tip in cash, but I check to see if I have enough cash first. If not, then I put it all on the CC. It was really nice of you to pitch in to tip the waitress.

            As for your nephew, I remember as a young kid throwing a fit in a restaurant and banging my head so hard on the edge of the table I gave myself a black-eye. I came out normal, though. Well, normal enough. I'm normal, right?
            Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


            • #7
              Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
              I totally understand putting the meal on the CC and the tip in cash, but I check to see if I have enough cash first. If not, then I put it all on the CC. It was really nice of you to pitch in to tip the waitress.

              As for your nephew, I remember as a young kid throwing a fit in a restaurant and banging my head so hard on the edge of the table I gave myself a black-eye. I came out normal, though. Well, normal enough. I'm normal, right?
              Yeah...I didn't get why she didn't just put the tip on the CC, too, but she's so unused to using a CC in the first place, she didn't realize she was supposed to sign it and was going to leave the card itself in the folder for the waitress. Thank you. It was the influence of this site. Well...I would have done it anyway, but reading CS helps show how much it can suck when people don't tip you start thinking maybe you did something wrong.

              And um...of COURSE you're normal. *cough* No, are... [Also...OUCH! Glad he didn't do that, my sister would have FREAKED...and so would everyone else!]
              "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
              "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
              Amayis is my wifey


              • #8
                I'd keep an eye on the head banging. It may just be a phase that he is going through, and using it to guage his physical position in respect to other things. However, if he continues to do it, he may be hyposensitive, which means the body doesn't correctly recognise levels of pain (hyper sensitive is when someone is extra sensitive to things, like something warm may burn their skin).


                • #9

                  I dunno how much anyone trusts cracked but I did some digging and there is some research into why babies do the head banging thing *sry cant find the other links now* and it supported what Cracked reported about the dopamine response. Also babies are just weird...

