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Haunted House Hijinks

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  • Haunted House Hijinks

    Ok, so you go to an amusement park that is advertising the Halloween Haunt (Kings Dominion in this case).

    Key word...haunt.

    They have many areas they call "Scare Zones"

    Key word...scare

    There are haunted attractions with clearly listed levels that they call "Fear Rating"

    Key word...fear

    So if you are the kind of person who has a really hard time with being scared and do not have the ability to control your actions when scared then why in the name of Zeus's sweaty nut-sack are you doing there?!?

    Kings Dominion on Saturday night after they started up the haunt (7pm) had 50-plus incidents where someone got hurt as a result of someone getting scared. 31 of them involved the costumed actors getting injured. Including one poor soul in a costume that can only be best described as the Travelocity Gnome getting REALLY drunk in Vegas and sleeping with a troll. This would have been the love child. He jumps out of the fog and scares a woman who kicks the guy in the crotch very hard. For 45 minutes the security officers were talking to the guy in the costume and to the woman. In the end the County Sheriff's deputies were winding their way through the crowd towards the scene. For the woman and the assault I'm reasonably certain.

    Another incident involved me. I was walking through the scare zone trying to catch up with my party that had managed to lose me in the fake fog. A costumed actor jumped out of the fog and a gaggle of girls ran stampeded past through me. I went ass over tea kettle as they shoved me aside over a hay bale. Knees aren't supposed to bend sideways are they? I caught myself before face-planting the asphalt but that tore some muscles in my left shoulder-blade area and so I'm in considerable pain.

    Another incident involving me was in the Toxic Sludge haunted house area. Again, a gaggle of women were surrounding this one woman who was so scared that I am honestly amazed (and this is no exaggeration) did not piss herself in the terror. Preppy teenagers in horror movies being chased by weirdos with flesh masks and chainsaws can't act that scared. An actor jumped out and they pressed against the wall so hard that I was being crushed. As we're slowly heading towards the meat locker area (with lovely strobe lighting) again another actor jumped out and the woman in the middle pulled out enough supernatural strength to plow past her friends holding her, and past me. As she past me, she shoved me out of her way and slammed me face first into the wall. Result? Bump on the head, dizzy for a few minutes (although that may have been from waiting for the brain to reboot in a strobe light lit area) and a swelling right eye socket (not the socket itself...the eye was in no danger...but the tissue around the socket).

    Again I have to ask. If you are so terrified of places like this, why go there? It's one thing to be a little scared and react to an actor with a start a scream and a giggle afterwards. It's one thing to jump when you're startled and then laugh that the joker "got you". But if your terror is so strong that you will lash out at people you fucking well know are costumed actors (and they announce it ALL THE TIME that they are costumed actors who will NOT TOUCH YOU)...should you really be there? Especially if you're going to beat the shit out of the college kids who are trying to make some extra money. If you are going to be that piss-your-pants scared...STAY HOME DUMBSHIT!

    Thirty one poor actors were injured by people like that. Thirty one people were beaten up by people who paid money to be scared by them.

    That's the part that really baffles the living fuck out of me. You know that this is their scary bit. You know that Halloween is the time traditionally for scary stuff. You go to the place that is going to run scary shit. You pay money to go and be scared. And then you punish the people who are doing the job that you paid them to do by kicking them in the crotch, punching them in the face, knocking them off of their stilts and stomping them when they are on the ground? Do you bitch-slap your mechanic when he replaces your brake pads? Do you nut-check your dentist when he x-ray's your teeth? Do you push your Cable TV installer down a flight of stairs when he hooks up your internet? Then why the fuck do people assault people who are hired to do what you paid the admission for them to do?
    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?

  • #2
    I don't see why hurting the poor actors who just want to do their jobs is fair. And really, if you're that fricken ape shit over a spook or fun scare, really really don't go. LOL
    I sowwy you're hurt.
    Would you like some apple juice? it's all i have.


    • #3
      Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
      Do you bitch-slap your mechanic when he replaces your brake pads? Do you nut-check your dentist when he x-ray's your teeth? Do you push your Cable TV installer down a flight of stairs when he hooks up your internet?

      I love you
      "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


      • #4
        Quoth Gawdzillers View Post

        I love you

        I'm betting that the ones who were that scared were also under a great deal of peer pressure attend with their friends. Oh, an alcohol may have been playing a part, though you may not have had a chance to smell the booze over the smell of fake fog and fear.

        Now I have to go study some physics calculations or something to make my brain stop trying to come up with more "Do you X when your Y does Z?" statements.
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


        • #5
          Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
          Do you nut-check your dentist when he x-ray's your teeth?
          I do, but that's cuz I hate *dentists.

          Were any of these people arrested for their assault? These people are lucky someone like me isn't there with them. I'm kinda jumpy, and have been known to put people in submission locks for grabbing me (note: I don't go to haunted houses, but I definitely wouldn't assault actors).

          *Any dental professionals, I'm joking.


          • #6
            I once went to a Haunted house with my girl scout troop in like third grade. We did the whole overnight hayride/haunted house/watched twister/halloween dance thing. Yeah I passed out because I was so scared from the haunted house. The headless lady ended up picking me up and taking me back to the makeup booth, and the makeup lady gave me water and called my troop leader to where I was...she had decided to stay outside the haunted house and smoke with her friends instead of going in with 20+ little girls. The other girls all thought I had like died because I was dragged off by the headless lady.
            I haven't gone anywhere near a haunted house since then.
            Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


            • #7
              And that would be why I don't go to haunted houses. I get so scared, I don't know what I would do [although it would actually probably be more along the lines of fainting than assaulting anybody].
              "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
              "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
              Amayis is my wifey


              • #8
                At the big Haunted House we have in Calgary, we have "Scare Exits" all over the place, if you can't handle it. Interestingly enough, we lose more guys than girls that way.


                • #9
                  I know haunted houses are fake. But have always been scared to the point where I won't go to any haunted attractions. Growing up my parents loved to go to the Haunted houses in VA Beach on the boardwalk. Since they liked going through them and I was too young to be left on side walk alone I was forced to go through. More then once we were shown the side door out of building. Great parenting lol


                  • #10
                    maybe it's me but... those houses never scared me. i still go in them but... if they can scare me i'll be more apt to laugh about it

                    but running around crazy because you got spooked?
                    sounds more like they were just looking for an excuse to act out


                    • #11
                      I love going to decent haunted houses.

                      I never get scared, but I like to check them out. I haven't been to Knott's Scary Farm for ages. I should try to make it next year.

                      I hate the fake screamers, myself, since I've never encountered someone who was honestly terrified. You know the ones; the girls who do the fake girly "come save me" scream so that some guy can act all macho and "protect" them.

                      I had a group of those right ahead of me on one trip. Way to telegraph every single jump point, you ditzy broads.

                      Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                      • #12
                        I had a good one when I was in high school. A haunted house was put on by a Catholic school. They did a great job, too, and it really was scary.

                        At one point, one of the girls in my group lost her shoe, and the rest went on without her. She shrieked, "STOP, GODDAMMIT! I LOST MY FUCKING SHOE!"

                        Did I mention this was an event put on by a Catholic school?


                        • #13
                          When I was tiny (5 or 6) my mom sent me through a haunted house. I couldn't handle it. I just kind of crumpled into a ball and cried, though. I don't think I hurt any of the actors!

                          Thankfully it didn't permanently scar me, and I enjoy haunted houses now. I spook easily, but I thankfully have more of a "flight" than a "fight" reflex!
                          Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                          • #14
                            It gets worse. Here's a story from the 29th where they arrested a drunken violent pervert who was assaulting the guys and molesting the girls working in a haunted house attraction. Did I mention these were high school kids. Four charges of child abuse and one of lewd & lascivious molestation. He's 50 now; hope they put this sick individual away until he's harmless. If that's not until he expires of old age, then so be it.
                            Last edited by Shalom; 11-02-2010, 05:33 AM.


                            • #15
                              My wife and I worked a haunted mansion a few years back and again last year. We had good fun but some people just can't handle it for some reason. They get genuinely terrified, which honestly, makes the job so much more fun for the actors if they are jumpy and it makes the show better for the groups who come in provided they aren't, as Andara pointed out, fake screaming and being obnoxious. But why even walk in if you know you're going to be terrified to the point of tears?

                              My first year, I'm lucky in that all I really had to deal with was occasional drunks and macho people pointing out that "they knew something would jump out from behind the curtain". Maybe they do it out of fear that they are right, maybe they are showing off to their girl, but in a group of around 8 people, it ruins it for the other 6 people you never met before, asshole.

                              Last year I was in an evil clown room dressed as an evil clown that was right against people when they walked in. It was glorious because I learned how many people truly are afraid of clowns. I got more scares in that room than any other room in the house and had a blast. I was very lucky I didn't get hurt because I was right in swatting distance. Luckily, the room was so small I doubt you could get your hand in the air to strike anyway. However, a girl in the new clown room this year (which was the best room in the house) wasn't so lucky and got hit in the face from a jerk reaction by someone. Not cool.
                              Getting offended is a great way to avoid answering questions that make you sound dumb. - exmocaptainmoroni

