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YOUR garbage. I don't wanna see it.

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  • #16
    Alot of times I notice when lazy clods actually throw their gum out in the garbage...they don't actually throw it in...they stick it on the removable cover.
    Never actually see them when they do it. There's a special fail for ya.


    • #17
      Quoth aurelemsrealm View Post
      I also hate people who can't be bothered to wait until they step away from the counter to open their packs of cigarettes or anything else and expect me to throw their junk away for them.
      Please do the world a favour and throw their "junk" in the garbage can - while it won't cure them, at least it'll keep them from reproducing (and be VERY painful).
      Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


      • #18
        We will get the odd person who ends up causing a LOT of smoke when they flick their cigarette butt into the bushes outside. The smell is disgusting...and the front end cops it.
        The best professors are mad scientists! -Zoom

        Now queen of USSR-Land...


        • #19
          Quoth fireheart17 View Post
          We will get the odd person who ends up causing a LOT of smoke when they flick their cigarette butt into the bushes outside. The smell is disgusting...and the front end cops it.
          This spring, I had stopped at a local gas station (bus stop on the street outside has dispenser for the alternative weekly), when I noticed a distinctive smell. Saw the source, went inside to the "Timmies", and asked for a large cup of water - someone had thrown a cigarette butt on the bark mulch used for landscaping. Needless to say, I told them why I needed the water - they supplied it, and a manager came out to take a look.
          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


          • #20
            I was in Cabelas the other day. Went there to buy some hard candy that I just love. (Claey's Green Apple Drops)

            They keep the Claey's candy outside the little candy store that's in Cabelas. It's in little barrels and they're usually all stacked up on a shelf system so you can just reach in and grab yourself a bag.

            That day, all the barrels were on the shelf thingie except one. The barrel with the Green Apple was sitting on the floor next to the display. I looked in, to see if they had any of my candy. They did, but it was covered with toothpicks from the fudge samples, and several nasty looking globs of gum.


            Told the girl in the candy shop and asked if she had any more of the candy. Nope. No green apple for me. I ended up buying some lemon drops and some cherry ones too. Disappointed that I didnt get any green apple.

            The barrel the candy was in had a sign on it, saying it was green apple candy. Again, people dont read signs.

            The green apple candies were what got me thru the 3 days of IV steroids last may. I have MS and had a nasty flare. Tried steroids to see if that would make it go away faster. (Nope, and I'm still stuck with symptoms from it) Steroids make you get a nasty taste in your mouth. The green apple was the only thing that helped. Good thing the lemon candy is just as good. If I get another flare and have to take steroids again, I know what to buy.

