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Why Mytical shouldn't ever go shopping

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  • Why Mytical shouldn't ever go shopping


    Ok. As some may or may not know I am in Security. So when I WANT to, I notice things a lot of people might miss. Of course I can also be blissfully unaware if I want, but then I wouldn't have this story to tell.

    Often when I go shopping I am near on autopilot. I want to get in, get done, and get out as quickly as possible. However, not this time. I went after some cold/flu stuff because I was feeling a bit bleh. However, I was in a good mood.

    I went to Krogers this time, because I really really wanted to avoid the abyss...I mean Wally World.

    Since I was sick (ish) I decided to treat myself to some Eggnog. This is important to note. The milk (and thus eggnog) is in the back, and past the Alcohol. As I pass said Alcohol I see somebody sneaking some into their pants (really? Does that EVER really work? Really?). Now my Security training kicks in. As loud as I can I say "HEY!" (I will note I am wearing my Security Jacket cause it is kinda cool outside). They jump and turn around and take off running.

    Right into an actual Deputy (This Krogers has off duty Deputy's and such as it's security). When I say right into, I mean RIGHT into. Both go tumbling. Now I know better then to touch the guy, but I quickly help the Deputy up). The alcohol goes spilling out of it's hiding place, and the Deputy (who CAN touch the guy) grabs the guy and subdues him. That was when things get .. surreal.

    D - Deputy
    SC - Thief
    M - Me

    SC - Hey! That guy was acting like a cop! That is illegal!
    M - *looks at the jacket with the big word SECURITY across it and laughs* All I said was 'Hey'.
    SC - No, you said "Freeze Police!" and tried to tackle me! I will SUE you!
    D - *looks at the guy like he is nuts, then looks at me* What happened?

    So I explain exactly what happened.

    SC - He is making that up! I want him arrested for impersonating an officer! I'm going to sue him for everything he has for trying to tackle me!
    M - You do realize that everything is on camera right?
    SC - *Starts to realize that he is not going to win this one, but can't let it go*
    If they don't let me go, and try to use some sort of trick photography I will sue them AND you.
    D - They are reviewing the tape now. *Looks at me* Will you agree to testify if it is needed?
    M - Absolutely.

    Takes my information down.

    SC - You all are not going to get away with this! I have rights! You pushed me into him! *points to Deputy*
    D - I thought you said he tried to tackle you, and I was there .. I know for a fact he never touched you when we collided.
    SC - You are in on it with him! I'll sue both of you!

    I just laughed as I walked away as he was ranting. Don't know what happened, he was gone when I got done.

    Anyhow, go to get my nummy eggnog and medicine. Feeling pretty good (well for being sick at least hehe).. get through the line no problem. It is all good.

    On the way out I notice a mother dragging her kid by the kids arm, the kid kicking and screaming and pretty much raising a fuss.

    K - Kid
    P - Parent

    K - But you promisssseeedd!
    P - Yes, until you were rude to the cashier. You don't get rewards when you act up.
    K - I don't caaaarrrreee you promissseedd
    P - You will care. We don't play these games and you know it.

    Which I had to smile at. That part wasn't sucky.

    The next part was though.

    Got to my vehicle, got ready to pull out. Idiot stops right behind me, and seems to be waiting for my space. Hello? How in the blue hades am I supposed to get out if you are RIGHT behind me?

    I motion for them to back up so I can let them have the place..they beep their horn. Like an idiot I roll down my window and the following conversation takes place.

    I - Idiot
    M - Me

    I - "Are you going to move?!"
    M - "Not unless you want me to go THROUGH your car"
    I - "I'm waiting on your parking space."
    M - "Dude, you are RIGHT behind me, there are cars all around me, how the heck am I supposed to MOVE?"
    I - "Move your <expletive> car so I can have your spot!"

    Rinse, repeat for about 15 minutes. The car in front of me pulls out, and has nobody waiting for it, so I pull up and go that way. Still have NO clue what the idiots problem was. Sorry I have yet to perfect my teleportation skills.
    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.

  • #2
    They probably read the Cosmo article on getting a parking spot. :/


    • #3
      Mytical - Firstly, thanks for not calling the SCs mine!

      Regarding the thief - isn't it fun just handing them a shovel and watching them dig their own grave? Or rather, dig their own grave with a stolen shovel >.>

      You witnessed actual PARENTING!?!



      And as for the parking spot. Ugh. Parking lot vultures. Basic physics and common sense dictate that if you want a spot, give the person room to vacate it.

      Wait...forgot what site I was on for a second there. Sorry.

      *hugs* Hope you feel better soon!


      • #4
        Quoth Mytical View Post
        SC - No, you said "Freeze Police!" and tried to tackle me! I will SUE you!
        Sounds funny...
        Quoth Mytical View Post
        M - You do realize that everything is on camera right?
        SC - If they don't let me go, and try to use some sort of trick photography I will sue them AND you.
        Aaaaaaaaaah, how to Photoshop a whole reel of images! I guess they might make you Robocop as well.
        Quoth Mytical View Post
        K - But you promisssseeedd!
        P - Yes, until you were rude to the cashier. You don't get rewards when you act up.
        K - I don't caaaarrrreee you promissseedd
        P - You will care. We don't play these games and you know it.
        PARENT WIN! YAY!
        Quoth Mytical View Post
        Got to my vehicle, got ready to pull out. Idiot stops right behind me, and seems to be waiting for my space. Hello? How in the blue hades am I supposed to get out if you are RIGHT behind me?
        In a similar situation I just started backing up very slowly until I was inches from touching the guy's car. He buggered off immediately.
        In another occasion I was loading my shopping in the trunk when this other guy stopped right behind my car, clearly waiting for me to go... started flashing his light and gesturing to be fast... I finished loading the trunk, went to deposit the trolley in the collection point, went back to my car, locked it and walked back in the store

        You're not a unique snowflake unless you create your own mould (Raps)

        ***GK, Sarcastro, Lupo, LingualMonkey, BookBint, Jester, Irv, Hero & Marlowe fan***


        • #5
          Quoth Mytical View Post
          I - Idiot
          M - Me

          I - "Are you going to move?!"
          M - "Not unless you want me to go THROUGH your car"
          I - "I'm waiting on your parking space."
          M - "Dude, you are RIGHT behind me, there are cars all around me, how the heck am I supposed to MOVE?"
          I - "Move your <expletive> car so I can have your spot!"

          Rinse, repeat for about 15 minutes. The car in front of me pulls out, and has nobody waiting for it, so I pull up and go that way. Still have NO clue what the idiots problem was. Sorry I have yet to perfect my teleportation skills.
          I love people like this. I just sit patiently in my car. I have a kindle that I take pretty much everywhere, I can entertain myself just fine. Or I'll get out and start walking back towards the store. Whatever, until they get mad and drive off. Then I leave.


          • #6
            Quoth jedikuonji View Post
            I love people like this. I just sit patiently in my car. I have a kindle that I take pretty much everywhere, I can entertain myself just fine. Or I'll get out and start walking back towards the store. Whatever, until they get mad and drive off. Then I leave.
            Yep. I would have just gone back into the store. Feel free to sit there for a while, jackass.
            "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


            • #7
              Now I want eggnog. Maybe even eggnog ice cream.
              "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


              • #8
                Quoth C. Cecil Ivanish View Post
                In another occasion I was loading my shopping in the trunk when this other guy stopped right behind my car, clearly waiting for me to go... started flashing his light and gesturing to be fast... I finished loading the trunk, went to deposit the trolley in the collection point, went back to my car, locked it and walked back in the store
                I remember an incident at college where a girl was taking classes during the day and her mother was at night school. Now this is a commuter campus, parking is very limited, so they try to time it such that Mom can grab Daughter's spot as she's pulling out. Unfortunately this particular day someone was stalking Daughter to her car... so they switched keys instead, and Daughter drove off in Mom's car, leaving Stalker sitting there behind hers. . .

                Oh, and what the hell is Egg Nog anyway? I've seen it in the stores, but never been brave enough to try it.


                • #9
                  Quoth Shalom View Post
                  I remember an incident at college where a girl was taking classes during the day and her mother was at night school. Now this is a commuter campus, parking is very limited, so they try to time it such that Mom can grab Daughter's spot as she's pulling out. Unfortunately this particular day someone was stalking Daughter to her car... so they switched keys instead, and Daughter drove off in Mom's car, leaving Stalker sitting there behind hers. . .

                  Oh, and what the hell is Egg Nog anyway? I've seen it in the stores, but never been brave enough to try it.
                  Think sort of a vanilla-y nutmeg-gy milk shake. Properly it is milk, cream, eggs, vanilla, brandy/rum/bourbon and a garnish of freshly grated nutmeg.
                  EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


                  • #10
                    OMG someone who doesn't know what egg nog is??? The horror

                    Typically it's drunk with liquor in it but I love it plain straight out of the carton. Have ever since I was about 5 years old. NUMMY!
                    Great YouTube channel check it out!


                    • #11
                      Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                      Think sort of a vanilla-y nutmeg-gy milk shake. Properly it is milk, cream, eggs, vanilla, brandy/rum/bourbon and a garnish of freshly grated nutmeg.
                      Don't forget the sugar
                      Great YouTube channel check it out!


                      • #12
                        I love when people get in trouble and they scream "I have RIGHTS!", like a few episodes of COPS that I've seen. It's too comical and just sickly funny.

                        I hate parking vultures. I really do.
                        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                        • #13
                          Quoth Shalom View Post
                          Oh, and what the hell is Egg Nog anyway?
                          Delicious. Thought you have to get the right brand, some just suck. My favorite brand is local to my hometown, and that makes me sad.

                          Basically, it's eggs and cream and rum (brandy?) and some spices. Though most kinds in stores are alcohol free. If you're worried about committing to an entire thingy from the store, there are recipes online that make only one or two glasses.
                          The High Priest is an Illusion!


                          • #14
                            Quoth ArcticChicken View Post
                            Yup...that right there.
                            Great YouTube channel check it out!


                            • #15
                              Quoth AccountingDrone View Post
                              Think sort of a vanilla-y nutmeg-gy milk shake. Properly it is milk, cream, eggs, vanilla, brandy/rum/bourbon and a garnish of freshly grated nutmeg.
                              We only get 30 sweet, noggy days.
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

