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once again, I will fail to feel sympathy for our property manager

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  • once again, I will fail to feel sympathy for our property manager

    So, once again I am parked in visitor parking tonight, because once again the cunts next door have decided to let their guests use my space (and they try to pull the race card that the guests are from Mexico, how can we expect them to understand assigned parking... umm, Mexico city does have assigned parking spaces at apartments and business, but nice try though), and once again when I called the after hours line all they could do was tell me that there was nothing they could do, but I was more than welcome to use guest parking (which by the way is on the opposite side of the complex) for the night and move my car whenever my space vacated... I'm sorry, no, it is my space, and if those fuckers weren't too lazy to post tow away signs, I could have my space vacant at any time I desire... but nope, too lazy, just deal with visitor parking... it's not as if we're paying $150 a month in property management fees or anything... oh wait...
    So yes, when I speak to the subhuman excuse for man flesh known as the head property manager next week, I doubt I'll feel too sorry for him having to deal with me.
    If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song

  • #2
    Hmmm. The apartment complex doesn't have a tow truck company on retainer?


    • #3
      Paging Argabarga...... we need you here....
      Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


      • #4
        Here's how the conversation should go:

        CB: Cuntwaffle Neighbor
        SE: Smiley Eagle

        SE: you have guests in my parking space. Please ask them to move their cars.
        CB: They are from Mexico, they don't understand assigned parking.
        SE: I don't care. They are in my space. Tell them to move NOW.
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
          I'm sorry, no, it is my space, and if those fuckers weren't too lazy to post tow away signs, I could have my space vacant at any time I desire... but nope, too lazy, just deal with visitor parking...
          Assuming said signs even exist (which I doubt, based on your description of the people) could you offer to post them yourself? The work would be totally worth the look on people's faces when you had their cars towed.


          • #6
            CB: They are from Mexico, they don't understand assigned parking.
            "Mueva su coche. Usted no puede parquear en algĂșn otro el punto asignado."

            There, now they will be able to understand.


            • #7
              Quoth FArchivist View Post
              Hmmm. The apartment complex doesn't have a tow truck company on retainer?
              oh, my sides hurt
              very funny

              This last snow storm it took them three days to get the sidewalks cleared (and I'm not entirely sure that wasn't just the snow and ice melting), last year it took them three months to fix a broken lid on the dumpster, in over a year of complaining they still haven't trimmed the trees in front of our building that hang low over the sidewalks, and we've been waiting for a copy of the financials (which I'm pretty sure by state law they are required to provide upon request, at least in Nevada property management companies are required to provide that for residents who request them, so I assume Utah has a similar law) for two years now, we did get one three years ago, but it was wrong (anyone with even a basic understanding of accounting will know everything they need to know about how wrong it was with this one sentence, they had a negative accounts receivable... for those not familiar with accounting, assuming you are following GAAP as set by FASB, trust me those acronyms mean something , it is theoretically impossible to have a negative accounts receivable).
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                This reminds me of a conversation my brother and I had when I was still living at home. For some reason (possibly some stupid video game) he refused to move his car, or even give me the keys. Keep in mind that I was leaving for work! It went something like this...

                Me: Either you can move the car, or you can give me the keys.
                Him: Fuck you, I'm busy
                Me: Ok, but if I have to move're not going to like it. I'm going to put a brick through the window, pop it into neutral, and push it over the hill. Move the fucking car!

                It's a good thing my mother came down, and moved the car...
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                  the guests are from Mexico, how can we expect them to understand assigned parking

                  Mexico is not a third world country Mexico is not a third world country Mexico is not a third world country Mexico is not a third world country Mexico is not a third world country Mexico is not a third world country Mexico is not a third world country Mexico is not a third world country
                  IS NOT
                  A THIRD WORLD COUNTRY
                  "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                  • #10
                    Quoth Panacea View Post
                    Here's how the conversation should go:

                    CB: Cuntwaffle Neighbor
                    SE: Smiley Eagle

                    SE: you have guests in my parking space. Please ask them to move their cars.
                    CB: They are from Mexico, they don't understand assigned parking.
                    SE: Then explain it to them and tell them to move NOW.
                    Fixed that.
                    Life is too short to not eat popcorn.
                    Save the Ales!
                    Toys for Tots at Rooster's Cafe


                    • #11
                      We get threatening notes every spring and fall about parking here, and that it's for tenants only, and anyone who does not have a parking pass will be towed, and we are encouraged to call right away if someone is in our spot. Threaten threaten threaten if you let your guests park in other people's spots threaten threaten threaten.

                      Yeah, someone was in my spot once or twice. Called up the property management company. They didn't feel like dealing with it. I was told to park in the handicapped spot and just to note down the plate and make and model of the vehicle in case it happens again.

                      So from now on, if someone is in my spot, I'm calling a tow truck myself, and seeing if that doesn't get me any results. If not, I'll call the cops.

                      Another reason I hate this property management company....they threaten you within an inch of your lease if you do/don't do this or that, but when push comes to shove, it's nothing at all.
                      You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                      • #12
                        Quoth blas View Post

                        Another reason I hate this property management company....they threaten you within an inch of your lease if you do/don't do this or that, but when push comes to shove, it's nothing at all.
                        So live on the wild side and light a candle
                        Great YouTube channel check it out!


                        • #13
                          Quoth PepperElf View Post
                          "Mueva su coche. Usted no puede parquear en algĂșn otro el punto asignado."

                          There, now they will be able to understand.
                          Correct me if I'm wrong, but you'll want to use "carro" here. "Coche" while correct is more of a regional term in Spain.
                          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                          • #14
                            Quoth blas View Post
                            We get threatening notes every spring and fall about parking here, and that it's for tenants only, and anyone who does not have a parking pass will be towed, and we are encouraged to call right away if someone is in our spot. Threaten threaten threaten if you let your guests park in other people's spots threaten threaten threaten.
                            Yeah, we get similar here. "Only one car per apartment in the lot; rest on the street. Don't let your guests here. Parking passes only; cars with no passes will be towed. Yadda yadda yadda."

                            Since we started taking my oldest to preschool this year, I've been noticing the lot being more full than it should. There are two cars right outside our stairwell that I'm pretty sure both belong to our upstairs neighbors. Parents for kids at the two nearby schools and the in-complex daycare tend to hog our spots when they pick up or drop off their kids. One of our building coordinators is pretty sure some of the local staff parks here too, despite both schools having parking lots. There have been times when I've had to park halfway across the complex when I get home from dropping my daughter off, and said coordinator has had to park in the neighboring complex's lot (which is a lot bigger) once or twice. Despite seeing a university police car in the lot during morning drop-off and seeing several cars without parking passes of any sort in the window, I've never seen anyone get towed. Really frustrating.

                            I wish they would actually assign one space per apartment, complete with number on the pavement and tow-warning signs, so I can do something about the lack of parking in my own complex's lot, but the way things go around here, it wouldn't get done for another two years or so.
                            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                            • #15
                              Quoth smileyeagle1021 View Post
                              we've been waiting for a copy of the financials (which I'm pretty sure by state law they are required to provide upon request
                              The only states that have have passed laws and regulations governing the practice of community association management are Alaska, California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Florida, Illinois, Georgia, Nevada and Virginia. I'm licensed in Florida, and can tell you that the most important regulation is the production and independant auditing of year-end financials. Any reputable management company should have both the most recent and the most recent audited financial in an electronic version, ready to send out to whoever asked for it. Want to know where all your money went? Here you go! In Florida, I can charge for copies, but e-mail is so much easier for everyone.

                              Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                              I wish they would actually assign one space per apartment, complete with number on the pavement and tow-warning signs, so I can do something about the lack of parking in my own complex's lot, but the way things go around here, it wouldn't get done for another two years or so.
                              Having a strict parking policy that includes warnings and towing is essential to the operation of any multi-unit housing. Residents should be named on the lease and have a valid ID if they get a parking permit. This ensures that any kind of background checking or deposit holding gets done. Others should have visitor passes or get warnings or towing. This ensures that your residents have access to the parking they paid for, lets you know who is visiting your community if trouble breaks out, and clears the lot of any stolen or dumped cars.

                              Many times, I'll see dozens of cars use a parking lot as a carpool and get their cars towed while they are out drinking or causing trouble. Come the morning, when they look for their cars, it turns out that none of them live there or had any legal reason for being there. Go do that somewhere else.

