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Please end your cell phone conversation before using the self service centers!

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  • Please end your cell phone conversation before using the self service centers!

    Disney World is one of the last places you would expect someone to complain about something or anything, not to mention someone or anyone. Yet, this weekend, while I was there with my family, I dealt with one of those "I'm on an important call on my cell phone and don't care if I'm holding up the line" type of people. We stayed at the All Star Music hotel, which is very family oriented, and very affordable. However, you still will find someone like this staying there.

    It was Sunday morning, a little after 9am, and crowds of people were in the dining area. After my wife and I got our food and sat down with our children, I decided to go get our coffee at the self serve area. So, I took my two cups up there and came to the creamer machine. Just as I finished putting cream in our cups, this woman comes up on a cellular phone, telling whomever it was what they were doing, what rides they were going on, what the cost of the hotel was, and so on, right in front of the coffee dispenser! What made this worse was she wasn't even up there to get coffee, she was there to get a soda (yes, they serve those at breakfast). This was a good place for her to park herself with her tray of food and napkins while she had a personal conversation on her cell phone. After about thirty seconds of this, I had to say "excuse me!" to her, but it was to no avail. She continued talking away (while not doing anything else) to where I nearly had to push her out of the way. Of course, I did not attack her, just nudged her to get her attention. She moved, but kept talking away as if it was nothing to her.

    They should put signs over every self service counter, every buffet in every restaurant that say something like, "Please leave your cellular phones at your table and have consideration for other people at these counters." Maybe people like this would be on their guard.
    Last edited by greensinestro; 01-22-2007, 07:15 PM.

  • #2
    The only problem, with leaving them at the table, is it will get stolen. Stores can have signs out saying stuff, but no one will understand what it says. They will just look at it, read it, and then continue on, doing what it says not too
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
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    • #3
      I've always been a fan of the idea of lining the walls and roof of retail establishments with a material that will block a cellular signal. Make the building one big-ass dead spot, and you won't have any cell SCs.
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      • #4
        Quoth SuperDan View Post
        I've always been a fan of the idea of lining the walls and roof of retail establishments with a material that will block a cellular signal. Make the building one big-ass dead spot, and you won't have any cell SCs.
        I'm for that at times myself, but it can still be a pain. I shop every weekend at the local Target, and these new supercenter stores seem to be lined with that type of material. Either that, or a force field of some kind that blocks cellular signals. Reminds me of "Star Trek The Next Generation" whenever the away team was on a planet. First thing to go were the communicators, and it was always because the planet had a field that blocked comm signals.

        In any case, I don't mind people who talk on their cell phones. My point in this post were the rude people who will bop right in front of you, and park themselves while being totally oblivious to those around them.


        • #5
          Quoth SuperDan View Post
          I've always been a fan of the idea of lining the walls and roof of retail establishments with a material that will block a cellular signal. Make the building one big-ass dead spot, and you won't have any cell SCs.
          This would be a risky move and could cause a customer backlash. If I'm at, say a grocery store, I like to be able to whip out my cell and ask my fiance what it is I'm supposed to pick up that I don't remember. I'm definitely NOT one of those annoying cell phone people, but I do occasionally use it in public places where I need to get important information (I do always keep the calls short).


          • #6
            Mythbusters proved that all it takes to really block a cell signal is some copper mesh. Doesn't seem like it would be that hard to wrap a building in it.
            The only words you said that I understood were "His", "Phone" and "Ya'll". The other 2 paragraphs worth was about as intelligible as a drunken Teletubby barkin' come on's at a Hooter's waitress.


            • #7
              Having a theatre with the cell-blocking tiles sounds like a fantastic idea, though. And restaraunts. I'd almost go as far as cars, too, but that's only because I've been in a few too many situations on my motorcycle that could have been avoided if the person were paying attention to their driving instead of dialing/crying baby/newspaper/radio/lunch/cigarette/makeup/etc. I've actually seen people on the road smoking, on the phone (without a hands free) and driving a stick. Notice, 'people,' not one person. I don't know why these individuals think that driving is so low on their priority list. They're only hurtling down a road (not made of foam) at 45mph+, barely looking at said road, barely paying attention, and they act surprised when it's time for them to change lanes and *poof* there's me sitting directly left/right. I make it a point to never be in a blind spot if I can help it, and these idiots always manage to make me want to lose weight.

              In New York, there are fine establishments that have seperate areas for cell phone users and smoking, too. That's always special since if you aren't a smoker, you either go outside or endure the smoke filled room. Of course, I've also read where some people have installed cell phone jammers.... I'm a little jealous of those people. I want one. :P

              edit: Found something interesting here... Dig the cards! Too bad they can't spell your.
              Last edited by Kilamon; 01-24-2007, 09:45 PM.
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