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Trashy stories. (share your own)

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  • Trashy stories. (share your own)

    What is the strangest thing you have either put in the trash compactor, bailer, incinerator, or garbage can; and gotten away with? Was it official, or were you just lucky your bosses didn't catch you? I've got a few myself, so here they are:

    1.) Water heater in a Trash Compactor. Yes, it was official, though I think the trash guys didn't like it. Hey, my boss said do it. You know though, those things are lined with glass? So, when you cycle the compactor, they make a rather neat and satisfying crunching sound. Scares the snot out of anyone inside the store mind you, but still it's cool.

    2.) (not my story) Friend of mine was working at a grocery store that still used their incinerator. One day he and some other guys noticed if you flicked a bit of flour in the flames, it'd sparkle. Well, one brainiac got the idea of flicking a whole lot more. Grabbing a bad bag of flour, he cut the top open and proceded to throw the whole thing in. The cloud of dust caught fire and a rather large blue flame darted out of the machine only to singe all the hair off his face. Didn't hurt him otherwise, but he learned his lesson.

    3.) One whole case of paint cans in the bailer. This one was a bit of an accident, I at the time was working the bailer, and didn't know that one of our managers; in a rather lazy attempt at getting rid of some paint, had tossed it up in the machine. I say lazy, because I hope he wasn't that stupid. Still, the stuff had gotten compressed somewhat, but hadn't crushed the cans. I had this huge load of boxes that I just tossed in, and then stood at the side of the machine to cycle it. Walking away, I suddenly hear a series of loud WHUMPS! Turning back, I see that our bailer is now several colors, from neon day glow pink, to a rather nice chartruse and several mixes there in.

    4.) (father's story) My dad worked at a company that made lawnmowers and chainsaws. (primarily chainsaws.) His company had decided to build this burn off oven outside the plant, with the idea being that anything which had paint on it that could be salvaged, from engine parts, to paint hooks; would be placed in these large bins and put in this oven. The fire would burn off the paint, and then they'd reclaim what they could. Cost them several hundred thousand dollars and two EPA permits to get it, so the big day came. The day of the first load. A forklift came up with this large metal basket with a large lump (maybe close to a short ton) of painted chainsaw parts to reclaim. They loaded up the machine and turned it on. Dad said a few minutes later he heard fire alarms going off and they ran to his office. You see, corporate had missed something when they came up with the oven idea. Well, several somethings. 1.) The chainsaw housing was made from an alloy of aluminium and magnesium. This was done to keep the weight down. 2.) Magnesium burns. 3.) Once it gets burning, you can't put it out. By the time he gets out there, the oven's gas has been shut off, but it's too late. The steel was begining to drip, droop and well suffice to say they had to keep a hose on it for three days before it all cooled down. You know, I never thought concrete could actually burn, but apparently it can.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    I was once told to put a cat carcass in there.....It was really...really smelly. BUt kind of funny I guess?


    • #3
      I've never put anything remotely interesting in the trash compactor. I must be getting old....because I've never even thought about it. What's happening to me?
      When I worked at a fast food place in high school, we used to put all sorts of crazy shit into the deep-fryer.

      If you have to ask, it's probably better posted at


      • #4
        Rumor has it, paint cans in the compactor at the "old" store.

        At Goodwill, vases and whatnot that made nice smashing sounds. Just be careful of potential glass fragments flying around...
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5

          Oh wow reps! those are golden!

          I actually got permission for this one. I handle tmy store's Destroy In Field software and similar stuff. Strategy Guides for games are amongst those but aren't on a regular list, so I go through them once a week and pull all the old ones.

          When I first did this, I had about 3-40strategy guides to destroy, and tearing them is a pain. So I asked if I could put them in a bin with some holes cut out and soak them.

          Yup, soak them, basically drown them then toss them out.

          I got permission and did so. Well I forgot that these were glossy paper, so they don't ruin very fast. I let them soak for a good 30 mins then drained them.

          I also forgot that wet paper and water is possibly some of the heaviest things going, so draining it got to be interesting.

          I finished the draining and tossed them out. What the water didn't wreck by itself, the freezing cold temps would positively destroy.
          I AM the evil bastard!
          A+ Certified IT Technician


          • #6
            Not at work, but when we were moving my mom out of the house she'd lived in for 30 plus years, we managed to toss a lot of interesting stuff. We waited until they went on a vacation to Greece and then we got started on the downstairs. She had a lot of crap down there, to the point where there was just little trails through stuff.
            We found financial documents from before I was born, underwear from my sisters when they were growing up , etc.
            Among the most amusing were a lot of jars of canned goods that my sisters remembered canning back in the 70's, several of which had their seals broken, so the cherries and other fruit inside were all shriveled. Mom wanted us to save the jars, but there was no way we were gonna open them. Mmmm...nothing like a little botulism....
            Also, there was an old houseplant that had keeled a long time ago, and she caught me throwing the entire thing in the trash trailer. She made me climb back in to get it so she could shake the dirt out onto the garden, admonishing me that it was "perfectly good dirt". No, she hasn't lived that one down yet.

            Egads, that house was a freaking time capsule from the 60's and 70's, all the crap in there. When she came back from vacation and saw what we had done to the downstairs, she looked like she was about to go nuclear. I promptly drove back to college for the rest of the week (I came home to help my sisters on the weekend)


            • #7
              One day I came in to find a cartload of lightbulbs. You know the long ones that are used in department stores. On the boxes it said 'GARBAGE'. There was about 50 of them in total.

              My co-worker and I couldnt believe that these are all garbage so i went to my GM and asked him. He said 'Yes, throw them all out.'

              The next half an hour was us seeing how far back we copuld get and bust em into the compacter mucho fun!
              Fan? This is shit. Shit? Meet fan.


              • #8
                I got to see what happens to a shopping cart when it goes into the compactor This one had been hit by a car and wasn't worth fixing. It was so bent up, that getting it into the back of the store was interesting. But, once inside, it met its death--and got crushed into a little cube
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  Quoth Department stores *sigh* View Post
                  One day I came in to find a cartload of lightbulbs. You know the long ones that are used in department stores.

                  The next half an hour was us seeing how far back we copuld get and bust em into the compacter mucho fun!
                  geez, you're lucky you know. Apparently, some bulbs like that have mercury in them, and busting open that many, in any kind of enclosed space, could have been extremely hazardous.
                  Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                  • #10
                    Not at work, but at school when they were clearing out some old air raid shelters with the idea of changing them to the new 6th form block, the teachers lit a bonfire. Myself and 2 other girls had the bright idea of throwing this batch of old aerosol cans we found in said air raid shelters. Cue massive explosions causing several teachers to jump out of their skins.
                    People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                    My DeviantArt.


                    • #11
                      We put shopping carts from a competitor in our baler, then put them in the back of my truck and dropped them off on their store managers lawn. Just one prank out of many we played back and forth.
                      If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                      • #12
                        I threw a TV in the compactor once. Sadly it didn't go boom quite like I was hoping it would.

                        The worst I saw was a bonehead who put half a pallet of soda in the baler. That left one hell of a mess to clean up.
                        "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

                        When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!


                        • #13
                          This wasn't trashy, but the closest.

                          Slow day at the zoo, and one of the guys nuked a whole egg in the microwave.

                          IT didnt explode at first, and in dissapointment, he took it out...

                          THEN it blew,right in his face. It left yolk on the ceiling.

                          A good laugh. luckily the guy was nearly 7 feet tall so could clean it off the ceiling.

                          Trivia: A frozen hot dog will completely thaw and cook in a deep fryer in the time it takes to say 'one' and then lift the basket. We called it 'flash frying'
                          Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                          • #14
                            I heard rumour once that there's been a cat in the baler before...I'm really, really glad I wasn't there for that. I'd have cried for days. I'm hoping our squirrel friend that lives in the back room doesn't decide the cardboard is comfy.

                            I've never gotten the chance to put anything really special in the compactor, but I do enjoy flinging glass bottles at the wall of it. While imagining it's Boss Lady's face, naturally.

                            I wanna smash a cart.
                            Discourtesy Clerk, purveyor of fine hay bales, pine scented douche and stuff that's not in bins since July 2006.


                            • #15
                              This isn't quite as sexy a story as some of the others. Just mind-numbingly stupid.

                              What's going to go in our compactor eventually is about 20 shopping carts full of trash that has been collected around the store and left by the compactor since Thursday night.

                              This is because the dumpster got full Thursday night and the compactor wouldn't run anymore. What's more, the dumpster cannot be removed because the nuclear physicists building our walk-in clinic put their dumpster in front of ours; therefore the truck cannot pick up the dumpster for the compactor and replace it with an empty one.

                              I'm just thankful this is not the dog days of summer. That would be just plain nasty.
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

