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YEILD! As in SLOW the **** down!

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  • YEILD! As in SLOW the **** down!

    I was going to originally post this in Sucky Customers; but I'm not sure it should go there. It's not exactly a sighting either, more a mild rambling about some bad drivers in parkinglots. I trust the admins to figure out where it goes and stuff it there.

    You know, I sometimes wonder if people read when they drive. No, I'm not talking about the guy in the carpool lane reading the wallstreet journal. I mean, the signs and the little paint things in the roads. Ok, big paint things. You'd think people wouldn't miss a sign whose letters are six feet long. Still they seem to.

    How many times have you been wandering across a parking lot, let's say at your local huge blue and grey department store only to come to that no man's land of black and white stripes. Yes, it's the cross walk. Either side of it guarded by these huge comforting letters that spell, in various faded forms. "YEILD." Looking both ways you see no car coming, and set off across the terrain. Each step with as much trepidation that a world war one private may have had upon hearing the order to go over the top.

    It happens every time. You're halfway across, and then suddenly you're shocked to see a car, sometimes it's a low sports car with some balding fellow stuck in the 1980's driving; other times it's one of those sport utility vehicles that have never been used in mud. Still others, it's a car that's held together by duct tape, baling wire, and prayers. Lots of prayers. These vehicles don't slow down for you, or if they do, the driver gives you a hard angry stare. How DARE you walk in the cross walk. Can't you see that the signs say Yeild?

    There have been some serious near misses in my time. Many a mirror has been knocked askew by my pained look as I jump back; praying I don't land on the car that likely had followed me up the ailse. Several times, I've screamed and gestured rudely at drivers; only to be cursed in return. Only once, just once, have I ever been hit. That is if you consider having your toes run over by a jetta as being hit.

    Just once, I'd love to see someone take revenge. Maybe Candid camera could get in on it. Put those "tire damager" things under the crosswalk, so the next car that tries to enter when a person is there; ends up with four nice flats. Yeah, that'd teach them. It wouldn't take long for the idea to catch on; before long pedestrians would have the right of way again, not the right of pray. Parkinlots would no longer resemble a warped model of bumper cars, complete with small person targets. Ooo look mommy. There's someone in the cross walk. Speed up he's worth more points!

    Ah, it's silly really. If people would just read, not read and drive, but read. And remember. Yeild, is not a personal challenge.
    Last edited by NightAngel; 02-07-2007, 08:49 PM.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    I've had my share of idiots running through Yield signs. You'd think that seeing someone bearing down on you at speed with no stop/yield signs in their way would be a HUGE hint to use that middle pedal for once in your life.

    The majority of incidents I've had with Yield signs comes at off-ramps. One time, I'm driving along at the speed limit of 45 MPH past this one off-ramp, and there's an old couple in a big pickup truck coming down the ramp. He pauses, then pulls right out in front of me. I just had time to lock the brakes, and come to a literal screeching halt and keep from putting the Chevy bowtie in his door. As it turns out, he was headed into Wal-mart like I was. I gave him a stare of death as I walked past (he parked closer to the door than I did... I prefer the exercise!). His wife had already gone inside, and as I passed her, I heard her say, 'Well, this guy was really in a rush..' I held my tongue, but I wanted to rip her a new one. Who was the one in the rush? Me, with the right of way, driving along, or the guy who runs through a Yield sign without yielding, when there's a car /clearly/ coming up towards him?

    My wife had an incident with another off ramp. She's driving along, comes up to the ramp, and this group of young punks barrels through the sign and merges, just barely missing her, and they had the balls to give her the one fingered salute because she didn't yield to their almighty presence.

    It makes me think they've really lowered the bar on the eye exams for driver's licenses.
    A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


    • #3
      My last store is in a strip mall with a bunch of other stores. BN is the anchor at one end, and Best Buy is at the other. I would come in on the BB side and there are 3 stop signs to get to the other end. The second one I go through is an all way stop, which is the front entrance from the highway, and usually not a problem. The first one is the other entrance from the side street, which has 2 lanes, right and left turn. That entrance only has a stop sign from the direction I'm going; the people coming in have the right of way. I'll be coming up to that sign, and sometimes people making the left will be nice and try to let you go across. But then there will be people coming up in the right turn lane and they're not always so nice. So you hesitate, or start to go and stop short in the middle cuz the person turning right won't let you go. Which they don't have to cuz they have the right of way. So everyone is all confused. Or else, the people coming in that way will stop even though they don't have a stop sign, and then you both start to go cuz you think they're letting you, but they move and everyone slams on the brakes.... Grrr. It should be one lane, everyone gets a stop sign. Much less confusion that way.

      One of the shopping centers near me has a Target at one end and a supermarket at the other. They both have moveable stop signs in the MIDDLE of the crosswalks. So you can't drive too fast in there cuz you risk hitting the stop sign. And if you somehow "don't see" the huge white lines painted there there's a big sign right in your face. And the supermarket is usually busy enough that people have to go slow anyway. I've never really seen a big problem with that lot.
      I don't go in for ancient wisdom
      I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
      It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


      • #4
        A funny joke my mom sent to me:

        A car was at a yield sign...and waited...and waited...and waited for oncoming traffic to have a break in the action.

        Finally, someone who was waiting a few cars behind for quite some time shouted, "It says yield, not SURRENDER!!!"

        I told that one to my driving teacher. He almost lost it from laughing so hard.
        I'm bringing disdain back...with a vengeance.

        Oh, and your tool box got out again.


        • #5
          That was beautiful.
          Titanicesque, evn.
          "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


          • #6
            Quoth Bella_Vixen View Post
            A funny joke my mom sent to me:

            A car was at a yield sign...and waited...and waited...and waited for oncoming traffic to have a break in the action.

            Finally, someone who was waiting a few cars behind for quite some time shouted, "It says yield, not SURRENDER!!!"

            I told that one to my driving teacher. He almost lost it from laughing so hard.

            That is pretty good actually. I hate drivers who are uber conservative. I don't mind people who take their time, but...


            • #7
              Ages ago, I was going to a concert with 3 of my friends. We were getting on the highway by one of two onramps that merged together. The other way had a stop sign, the way we were going did not. Didn't stop the other idiot from barrelling straight across on almost hitting us. We both slammed on the breaks, and my one friend yelled at the guy, "'Stop' is not a suggestion!"
              Sometimes life is altered.
              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
              Uneasy with confrontation.
              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


              • #8
                Try hauling a horse trailer around anywhere. People drive so badly around me, it's ridiculous, especially since my stop time is greatly reduced, extra especially if I've got the 4 horse gooseneck trailer fully loaded.
                Honestly, Ernie the farm truck is not a vehicle you want to get hit by. What's another dent to him? He's got nearly 200,000 miles on him, his windows are caulked shut to keep them from falling into the door, he's a loud smelly diesel made back in the day when trucks were made out of metal, not plastic, and he WILL screw up your little Honda without thinking twice about it.

                Regardless, people ride my ass, zip around me and cut me off, blah blah blah. I do have to say it makes me a better driver when I'm in my car simply because I have learned to drive so far ahead of myself, and my dickwad-radar is highly attuned to the morons who may wish to attempt bodily harm me.


                • #9
                  Heh - we have trucks that can weight up to eighteen tonnes. The drivers report that many car drivers (the ones they notice, anyway) seem to think that lumbering beasts such as that can brake on a sixpence.

                  "He's on the slip road to come onto the motorway. He spends a couple hundred yards not even looking, and at the last minute sees me. I can't move into the next lane, and I can't lose momentum or I'm stuffed for that hill coming up. He's beeping for me to slow down, but it's not happening. Those dotted bits on the road mean it's his 'give way', and by the hair on my back he's giving way. He's not happy about it, but tough."

                  Nearly accurate quote.



                  • #10
                    Going along with this if the sign says do not enter or one way and it is not pointing the way your car is pointing then maybe you shouldnt go there?

                    I was in town today and has this happen to me twice. What is really annoying is i was in my farm truck A 1/2 ton 4x2 Dodge Ram. not a small dakota. I was cutting down an alley which was narrow enough that a person would have to flatten against the building if I drove by them. It is one way.

                    I get almost to the end when a guy comes whipping in off the street at that end. Not only ignoring the sidwalk but the do not enter sign at the end. Fortunately he did not ignore the large black truck coming at him and slammed to a stop and backed out. So much fun.

                    The second time I was leaving BK through the exit. The largely and plainly marked exit only exit. When this lady in a Ranger decides to come flying in throuhg that opening. If I hadnt been paying attention We would have been testing the brand name of my truck.
                    Last edited by Rahmota; 01-30-2007, 02:12 AM.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Rahmota View Post
                      The second time I was leaving BK through the exit. The largely and plainly marked exit only exit. When this lady in a Ranger decides to come flying in throuhg that opening. If I hadnt been paying attention We would have been testing the brand name of my truck.
                      I had that situation the other way around. I was coming up towards a Panera Bread, and as I'm about to pass the entrance to the place, this car decides to use it as an exit and pulled out in front of me. The squealing brakes of a pride of Detroit, 1978 Chevy Nova coming within inches of plowing into her car was enough to get /me/ a dirty look. I returned it with venom.

                      On another note... have you noticed how people are starting to get lazy about dimming their brights at night? Ticks me off. I always dim mine as a courtesy because with my eyes being photo-sensitive (I always squint in bright sunlight, it can get painful sometimes), bright headlights will blind me. Not a good thing. I've had several people who don't, even after I flash mine to drive the point home. "Hey, numbskull! I dimmed mine, now return the favor!" Sometimes it works, other times, I have to hope I keep the car on the road.
                      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


                      • #12
                        ITGRUNT: Yeah I love it when they come flying up and cut you off then its all your fault you almost turned their sedan into a subcompact. Makes me so proud to be a member of the human race.

                        I've noticed that about the lights as well. Some of it I think is the types of lights they are as I've seen people go to low beam and it not change the brightness by that much.

                        I have light sensitive eyes as well and it does bother me too though. A bigger beef I have is folks who have their lights so far out of alignment that they car looks cockeyed either that or they have one headlight pointing straight up and the other at the road right in front of them. I mean cmon even if you have to duct tape the light to the car at least use the good stuff that will keep it pointing in the general direction of in front of you.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Rapscallion View Post
                          Heh - we have trucks that can weight up to eighteen tonnes. The drivers report that many car drivers (the ones they notice, anyway) seem to think that lumbering beasts such as that can brake on a sixpence.
                          People pull that crap here too. They all forget that a full-loaded truck can (and will) easily knock their car into next week. It doesnt' stop them from trying to pull out in front of one though. Same thing with buses. I got to see the aftermath of a bus accident on the way to work one morning. Some idiot in a Honda ran a stop sign...and pulled out in front of a city bus. Said bus nailed the Honda hard, and knocked it on its side Car was totaled, while the bus had some frontal damage.
                          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                          • #14
                            See, now I was taught that you don't merge back in front of someone until you can see BOTH their headlights in your rearview (puts you about... 10 car-lengths in front of the vehicle, I think). My mom's a horrible "weaver"... and she drives a freaking Grand Caravan! Ugh. (this is why I didn't want to let my parents teach me to drive LOL)
                            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                            • #15
                              On the subject of large trucks, I haven't a lot of sypathy for these compact drivers cutting in and out in front of them, because they CAN'T "stop on a sixpence." So how come these jerkwad truck drivers ride people's bumpers?

                              They KNOW they cant' stop. Why get behind me in the slow lane and ride my ass? Do they not care that they'll probably kill me and my baby if they hit us? I guess it doesn't matter to them, seeing as how they are driving the much larger vehicle and are therefore safer.

                              Usually, I just very carefully, very slowly, start slowing way down and creeping. I figure the slower I'm going the more likely I'll be to survive an accident like this.

                              I hate large trucks. Too many are driven by completely brain dead idiots.

