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Was I sucky, or not?

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  • Was I sucky, or not?

    This has been stewing for some time now, and I finally snapped. Managed to get a bag boy at my local grocery store in trouble too. The question I have, is while I know my comment was a bit snarky, was it sucky of me or him?


    There is this young boy, his name evades me, but he comes across as being a real smart a$$. Every comment I make around him, has some kind of retort or this really smart alecky look and then a comment. It's as though he doesn't believe a thing I say. Now I don't really care what he thinks, but there have been some times when he was particularly irritating. Case in point: I was talking to a friend of mine about a computer I recently got. I'd taken part in this product testing deal, and managed to get a good computer for the company. (the idea being if I liked the one, I would buy more to match it. I may, but that's not the point here) Commenting to a girl I know at the store, he happened to over hear this and began to prod me every time I was in the store with a very snotty "Did you get it yet?" Over and over and over...and well yesterday I snapped.

    He had asked me, for the umpteenth time in a rather snide voice. "So, you do any work?" or something similar. In reference to the company. (note, currently, MJ12 is not located in my home city.) I answered yeah, commented a bit on it; only to have him say right to me. "Oh come on. What do you really do?" I looked at him and just repeated my position, to which he responded quote. "Yeah. You keep telling yourself that." His tone was very rude, and well it was that which pushed me over the edge. I said loudly, not yelling mind, but I did raise my voice some "Tell me, were you born a smarta$$, or do you have to practice? Next time I want any crap from you, I'll pinch your head okay?"

    Well the manager over heard this, came over and asked what was the matter as the bag boy tried to make himself scarce. One of the customers behind me chimed in, saying that this boy had been very rude; and they too were tired of it. The last I saw of him, the manager had him following him into the office.

    I'm told by the girl I know, that he's been written up and told to watch his tone.
    Learn wisdom by the follies of others.

  • #2
    Nah, that's not sucky. He was being a little annoying jerk.

    It's really the fact that he kept pushing on it after the first question that does it. If he'd just stopped after the first time, then you may've been sucky.

    This case? Well, let's just hope the write-up straightens him out.
    Character flaws aren't a philosophy -Scott Adams


    • #3
      I'd say imo, not sucky at all. The kid gave you a ration, you responded civilly, he pushed it and was actively rude--so you called him on it but didn't freak out. He needs to learn to STFU. Hope his manager told him something like 'I hear about this again, you're out on your ass and no references'. That might come off as harsh, but I'll bet you're sure not the first person this little punk has treated that way.


      • #4
        Quite frankly, if that kid still has a job at the end of the day, I'll be very disappointed in that manager. What a frigging little snot. We do NOT behave that way with customers, junior!
        GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


        • #5
          I don't think you were sucky at all. Obviously you weren't the only one who noticed his attitude problem.

          I get annoyed all the time with people when I'm the customer--lately I've had issues with pizza boys who act like we're old friends, or like it's no big deal if they forget half my order. No, I'm not going to play along, and no, I'm not giving you a big tip for being "funny."
          "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

          “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford


          • #6
            Nope doesnt sound sucky on your part. Very sucky on little twerps part. Hopefully he learns his lesson soon.


            • #7
              This is a case of sucky employee, not sucky customer, but what you said maybe could've been toned done just a tad...
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                Why should anything have been toned down? This was endured a lot longer than I would have endured it. He asked for it and he got it.

                The guy was a jerk, and indiscrete enough to be one in front of his manager. He's lucky he wasn't picking on someone who was inclined to rearrange his teeth for him.


                • #9
                  Yeah but I bet those kind of customers where the ones Mr Bigshot kept his mouth shut on.

                  Yeah Repsac handled it a lot longer than I would have. Once is funny haha, twice is funny hehe, thrice you sleep with the mice....


                  • #10
                    You know what I thought of? This is off topic, I'm sorry, but slightly relevant. How long will it be, you guys think, before one of us ends up encountering another CS member in a sucky customer situation, and both post different sides of the same story on the forum, and then suddenly realize our climactic meeting?


                    • #11
                      Considering how spread out we are, I'm thinking it would be a rare thing indeed. Which is also another good reason we should all take part in the photo album, so we can recognize each other and avoid such an unpleasant situation!
                      Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                      • #12
                        You were not

                        I will add to everything people have alredy said. SC are not people who get angry, they are people who get angy act unreasonably for no reason at all.
                        That boy was a brat .
                        Well done.
                        ...but I'm a bastard and so desensitized to the scum of humanity that I'm immune to the Stun status effect.
                        Quoth Gravekeeper

