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Your house is trash

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  • Your house is trash

    So, my bf and a few guys that live with us and various other people use our garage to work on their cars and store things (the ones who live in apartments mostly). They pay us for the time, space, and tools they use, so in a sense, they are our customers.
    Only recently have we gotten back full range of everything. The other day, when it was finally warm out, we all went outside pretty early to get stuff picked up and organized. Our one roommate had is car parked in the driveway, with a little bit hanging over in the backyard, no big deal. He had piled all the parts he needed to fix and put back in next to the car in the yard, with a tarp over everything just in case it rained. My bf's truck was parked next to it, waiting its turn to be fixed, while his other car, a college sports car in a sense, was in the garage, getting worked on. They had to leave to go to school. Not long after, our other roommate left for work on his crotch rocket. Myself and our resident old guy (a friend of mine's dad who is staying with us until he get enough money to go back to Florida) were still cleaning and what not. He went inside real quick, so I continue to clean up the backyard. I'm throwing away trash that had appeared after the snow melted. Out of no where, an older lady who lives behind us (who has apparently had "problems" with us before) pops up and just starts ragging on me.

    Summary of her long winded speech: "You tell that greasy bastard (roomie with the rocket) to not rev that engine up so much!I'm tired of listening to it! Your house looks like trash, the grass is disgusting, this yard is filthy! I work my butt off to keep my house looking nice and your house just makes this neighborhood look like the ghetto! All the other neighbors hate you as well and I'm going to call the city council if this doesn't change!"

    I'm just standing there, my hand halfway to the trashcan, with trash in hand, just...speechless. When she finally stops screeching, I politely (very politely) explain things to her about our situation and what not. I apologize profusely, making it sound like I'm a mom apologizing for her children or something. I played it good Surprisingly, she deflates.
    "Oh it's ok sweetie, I'm not blaming you. Thank you for being so nice about this, but really, can you talk them about this..." and she starts in on the condescending tone once more before she leaves.

    Ok, here's the deal: it's a rented property with a dick landlord. He does not let us do ANYTHING to the house without his permission. The dick thing though, is that when we ask him, he never lets us do what we want, or what we need for that matter. Our grass is dying, he won't let us lay sod or grass seed. Our electrical is screwed up (breakers keep blowing for no reason), he won't let us hire an electrician to fix it, even if we pay for it ourselves. Our basement floods, he won't let us put a sump-pump in. If we do anything without asking, he has threatened to take our deposit away. My roommates are all car techs. They have cars that need fixing with little room. You can't see our backyard from the street or anywhere else, unless you are literally IN the backyard, so it's not like it's bothering anyone. The reving? He has to do that to start it. I give him credit, he keeps it as quiet as he possibly can until he hits the highway and when he gets home at 2 in the morning, which is to say pretty damn quiet for a bike. And, yeah, thanks for pretty much calling us trash. It's the first warm day that we are able to get out and try and make the house look better and you're going to yell at me because our landlord is a dick and call our house trash? This is the same lady who called the fire department on us twice on St. Patty's Day last year, saying that we were trying to catch her garage on fire. Our bonfire was to city specs, we were cooking on it, and it was no where near her garage. The fire guys told us our fire was legal and left both times.
    And our other neighbors? The old couple right next door actually told us to keep the noise up! They were so used to those sounds when their son lived at home, that when he left, they had a hard time sleeping. When they moved in, they were having a blast talking to our roomie about his bikes and his quad. The two across the street? Come over and hang out all the time. If they have a problem, they come tell us so we can fix it, which we do. The other houses around us are empty and for sale, so what neighbors have problems with us? This lady is mean, two faced, and a little bit crazy. I would love to see the look on her face when the city council guys come around and find out everyone in the neighborhood loves us! It shall be epic!
    Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

    "I put the laughter in slaughter."

  • #2
    Invite the neighbors to a bbq that day so it's easier for him to find them all.
    I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


    • #3
      If there are repairs you need, send a certified letter to the landlord about the problems (Sump pump, electrical, etc....) with an additional note that if it is not LEGALLY repaired (permits, inspection, etc....) by such and such a date, you will be hiring a proper repair person for those repairs and withholding the repair amount from your rent until it is covered. You may want to check with a local lawyer to make sure that's the proper way to do it, but from numerous court shows that is the way I've heard advised to do it.

      The main problem (especially since you seem to have a shade tree mechanic repairs going on) is that it may eventually lead to an eviction; either the city/state condemning the place, or the landlord using the vehicle repairs and other excuses as a way to boot you.


      • #4
        I'm fairly certain that a landlord cannot legally refuse to have neccessary repairs done to the property.
        Don't wanna; not gonna.


        • #5
          I'd be more worried about the electrical system not being up to code. That's dangerous. Do you have working smoke detectors? If not, I'd get some. It could be a violation of the city housing code to not have them, anyway.

          Same thing with the sump pump. Are the furnace and water heaters down there? A flooded basement could cause damage to those appliances. I'd start looking for somewhere else to live, frankly. Your landlord is a jerk and could be endangering your lives.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            well, should she actually make good on her threat of 'taking it to the town council,' just hand her the landlord's number and tell her to have them contact him and give her a short explanation of just why nothing is done to the property and to have them get him to fix all the issues.

            still, i can understand her problem, but being a bitch about it, as we all know, is the preferred method of all sc's/ew's.
            look! it's ghengis khan!
            Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


            • #7
              Quoth 42_42_42 View Post
              I'm fairly certain that a landlord cannot legally refuse to have neccessary repairs done to the property.
              If that were true, there would not be as many slum lord properties around as there are.

              It depends a lot on local ordinances, and whether or not you have strong tenant rights laws.

              Landlord is obligated to keep the house in good condition as far as safety goes. So the electrical system worries me. That he has an obligation to fix. He may be out of code compliance. Flooding can lead to mold, another health problem that may lead to code compliance issues.

              Unfortunately, you can't do too much on the lawn, though there's nothing to stop you from seeding it if you want to. But other than keeping the grass/weeds cut down, that's all your obligated to do.
              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


              • #8
                Quoth Tithera View Post
                Summary of her long winded speech: "You tell that greasy bastard (roomie with the rocket) to not rev that engine up so much!I'm tired of listening to it! Your house looks like trash, the grass is disgusting, this yard is filthy! I work my butt off to keep my house looking nice and your house just makes this neighborhood look like the ghetto! All the other neighbors hate you as well and I'm going to call the city council if this doesn't change!"
                She'd have kittens if she was in my neighborhood. My sports car is a bit louder than a newer car. Starting it up involves pulling the choke out, waiting for the engine to fire, and then letting it idle a bit. Once things start warming up, I can give it some gas, and start out the garage. After going a block, I can push the choke back in...and the engine will settle down a bit. Also at my place, is the yard. It's very much a work in progress. Sure, the nasty pine trees are gone, but several of the flowerbeds have been torn up, and there's still some rubble leftover from the removal of the front steps. I try to do what I can, but when you work 5 days a week, it takes longer to get things cleaned up
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  Call a lawyer and find out what your rights as a tenant are. You do have the right to a safe place to live, and a malfunctioning electrical box, or a flooding basement, are not safe!
                  Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                  • #10
                    Is there an unmentioned reason you want "Bat-shit Crazy Lady" as a friend? If not, then why the hell apologize to her? People start being rude and ragging they get a STFU and my scary face. (I've made kids cry in the past on accident with it. My kids laugh at it.)


                    • #11
                      Update: Well, my efforts were futile. The bitch indeed called the council and they sent us a lovely letter in the mail stating we had "junk" and trash all over and were given a hefty $350 fine! I called the woman who had inspected our yard (while we weren't home) and she said the pictures she took show that there were cardboard boxes, trash, and various junk lying around. WTF?! I cleaned that yard not even a day before the inspection was dated; how the hell did that much trash get back into the yard?! The junk? Two bikes that we couldn't put in the garage, both in working condition and used when it wasn't raining out. There was an old arm chair that we had cut up and planned on burning when the weather decided to not be stupid, but that has yet to happen. Also, according to her, the tarp covering the car parts was off, thus it was against code. I have no idea how it was "off" cause I personally weighed down every loose piece so it wouldn't blow off randomly and the roommate who owns those parts hasn't had time (as well as shitty weather) to go out and mess with any of it. I asked her if I could see these alleged photos and she refused. I am extremely mad at this point and nearly hang up on the woman, since her snooty tone was getting snottier by minute. I eventually talk her into dropping the fine and giving us a warning if we can clean everything before the date on the letter. I cleaned the yard and moved everything around within 2 hours. I call the lady the next day (since they had closed by the time I was done). I ask if she could come over at all that day, but she refused, saying that she has wait until after trash day since the arm chair frame was still technically junk on our property. Alright fine, how about tuesday? She agreed and I now check our yard almost every few hours like a paranoid crack addict just to be sure nothing screws up the inspection.

                      Now, how did all that trash get back into our yard and the tarp off? I believe the bitch is trying to sabotage us, thus the reason why I check every few hours. Is her life so uneventful that she has to try and ruin a bunch of college kids' day? I so want to do something to her house, but I'm not completely sure which house is hers and I don't want to ruin any of our other neighbors' houses since they've been nice. Still, at least I was able to get the fine removed. There is no way any of us can afford that at the moment. So that, at least, is a win against the bitch. "yeah, we got citied, but didn't have to pay a fine. Didn't expect that did ya? Haha bitch!"
                      Just because they serve you, doesn't mean they like you. And just because they smile and act polite doesn't mean they aren't planning to destroy you.

                      "I put the laughter in slaughter."


                      • #12
                        Quoth Tithera View Post
                        He does not let us do ANYTHING to the house without his permission.
                        This is the part that worries me the most. I'm betting that the "wiring" that's been having problems is a system of extension cords he doesn't want you to know about.
                        There is no problem we cannot ignore, confront, plot against, drown in chocolate sauce, or run over with the car- Christopher Elliot


                        • #13
                          Quoth patiokitty View Post
                          If she isn't willing to show you those pictures then she is likely full of shit. Seriously - you are allowed to fight allegations like that and if they have 'proof' of their claims they are supposed to provide them to you. It could well be that she is buddy buddy with the complaining bitch.

                          Also have you checked the letter has the right phone numbers for the council on. It wouldn't be the first time I have heard of someone faking/sending an "official" letter and having the numbers point to a friends house so that if the recipient calls they believe they are talking to the official company.

                          /I even know a case where someone faked a company and customers and got away with a large amount of money from a bank doing that.
                          I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


                          • #14
                            That or if the inspector is real she just took the old ladies word for it and made the letter with no documentation.


                            • #15
                              Here in California, the legal code says a landlord must maintain a residence in a tenantable condition - it must be safe and all the amenities working properly. No flooding, no electrical problems, no building code violations. He can NOT legally withhold your deposit for your getting these repairs done, and they can NOT be legally charged against you. (I know, I sued an ex-landlord over this and won.) Of course, your local laws may differ, but I'll bet not by much.

                              As to the "city council"? You DO have the right to examine all evidence used against you in legal proceedings (it's called the fourth amendment here in the U.S.) and if they are fining you for a legal violation, it is a legal situation. They can NOT legally refuse to show you their evidence. I suspect the same as others mentioned - it's a scam job.

                              Sounds like the neighborhood party idea is a good one - invite everyone who lives near you EXCEPT her - then wait for her to call in a noise complaint.
                              I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6

