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"yes i said no bun"

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  • #16
    Signs aren't needed if it's a health code issue - just like you don't need a sign on the street saying "If you speed you will get a ticket."

    As to the "no bun?" I would have spoken up when the waitress said "that's how they ordered it" by saying "Yes, I and everyone else heard her order 'no bun.' Why are they complaining that she didn't bring out something they asked her to not bring out? Don't ding her for doing as requested!" (Okay, I may have waited until I was leaving, and pulled the manager aside to say it. And if he did give them something for free for being asses, 1) I would have included that in the corporate survey and 2) been glad that I found a way to get free food!)
    I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


    • #17
      Quoth sweetj82 View Post

      On a sidenote there was a baby there running around in nothing but a diaper. When the manager told the mom that the baby needs to have clothes on the mother demanded to see a sign b/c other than that is doesnt matter.

      Because it's impossible for diaper blowouts to ever happen, so it's not as if anything needs to come between the baby ass gravy and the floor.

      Quoth Kogarashi View Post
      Oh dear, I think Mytical's brain fried. Anyone know how to reboot him?
      When in doubt, percussive maintenance is generally a good idea.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #18
        Quoth Mytical View Post
        Wait..what..wait. Let me get this straight..woman says 'no bun' loud enough for everybody in the whole restaurant to hear...then the family complains there is 'no bun' and gets free ice cream out of it?

        Wait...hold on.. wait....WHAT?!?!
        Here's how this works.

        Sometime recently, the manager stood up to an SC's unreasonable demands and used the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad word "No."

        This, naturally enough, offended the SC, and so s/he went and found how to contact the Manager's Manager (District, Area, Uber-More-Than-One-Building-Boss-Person, whatever). It took this Great and Important higher ranking manager ten whole minutes to get rid of this SC. Ten terrible, horrible, no good, very bad minutes that the Very Important Manager will never have back.

        This, naturally enough, offended the Super-Duper-Manager. And so he came down on the store manager like a ton of feathers (hey, a ton is a ton), asking the poor Manager-of-Only-One-Building why this was something that came up the food chain when the whole things could have been avoided for the price of some free ice cream? (who doesn't like ice cream? It makes everything better, SCs included)

        And so, lesson duly learned, the poor, pitiful Manager-of-Only-One-Building felt his spirit sucked out of him a little more, but he remembered this the next time he thought about standing up to an SC. Instead of saying that terrible, horrible, no good, very bad word "No" he said the terrific, happy, no mess (well, maybe a little mess), very good phrase "Free Ice Cream" instead.

        Does it make more sense now?

        (And yes, something similar recently happened to part of my store management team. I blame the inspiration for this on a particular SC and his love of long-life light-bulbs)


        • #19
          OK, my reply to this is I mean, this horrible bitch of a mother/wife/cunt told the server loud enough "no bun" and then demeans and belittles her with a spiel about doing her job or she would get the manager on her after she brought out the correct order? Then free ice cream comes out of this for her behavior?

          And, not to mention, after the manager is involved, she spits back at him that if there is no sign in the place, she can bring her child in nearly naked? Why he didn't tell her to leave is beyond belief, especially after he caved and gave her a freebie.

          Humanity is at an all time low now.


          • #20
            I would have said something in defense of the waitress, if it was me there would be no way I would keep my mouth shut.


            • #21
              either that or they said "no bun" and decided to change their mind... to justify trying to get food for free, and or cheating the server out of the tip


              • #22
                The SC tracked her down via her IP address for daring to criticize her. Sweetj82 is currently sitting at her computer with a stump where her head used to be.
                Can't reason with the unreasonable.
                The only thing worse than not getting hired is getting hired.


                • #23
                  They shouldn't have gotten anything for free for this.

