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Control your dog

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  • #31
    Quoth Amethyst Hunter View Post
    So am I.

    Fuck her. "Surprisingly nice," my ass. Surprisingly nice people admit when they fucked up and don't condescend to lecture you on what you supposedly did "wrong."

    Fuck her. When the pets are threatened, that's it, we're done here and the gloves are coming off, and you won't like what's underneath 'em.
    QFT. I might have apologized for going off on her like that, but only after SHE apologized first. Bitch.
    "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
    "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
    Amayis is my wifey


    • #32
      Others have beat me to it, so I'll just repeat "You're a better person than I am".

      I wouldn't have apologized to her at all...but then, I'm not a nice person. People just think I am.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #33
        You are not a bad person. If I could, I would purchase you a beer.


        • #34
          I would have never apologized..she didn't deserve an apology. You had remained calm and explained yourself, but she kept talking about having your dog put down?

          She deserved the flip out IMO.


          • #35
            Quoth Rena_Muffin View Post
            This just happened today. I am pissed. I don't usually get too pissed, but I am close to seeing red. I don't know if, in this story, I'm the one at fault and being a horrible person, or if this person is a horrible neighbor. People have posted about neighbors on here though, so I decided to try it.

            Back ground: In December my 15 year old cat died, and then in March my grandma died, and now my dog has to be put down on Friday because he has cancer that's gone to his brain, so it's been a pretty rough year. I've been in an extremely rotten state of mind and I been kinda mood swingy. That's the best way I can explain myself.

            In the neighborhood we live in, there's a bunch of dogs. One family near us has a jack russell terrier(our dog's breed) and he looks almost like our dog, except he's got some brown spots. Before he began exhibiting the symptoms of his condition, our dog used to be pretty cunning in getting out of our back yard. He never got the chance to do much (we would chase him down pretty quick) but one of the newer neighbors I guess got sick with it or something. Maybe this explains why she acted the way she did with this.

            Because the cancer also affected my dog's bladder, I've been heading home early to make sure he can go outside when he needs to. I'm at home at about 2 when the doorbell rings and I go to answer the door. One of the neighbors who I've talked to a few times but don't know very well is at the door and she looks pissed.

            ANL= Angry Neighbor lady
            RM= The depressed Rena Muffin

            ANL: Your dog got out again!

            RM: (looks at the dog whose either been in the back yard or in the house with me) No he didn't. He's been in here with me.

            ANL: That's bulls**t! He got out and he was digging in my yard!

            RM: No, he's-

            ANL: Do you want me to call animal control, have them handle everything? They'll cart him away.

            RM: (now getting annoyed) I seriously doubt that. He's been in the yard, or in the house with me.

            ANL: (In a tone like I'm suddenly a child or just very slow) Oh yes! They'll cart him away. Then, they'll put him to sleep for being such a bad dog.

            RM: (past annoyed, into angry but will not show) Riley (dog's name) has been with me. Are you sure it wasn't (names off the neighbor with the other jack russell).

            ANL: Are you calling me a liar? I'll call the police on you, letting your dog run around like that. That's negligent! That's a crime. You want me to do that?

            And then I lost it. I don't know what set me off. I just started screaming at her. I screamed about my cat, and grandma, and how the dog was dying and he sure as hell had been in the house because I was coming home early to take care of him. I screamed about how stupid she was. I think I also screamed about things that had nothing to do with her coming to my house. Then, I slammed the door in her face, went to the couch, and cried.

            I feel really bad, I just blew up. I think the neighbor just watched me go from calm to possessed by some hateful demon of rage and evil. I mean, I was pretty sure that by the time I was done, I'd spewed not only the bitter bile of my emotions at her but just bucketfuls of unwanted rage. I didn't give any warning, I just went nuts. I even slammed the door on her.

            Am I a bad person?

            Post script: After I'd calmed down, I saw the neighbor's dog run by. This made me laugh for really no reason.
            Oh honey, you didn't do anything wrong. Especially if she's being a wench.

            I so completely understand. In 1998, I lost two cousins and almost my sister in the same car crash. Then my 20 year old cat died 4 months later (I picked her out when I was only 5. She was my baby. Losing her really really hurt. Her kidneys failed). Then my uncle was killed in a head on collision two months after that.

            I was in University and bombed two semesters because of this and dropped out, and then I got horribly depressed. My now exhusband was no help at all, I have proof that he cheated at least once, and our marriage failed. We were separated about a year later. It was a horrible horrible year.

            Don't keep it all balled up inside, it will tear you up.

            Besides, its always good to tell people off who deserve it.

            Things will get better. I know it doesn't seem like it, but they will.
            Last edited by Moirae; 05-05-2011, 08:55 PM.


            • #36
              You weren't in the wrong, that dumb ass neighbor was wrong for accusing you for letting your dog out when it was the other neighbor. Sorry for your loss.
              I don't get paid enough to kiss your a**! -Groezig 5/31/08
              Another day...another million braincells lost...-Sarlon 6/16/08
              Chivalry is not dead. It's just direly underappreciated. -Samaliel 9/15/09


              • #37
                Quoth Lots42 View Post
                You are not a bad person. If I could, I would purchase you a beer.
                Hun, if I could, I would take you up on this. (I like Sapporo and don't have many drinking buddies around here)

                To everyone else, thanks. It's been a pretty bad year, but my family and boyfriends and friends here have been making me feel better, and everyone on this thread has succeeded in making me feel better. The way I figure is maybe somehow, I can work all this shit I've been through into something positive. I mean, it still sucks, and I've still been dealing with a lot, and yeah I didn't really get the satisfaction of an apology from ANL (or anal as my friends and I started calling her when I told them the story) but I just figure if karma really works, somehow everything is going to work out.

                So again, I'd like to say thank you to all you guys.

