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Yay, Trains!

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  • Yay, Trains!

    Rugz and I took the girls to the museum today, as a treat and to help out my little sister with one of her Uni assignments. The trip into the city was fine, the stoners near us weren't bothersome and the slightly odd bloke making train noises and chattering to the TV that he was craddling kept to himself.

    The trip home wasn't nearly as blissful. About a third of the way back to our station, we were joined by a group of teenage boys.

    Strike One: Taking up the reserved seats and chattering loudly in a 'silent' car.

    Strike Two: Loudly bragging about how they use/abuse the friendships with their female peers.

    Strike Three: The ringleader was discussing how to scam resturants out of a 5 course dinner with a technique that he'd learnt from 'Steal This Book.'

    I know... I was shocked to hear that one of them could actually read!

    What surprised me even more was the quiet kid, the one that didn't participate in all the bragging, told his mates to "Oi, watch your language. There are kids around and they might repeat you." He also pointed out all the flaws in the ringleader's brilliant plan, ending with "You know you can be done for theft if you try this, right?"
    Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

    Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.

  • #2
    I'm betting that a lot of the techniques in "Steal This Book' don't work anymore...would love to be a fly on the wall when he tries it though.
    "I am quite confident that I do exist."
    "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


    • #3
      on the bright side, at least one of them had enough smarts to tell the rest to stfu politely.

      teens in packs usually = massive stupid on the move.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        is that "technique" that you are only obligated to pay what you think a meal is worth? so you can leave 2p and not be arrested?

        That loophole hasn't been in existance for over 20years yet Scammers still believe in it.


        • #5
          I'll paraphrase the kid's words for clarity: it was one where (A) goes to an upmarket resturant, orders a large meal and as dessert is being served, texts his friend (B) to come in and have a coffee. (B) sits at a different table, doesn't make eye contact with (A),and has a cup of coffee while he appears to waiting for someone. (B) acts like he's been stood up just as (A) finishes and (B) asks for his (B's) bill. (A) gets up to leave, walks past (B)'s table and takes the bill, paying only for a cup of coffee. Once (A) is clear, (B) calls over a waitress and complains that someone stole his bill, kicking up enough of a stink to get his coffee comp'd. They then go to a different resturant and swap roles, receiving 2 large meals for the price of two cups of coffee.

          Does anyone else see all the flaws in their 'brilliant' plan?
          Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

          Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.


          • #6
            Quoth Mishi View Post

            Does anyone else see all the flaws in their 'brilliant' plan?
            Uh....They're idiots?
            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx


            • #7
              Quoth Mishi View Post
              I'll paraphrase the kid's words for clarity: it was one where (A) goes to an upmarket resturant, orders a large meal and as dessert is being served, texts his friend (B) to come in and have a coffee. (B) sits at a different table, doesn't make eye contact with (A),and has a cup of coffee while he appears to waiting for someone. (B) acts like he's been stood up just as (A) finishes and (B) asks for his (B's) bill. (A) gets up to leave, walks past (B)'s table and takes the bill, paying only for a cup of coffee. Once (A) is clear, (B) calls over a waitress and complains that someone stole his bill, kicking up enough of a stink to get his coffee comp'd. They then go to a different resturant and swap roles, receiving 2 large meals for the price of two cups of coffee.

              Does anyone else see all the flaws in their 'brilliant' plan?
              Well, for starters, most restaurants don't have customers pay up front anymore, unless they're cheap diners or buffets. You get a folder with the bill and give cash or your credit card to your waitress . . . . so no chance to swap bills. Even if you did, the waitress would catch on while she was processes the payment.

              And if you did pay up front, odds are the staff watch out for that kind of shenanigan and put a stop to it.

              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.

