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Lien Release Hell

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  • Lien Release Hell

    This is an epic story happening right now. Looking for both advice and just wanting to tell it to vent. I am dealing with a bank in my area.

    Background: Bought a car in 2006, my first, financed with a similar name financial company to the bank. I paid the bills and such and did rather well. My dad was co signer since this was the first time I bought.

    Now I can't remember when but my dad had to go into bankruptcy. Sadly, my car got caught up in this and we hastily had to pay if off to keep it in my possession. This was in 2010. I was sent a Lien release then, not sure what it said. Back then I had no clue what I needed so thought they just were telling me that my title is now mine.

    Now on to recent events. I needed to buy a new car, shopped around and found my favorite. Finding my car I started preparing to trade in, which involved calling for my title. I learned about Lien Releases then and had them send a new one out. This was about end of March.

    2 weeks later still haven't received said Lien Release so I called again. Call center is horrible, if there are no agents available it just tells you to call back later and hangs up on you. Finally got on hold and got to an agent. I was told they sent it to my dad's Foreclosed address since he was first on the list for the loan. I told them to send it to my address.

    While that letter was on its way my salesman for the dealership called asking about the car and I did want it, and thought this was a good chance being so long to wait for the release. He said as long as it was in the mail his manager will be fine to still sell the car. I was happy and decided to come in after work the next night. I did and after 3 hours of negotiating I got a price I like and went with it.

    After I got my car it was about a week after, a tuesday, and I was getting anxious about where the release was. I called again and they said they just sent it out and should be normal postal speed so I should be getting it sometime that week. When I finally got it it said around the 19th of April when it was made.

    Now I bring this Lien release in to the MVD to get my title, happy as hell with my new car this whole time. I get to the window and find out the VIN is WRONG! My model, make and year were correct but the MVD computer brought up another car. Weirdly it was one of my mom's cars that were NEVER associated with the bank I'm talking about. My mom never even had one account with them.

    Nevertheless I'm pissed expecting to get this done with. I take the release and a printout of the correct VIN for my car verified by MVD and my dealership to the local branch and talk to a banker. He calls them and tells them to send a new release by fax to the branch, they said it would take 3 days...okay so I wait 3 days nothing. 4th day I come in again asking for it an awesome banker woman helped me.

    She called into many departments, supposedly this has happened alot. The finance company merged with the main company a while back so records were haphazard supposedly. She got the right department and when she asked for a manager or escalation so I can get this done because of how much I've waited so far the woman on the other end was combative and actually raised her voice(heard it through the phone at the opposite side of the desk) at the banker and refused and even muted her when she was trying to explain. Finally after getting a little angry herself the banker got the manager of the location. She explained and got the vin changed and a new release sent through fax to the bank location so it can be notarized and signed. 30 minutes and I am done with all this.

    Well got the release, banker signed it and sent me off. Sadly by this time I had to wait till the next day to get to the MVD. I am normally a very passive person, I keep anger in and act in different ways when I am angry so I've been nice and polite to everyone. Now the next day I go to the MVD again this time I'm told the faxed lien had a signature from the manager of the bankrupcy department already on it before it was sent and that is not acceptable. All original signatures need to be on the document. Again this is another drawback and I go back to the same branch as before. I get a different banker this time though and she calls again and after a while getting ahold of someone yet again am told they need to mail another release out to me. I try and get them to overnight it and get it freaking done. That was just when I left the banker told me MVD has blank lien releases I can get and bring into them to get signed. I found the blank ones online and have one printed ready to go for tommorrow. The dealership now has called and the manager there is thinking about pulling the deal because of how long its been.

    This is horrible, is there anything I can do to at least bring the practices of this bank into the open, something feels bad about the things they have done, like the wrong VIN on the release originally. The bankers I talked to were great just the bank system itself has made such major errors.

  • #2
    Walk out? Close your accounts, your cards, everything and take it to another bank?
    When they ask, tell them its due to their overall incompetance.
    "On a scale of 1 to banana, whats your favourite colour of the alphabet?"
    Regards, Lord Baron Darth von Vaderham, esq. Middle brother to mharbourgirl & Squeaksmyalias


    • #3
      I deal with lien releases, and I can tell you, that is inexcusable.

      Now, the process can vary a bit from state to state. My state does electronic titling, which means that in order to do a lien release, all I have to do is verify that the loan is paid in full, print out the form, which i can fill out and sign right there in front of you, then get my signature notarized. Two minutes. Tops.

      Paper title, you have to sign and stamp the actual title. Takes longer to process since the paper title could be in a separate building. Couldn't have the wrong VIN # on it though unless the title was placed wrong when it was originally titled, in which case the BMV would have the incorrect records also.

      Lastly, in some states you keep the paper title yourself, with the bank's lien on it. That could be signed off on the title itself or given a lien release letter, depending on the state. Don't see why the letter would have to be sent in from anywhere though. That seems like something that should be able to be signed for at any branch, just like my state's electronic title releases.

      Maybe you're in a state I know nothing about, but it sounds to me like your bank has outdated processes along with being disorganized. Go to another bank in your area and ask about their process. Find out if it is a state thing to have to wait so long or your bank's policy. (Because even the first wait seems long to me.) Does your bank have a local president or at least a district manager you can complain to?

