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Spit lady at McDonalds

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  • Spit lady at McDonalds

    Another one for my adoring public, heh heh.

    I drove through McDonalds to get a salad (they have the best grilled chicken, I don't care how fatty it is), and I had made my order, paid, etc., and was just waiting to get to the second window, get my food, and go.

    For the record, you know those little screens that when you order, they show what you ordered? Sometimes if you pull up fast enough, you can see what the person in front of you ordered. This woman (who I swear looked like the love child of Roseanne and Kathy Bates) had ordered ONE double cheeseburger and an iced tea. I saw it for a good ten seconds before the screen reset.

    Anyway, she's ahead of me and they hand out her bag and drink. And...she sits there. She sits there. And she sits there. I'm thinking "Okay, maybe she asked for something...maybe she forgot how to move the gears...maybe she's trying to remember how to get back to the funny farm, I don't know." But after four minutes, (timed it) I'm a bit impatient. I'm cool with glancing in the bag to see if everything is there, checking your order, whatever, but she had ONE TINY BURGER. Even if she took the thing out and unwrapped it, she should have been gone before four minutes.

    Okay, well, I'm annoyed, but I figure fuck it, I'll crawl out my window and go up and get my food anyway. So I put the car in park, do a Duke-boy shimmy out the open window and as I'm doing this, I can see that the woman is methodically scraping the cheese off her burger. There are ingrediants spread all over the place, lettuce in the cup holder, onions on the dashboard, etc. What. The. Fuck.

    So I lean in as best I can and tap on her window, remaining as polite as I can considering I'm playing Spiderman in the drive-thru. "Ma'am, what are you doing?"

    She looked up at me, apparently not finding it odd in the least that a chick is dangling halfway off her car. "I'm looking for the spit."

    "'re doing what?"

    "I'm looking for the spit. I'm sure they spit in my burger and I want to know where it is."

    "Did you do something to make them spit in your burger?"

    "What do you mean? What would I do??"

    " workers don't normally spit in your food unless you do something to piss them off. So what'd you do?"

    "Nothing, but I know THOSE PEOPLE (my emphasis) would spit in my burger so I want to find it."

    "Okay, whatever...could you pull up so I can get my food and go? I'm on my way to work."

    "But if they spit in my food, they'll spit in your food, too."

    (I might interject at this point that I don't know what the McDonalds employees were doing. I guess they were curious about what the hell was going on in their drive-thru but they didn't want to stick their noses in it just yet.)

    "I don't particularly care if they spit in my food, now could you please pull up?"


    (Uh-oh, Evil Mysty just showed up.)


    Lady gasps, drops the cheesey/meaty wad in her lap, and peels out, leaving me to almost fall on my face in the parking lot, while she tears out into the street, cutting off about four cars, and tears down the street so fast her tires squeal.

    At this point, a woman's head finally emerges from the second window. "Um, ma'am, what's going on?"

    "You don't wanna know. Can I get my salad, please?"

    She handed it out, I thanked her, and returned to my car in peace. I probably ought to go by there after I get done here and explain what went on. Man, I mean, I don't like spit, but I'm not THAT paranoid.
    "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

  • #2
    Of course the ultimate irony would have been if they spit in her drink, but I'm just cruel like that.
    "Being crazy was the only thing that kept me from going insane."
    - Raven


    • #3
      Heh, I had something similar happen to me. A week before I quit McDonalds to go off to school, some old bat was camping the drive-thru digging in her bag. I figured something had been forgotten, so I went and checked.

      Me: 'Are you missing part of your order?'
      OB: 'No,' *digdig* 'I'm just making sure none of' *digdug* 'your cooks spit on it.'
      At this point, I saw two more cars pulling into the drive-thru.
      Me: 'I assure you they didn't spit in your order. We've got cameras back here and, as soon as the owner or the manager checked them, they'd be fired.'
      OB: 'No! I'm sure they did!'
      At this point, I was pissed. I'd made the burger in question, and I didn't spit on it (Although I wish I had now). Plus, the two other cars were idling behind her and a third had pulled in.
      Me: 'You've got to move.'
      OB: 'No!'
      Me: 'If you don't, one of us is going to make your search real easy and come out there and spit on the burger.'
      She 'harrumphed' at me and finally left. Ug.
      Burn the land and boil the sea, you can't take the sky from me!

      I like big bots and I cannot lie.


      • #4
        It is at this point I must relay the story my friend told me.

        He was standing on the second floor of the mall, overlooking the food court.
        He looked down, and saw someone. This someone was doing the spit search.

        My friend is a at the best of times. It was at this point he decided to help the poor soul in his search. By spitting. Everything was laying just below him. It was an easy shot.

        He was aiming for the half of the burger with the patties on it so it would be visible. He hit the bun side.

        The guy decided at this time to reassemble his burger and chow down.
        Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.


        • #5
          u dont happen to live in the cleveland ohio area would u


          • #6
            Heh heh...I played a joke on one of my friends who happened to be working the drive-thru when I came by for lunch.

            I gave him my order and then said "And (name of friend), if you spit on my Big Mac I'm going to kick your ass!"

            He said "Shut up Irving" and gave me the total.

            When I got up to the window everybody was laughing at him, and he told me "That was a good one!"

            I just had to do it.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              I always have a giggle to myself when I see someone doing the "spit search" in their food... It's like... Even if someone did spit in your food, you are not going to find it because spit is clear and has probably already been absorbed into the food!

              When I worked at maccas and this silly old bat was holding up a queue of 6 cars with her "spit search", I got so fed up after asking her to move 5 times and her saying no, that I told her "If you do not move right now, I can assure you, every single staff member will come out here and spit in your bag of food and make your search for spit much easier".... She shot off out of the drive thru like a bullet!


              • #8

                That was the best line ever!


                • #9
                  Quoth IMAPseudonym View Post
                  If you routinely feel the need to disassemble your food looking for 'the spit' then perhaps you ought to rethink the way you treat fast food workers....
                  My thoughts exactly! Don't be such a jerk, you won't get unpleasant surprises in your food!
                  Quoth IMAPseudonym View Post
                  I'm also curious to know what she meant by 'those people'.
                  Oh, you know, THOSE people, those lower life-forms who are barely intelligent to run a register, yet somehow have the ability to read your mind, pull items out of thin air and make everything magically perfect at a low, low price. You know, customer service workers.
                  I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                  My LiveJournal
                  A page we can all agree with!


                  • #10
                    Farva: Give me a double bacon cheeseburger.

                    Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Double bacon cheeseburger. It's for a cop.

                    Farva: What the hell's that all about? You gonna spit in it now?

                    Dimpus Burger Guy: No, I just told him that so he makes it good.
                    [into mic]
                    Dimpus Burger Guy: Don't spit in that cop's burger.

                    Farva: Yeah, thanks.

                    Second Dimpus Guy: Roger, holding the spit.

                    Farva: Gimme a pie... apple.

                    Dimpus Burger Guy: Want me to hold the spit? Hah, just kidding officer Farva.
                    Dimpus Burger Guy: Want me to dimpa-size your meal for 25 cents?

                    Farva: Want me to punch-a-size your face, for free?

                    Dimpus Burger Guy: It's only 25 cents, and look how much more you get.

                    Thorny: Look, kid, he doesn't want it.
                    Farva: I can handle this, Thorn. I don't want it!

                    Dimpus Burger Guy: Uhh, right. Beverage?

                    Farva: Gimme a litre o' cola.

                    Dimpus Burger Guy: What?

                    Farva: [Annoyed] A litre o' cola.

                    Dimpus Burger Guy: [into mic] Litrecola? Do we sell litrecola?

                    Thorny: Will you just order a large, Farva?

                    Farva: I don't want a large farva. I want a goddamn litre o' cola!

                    Dimpus Burger Guy: [to Farva] I don't know what that is!

                    Farva: [slowly starts shouting] Litre is French for...
                    [grabs burger kid by shirt]
                    Farva: ... give me my fuckin' cola before I break VOUS FUCKIN' LIP!

                    Props to anyone who gets the reference.

                    Sadly it's movies like that which stereotype fastfood workers as likely to do that sort of thing that part of the problem.


                    • #11
                      Hehehe Super Troopers.


                      • #12
                        Uh, I don't get it. If you think they spit in your food, why go there in the first place?


                        • #13
                          Quoth ebonyknight View Post
                          Uh, I don't get it. If you think they spit in your food, why go there in the first place?
                          It's called paranoia. They think everyone is out to get them, in whatever specific way, and it won't matter where they go. Everyone is out to get them.
                          Ba'al: I'm a god. Gods are all-knowing.



                          • #14
                            Quoth Broomjockey View Post

                            The guy decided at this time to reassemble his burger and chow down.
                            That. Is. Hilarious.
                            I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                            "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                            • #15
                              Quoth ebonyknight View Post
                              Uh, I don't get it. If you think they spit in your food, why go there in the first place?
                              Same reason they keep going to the places that they say has terrible services, or the food sucks every time they go or whatever. Because they're sucky customers.
                              "I don't have an anger problem I have an idiot problem!" - Hank Hill

                              When in deadly danger, when beset by doubt, run around in little circles, wave your arms and shout!

