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Spit lady at McDonalds

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  • #16
    Quoth Ringtail Z28 View Post
    Same reason they keep going to the places that they say has terrible services, or the food sucks every time they go or whatever. Because they're sucky customers.
    ...or diehard optimists that maybe this time will be better... (I've been guilty of that)
    Everything will be ok in the end. If it's not ok, it's not the end.


    • #17
      Quoth Primer View Post
      ...or diehard optimists that maybe this time will be better... (I've been guilty of that)

      I've been guilty of that too, but only up to a point. This is obviously something she's had plenty of experience with-in her car no less, since her burger was apparently disassembled and displayed all over her dash...

      Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me... Although I'm not sure if this even fits since she's just paranoid anyway.
      I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
      "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


      • #18
        Quoth Primer View Post
        ...or diehard optimists that maybe this time will be better... (I've been guilty of that)
        I also have been guilty of that. There's a Culver's reasonably nearby the apartment building I used to live in. There was a 50/50 chance that the order would be screwed up in one way. Call the manager, get next meal comped. Comped order--good. OK, they're getting better. Go in again, order's screwed up again. Lather, rinse, repeat.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #19
          Let me say here before I post anything: I have NEVER spit in any of my customers drinks or food. In fact, no bodily functions have ever occured.

          having said that, once, I had occasion to get a bit of revenge.


          My father spent 21 days in ICU after a simple operation. Doctor mucked up and the company that he worked for fired him because they were afraid that they would end up footing the bill through insurance. (we sued, yes, but I can't say what happened. Take that how you will)

          One of my temp jobs was working at an Applebee's. You know, I can't eat there again? Not that particular place, just the company in general; knowing how they are.

          Well, one day, I'm about to end my shift and I see this group of people sitting at a table. Thinking some it dawns on me that they are some of the men my father worked with. In fact, they're his old bosses and the guy that replaced him. Trying to avoid that table, I do overhear them talking about various things and then they start in on my father. It wasn't nice, and it really bothered me when one (who had been so nice to us at first) said in essence that he wished my dad had died, because then they (the company) couldn't be sued.

          Revenge anyone?

          So what did I do? Nothing major really. I just walked back to the expo. Bugging him I related what was up and asked what was the worst we could do to that order without getting fired or doing anything like spitting or such in it. I left after that, only to find out when I went in to pick up my check later on what he and oddly the manager had done. (how she got in on it is beyond me.)

          When the men ordered steaks, if they said well done, it came out rare. Rare was well done. They undercooked the potatoes, poured salt in their sweet tea, then added so much sugar to the tea there was an inch of unmixed sugar on the bottom of the glass. The coffee was cold, the beer was hot (heated in the microwave no less), and the salad was made with the worst of the wilted lettuce they could find. A salt shaker was filled with sugar and laid on the table, and my favorite of all: They had to pay with cash. The manager declined their card.

          Now the last bit, the cash, wouldn't seem to mean much, but here's the deal.

          The guys my dad worked for were very tight. So tight that they rarely carried over ten dollars cash. Everything was paid for with the card, (company card) so it wasn't out of pocket to them. I was told that it took every guy around the table chipping in before they had enough to pay.
          Learn wisdom by the follies of others.


          • #20
            Quoth repsac View Post
            Well, one day, I'm about to end my shift and I see this group of people sitting at a table. Thinking some it dawns on me that they are some of the men my father worked with. In fact, they're his old bosses and the guy that replaced him. Trying to avoid that table, I do overhear them talking about various things and then they start in on my father. It wasn't nice, and it really bothered me when one (who had been so nice to us at first) said in essence that he wished my dad had died, because then they (the company) couldn't be sued.
            Ya'll were much, much nicer than I would have been. If I heard that, I'd have to go all Inigo Montoya on them.

            "Hello. My name is Mysty. You tried to kill my father. Prepare to die."

            I won't go into details but let's say that I have a rich fantasy life involving the various tortures I would inflict on anyone dumb enough to even so much as think harm towards my parents. Jigsaw has nothing on me.
            "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."


            • #21
              If you see me checking my food, I'm not looking for spit. I'm just making sure it's right before I waddle my fat ass to the library. I just don't want to walk all the way back.


              • #22
                Quoth repsac View Post
                having said that, once, I had occasion to get a bit of revenge.
                favorite of all: They had to pay with cash. The manager declined their card.

                Now the last bit, the cash, wouldn't seem to mean much, but here's the deal.

                The guys my dad worked for were very tight. So tight that they rarely carried over ten dollars cash. Everything was paid for with the card, (company card) so it wasn't out of pocket to them. I was told that it took every guy around the table chipping in before they had enough to pay.
                I would wonder that they actually paid for a meal that lousy if they were so cheap and miserable.

                I'm not cheap at all, but a meal such as you described...well...I would be calling a manager and refuse to pay, especially if my credit card was being declined for no good reason.
                Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                • #23
                  Ditto Ree.

                  Plus, how much revenge is it when they don't know it's revenge? All they'd know is they got lousy food, etc. Obviously, they didn't eat that nastiness so why would they have paid for it? I'll tell you- if it was me and they tried to charge me they'd have discovered that I can be quite the bitch.

                  My version of this tale would have ended with me walking over and saying, "I guess you'll all be happy then to know that my father is in ICU at *hospital*... dying." Followed by one of my patented evil stares that make people cower in fear followed by a grand exit.
                  "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                  ~TechSmith 314
                  HellGate: London

