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I took a bus!

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  • I took a bus!

    Okay, I live in a city that decided a narrow isthmus between two lakes was the perfect place to put all of the government buildings... with the plethora of available parking and all .

    About 6 years ago I had attempted to ride the bus and had stopped almost immediately due to harassment issues. The news has reported that due to some high profile incidents, cameras have been installed on the buses and the drivers are to take a more proactive approach to stopping sexual harassment and unwanted advances. Also, I have a 200 pound mastiff waiting at home for me so I am not particularly concerned about someone following me home.

    I got on the corner 5 minutes early and waited for the bus. It was nearly empty as I live only few blocks from the east transfer point and I was going to the down town transfer point, or basically the entire route one way.

    I noticed right away that there were the 'perfumed ones' as there was a distinctly unpleasant odor of a couple different perfumes fighting for supremacy in the air. The majority of the riders seemed to be female and with each addition the air seemed to grow more and more toxic. By the time I got off my eyes were watering. I feel that if I am to continue to ride I may want to consider a gas mask.

    On the seats behind me sat two youngish (thirties) woman. They proceeded to discuss how one had her boyfriend pirate each Netflix DVD sent to her. She explained that they burned it as soon as it came in and sent it back out and this way she had all the newest movies and only had to pay for Netflix for a month or two out of the year. She seemed quite proud of her 'savings.' I personally would have been ashamed to boast about blatant piracy and theft. The curious thing about it is her companion seemed to still have a 1980s valley girl accent. I kept waiting for the prerequisite 'gag me with a spoon.'

    And they there was the person all the way on the other end of the bus... who managed to speak in voice loud enough to subject everyone on the bus to one half of a conversation about his canoe. I did not particularly care about his canoe, but he obviously thought it was important for the entire bus to know.

    I don't know how long I can take this. It is an experiment at this point... if I ride the bus I only have to walk a block and a half from my home or work to the bus stop. If I drive I have to walk 7 blocks from parking to work. We will see.

    On a positive note, I did not get sexually harassed once this morning. I am undecided if it is because it was really early in the morning or if it is because I have put on weight and hit 30...
    "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
    - James Joyce

  • #2
    I deal with a bus and a train every day twice a day...I just bring a book to read or something to listen to and tune out everything else. Don't wanna talk to people and don't care. I think I give off enough of a "leave me alone" vibe that I generally get left alone.
    Great YouTube channel check it out!


    • #3
      i can't read or do anything on a moving vehicle without becoming severely ill. I am kind of stuck just looking around. I have gotten sick in the back of a van before because i couldn't see the windshield.

      I didn't talk to anyone, but my observations are that people should have all sented products banned until they can learn proper application procedures.

      I think I just hate the bus overall because I value privacy. I am rather pround of myself for trying something new though!
      "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
      - James Joyce


      • #4
        I used to ride the buses here in the same city you live in(it's why I now own a bicycle), my suggestion-get a cheap $20 cd player or mp3 player(I recommend creative brands-better than ipods), and a dust mask(surgical mask)-you'll get strange looks for the mask but it serves 3 purposes:
        1) filters out some of the smells if not all
        2) keeps you from sharing germs with everyone(bus people here are notorious for not covering coughs-it's disgusting)
        3)keeps the creepers from hitting on you

        other than that it is bike season, and from the east transfer point it's a 3 mile bike ride downtown, with less than 4 blocks on the street(bike path cuts into fair oaks), the rest is bike path(I lived across from the citgo on milwaukee)
        Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


        • #5
          And they there was the person all the way on the other end of the bus... who managed to speak in voice loud enough to subject everyone on the bus to one half of a conversation about his canoe. I did not particularly care about his canoe, but he obviously thought it was important for the entire bus to know
          These people. I hate them. I call them "Mouths". They're like a separate species. Everything they say comes out loud enough to crack the windshield (and your eardrums). One weird guy that often gets on my bus in the morning is like that. I know he can talk like a normal person because I've seen him having a quiet conversation with the driver. Other times he sits there and spouts words at random...names of local politicians or sports celebrities, comments on recent events...and often says things that are borderline racist. Always extremely LOUDLY. I think he needs his meds adjusted.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            Wow. I fondly remember a similar situation back before I got my license when I was at the mercy of the bus when the college gave out perfume samples. Luckily, it was early fall and the bus had its windows open, otherwise there might not be a Rena Muffin here today.


            • #7
              Quoth nicolecj View Post
              Okay, I live in a city that decided a narrow isthmus between two lakes was the perfect place to put all of the government buildings... with the plethora of available parking and all .

              On the seats behind me sat two youngish (thirties) woman. They proceeded to discuss how one had her boyfriend pirate each Netflix DVD sent to her. She explained that they burned it as soon as it came in and sent it back out and this way she had all the newest movies and only had to pay for Netflix for a month or two out of the year. She seemed quite proud of her 'savings.' I personally would have been ashamed to boast about blatant piracy and theft.
              First, it's better than the Salt Lake Government center where when they built it they had more than enough space to put in adequate parking, but chose not to (I can only assume because us peons who are visiting the government center obviously don't have the wealth for a car anyway )

              As far as the pirating DVDs, I wouldn't want to brag about something like that, if not for the shame, for the fact that you don't know who may be an off duty cop or a plain clothes patrol detective who is more than happy to get the overtime pay to arrest you.
              As a general rule, discussing your criminal activities in public, not a good plan.
              If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


              • #8
                Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                I used to ride the buses here in the same city you live in(it's why I now own a bicycle), my suggestion-get a cheap $20 cd player or mp3 player(I recommend creative brands-better than ipods), and a dust mask(surgical mask)-you'll get strange looks for the mask but it serves 3 purposes:
                1) filters out some of the smells if not all
                2) keeps you from sharing germs with everyone(bus people here are notorious for not covering coughs-it's disgusting)
                3)keeps the creepers from hitting on you

                other than that it is bike season, and from the east transfer point it's a 3 mile bike ride downtown, with less than 4 blocks on the street(bike path cuts into fair oaks), the rest is bike path(I lived across from the citgo on milwaukee)
                You live frighteningly close to me. Wave next time you are on the bike path, I can see it from my front window. I live close to the five way intersection by Whitehorse and Schenk. I can't ride a bike because of my blown knee, but I do see a lot of them!

                The whole bus thing is an experiment, I only got a one week bus pass to try it out. I don't think it is going to stick. I like my car too much. Yeah, I have to walk 7 blocks when I drive, but at least it is in the privacy of my own vehicle!

                Also, I am looking into transferring away from downtown... we shall see.
                "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
                - James Joyce


                • #9
                  Quoth nicolecj View Post
                  I can't ride a bike because of my blown knee, but I do see a lot of them!
                  That's a pity. I've bought a bike, & I'm already seeing the benefit, both in my purse (or at least I will once I pay off the credit card, which is interest-free for the next year), & my health in general.

                  Quoth nicolecj View Post
                  i can't read or do anything on a moving vehicle without becoming severely ill. I am kind of stuck just looking around. I have gotten sick in the back of a van before because i couldn't see the windshield.
                  I can sympathise - I had to read a map for my mum recently, sat in the front seat where I'm usually fine (I usually only get sick in the back), & I ended up having to ask her to pull over.

                  Quoth nicolecj View Post
                  I think I just hate the bus overall because I value privacy. I am rather pround of myself for trying something new though!
                  You should be proud of yourself - sometimes it's hard to get out of a rut & try something new.

                  Before you give up completely, have you tried listening to an mp3 player & opening the window by your seat? If you stare out of the window with your mp3 player as high as is safe, it's surprising how easy it is to block out the world, particularly if you play a podcast or an audio book. Of course, you always seem to get to your destination just as you're getting to the good bit...
                  "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

                  Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

                  The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


                  • #10
                    Take an MP3 player, stick it in your pocket, stick the headphones in your ears (use the most comfortable sort you can get), and just leave it off. People will assume you're listening to music.

                    The mask is a good idea. I use one often.

                    If possible, I sit behind the driver. Fewer people tend to sit there, and if you do have a problem, the driver is right there to help handle it.
                    Seshat's self-help guide:
                    1. Would you rather be right, or get the result you want?
                    2. If you're consistently getting results you don't want, change what you do.
                    3. Deal with the situation you have now, however it occurred.
                    4. Accept the consequences of your decisions.

                    "All I want is a pretty girl, a decent meal, and the right to shoot lightning at fools." - Anders, Dragon Age.


                    • #11
                      Quoth nicolecj View Post
                      I can't ride a bike because of my blown knee, but I do see a lot of them!
                      You might try something like this:

                      You should discuss it with your doctor, of course, but it will allow you to pedal the bike with your other leg while limiting the movement of the bad knee.
                      There are even systems with springs to return the other pedal to the top and with a footrest for the bad leg.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Mikkel View Post
                        You might try something like this:

                        You should discuss it with your doctor, of course, but it will allow you to pedal the bike with your other leg while limiting the movement of the bad knee.
                        There are even systems with springs to return the other pedal to the top and with a footrest for the bad leg.
                        I've never seen such a thing....kinda cool.
                        Great YouTube channel check it out!


                        • #13
                          Quoth nicolecj View Post
                          You live frighteningly close to me.
                          I don't live there anymore hence the past tense, I live across from the big state workers parking lot, downtown-the flag from my husband's home country is hanging off our balcony(and on occasions so is my husband, or me-depending on how much we've had to drink )

                          Quoth nicolecj View Post
                          I can't ride a bike because of my blown knee
                          I'd talk to a medical professional about that, bike riding was recommended to me as an exercise program in lieu of physical therapy(as it is used as physical therapy for many knee and ankle injuries-it's even recommended after total knee replacement) after I tore out my PCL(refused surgery to fix it) and couldn't walk more than half a mile without my knee giving out. Cycling(on a properly fitted bike-can't stress properly fitted/adjusted enough) is a very knee friendly activity, as opposed to low impact like walking, and high impact like running*. Not only has it helped strengthen my knee considerably(can walk more than 5 miles now), but it also almost eradicated my migraine attacks, and I no longer have issues with my very damaged by arthritis ankle joints.

                          *peak loads that occur on the surfaces of a knee joint during sport's activities:
                          Cycling 1.2x body weight
                          Walking 4x body weight
                          Hiking 8x body weight
                          Running 9x body weight
                          Last edited by BlaqueKatt; 05-11-2011, 11:27 PM.
                          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                          • #14
                            Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
                            I'd talk to a medical professional about that, bike riding was recommended to me as an exercise program in lieu of physical therapy(as it is used as physical therapy for many knee and ankle injuries-it's even recommended after total knee replacement) after I tore out my PCL(refused surgery to fix it) and couldn't walk more than half a mile without my knee giving out. Cycling(on a properly fitted bike-can't stress properly fitted/adjusted enough) is a very knee friendly activity, as opposed to low impact like walking, and high impact like running*. Not only has it helped strengthen my knee considerably(can walk more than 5 miles now), but it also almost eradicated my migraine attacks, and I no longer have issues with my very damaged by arthritis ankle joints.

                            *peak loads that occur on the surfaces of a knee joint during sport's activities:
                            Cycling 1.2x body weight
                            Walking 4x body weight
                            Hiking 8x body weight
                            Running 9x body weight
                            It is not the stress that is the problem for my knee. I have ridden horses for years and one set of muscles got too strong and started pulling my knee cap out of the set groove it is supposed to ride and wore down the bone and cartilige that keeps in in the groove. It wasn't caught quickly enough and did damage on my right knee much more so then my left. They did physical therapy, but mostly it is to control the swelling and even out the muscle tone. If I put use the thigh muscle when the knee is bent (including pedaling a bike or even a rather pathetic stint when I got stuck on an eleptical machine because I couldn't keep going or get off without falling) it has a pretty good chance of popping out and then i can't bear weight on a straight leg for a few days or until the swelling goes down. It is not a matter of the impact, it is any use of the thigh muscles to push down will cause issues, I have blown the knee cap back out doing simple things like getting up from a crouch or stepping up a low stair. It is the specific motion that causes the problem, basically it is worn down now and pops out easily. I have done physical therepy to balance the muscle strenth and had the electrodes to take out the swelling, but with the damage that is already there makes it just too easy to pop the knee cap out and cripple me for a while.

                            Over the years I have learned to walk differently to hide the fact that I limp, but I have to walk up stairs in an odd way... Often I will kind of hop off of the good leg to hide the fact that I can't lift my body even those few inches with the bad knee.

                            Doctors advice for me is to stay away from riding, I train horses from the ground now, and to keep away from activities that involve repeatedly bending at the knee - specifically mentioned is running or biking. I can swim, I just have to becareful of my movement patterns. At this point the damage will call for a knee replacement eventually, they are just buying as much time as possible because a knee replacement only lasts so long and as long as I can walk and function on this one they will leave it be.
                            "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
                            - James Joyce


                            • #15
                              Quoth Mikkel View Post
                              You might try something like this:

                              You should discuss it with your doctor, of course, but it will allow you to pedal the bike with your other leg while limiting the movement of the bad knee.
                              There are even systems with springs to return the other pedal to the top and with a footrest for the bad leg.

                              But I don't want be that wierdo with one toned leg and one flabby leg!

                              I think I will stick to walking. My dogs like that better anyways
                              "I've put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant, and that's the only way of insuring one's immortality."
                              - James Joyce

