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Impatient gas station bitch

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  • Impatient gas station bitch

    So I made the mistake of going to Kroger yesterday late in the afternoon. The store itself wasn't *too* crowded - which means yeah it was a little but... o well.

    Then I went to get gas... that was the real mistake. O boy there was quite a line but I needed gas cos my new job is 25 miles away and it eats at my tank. I finally got to the machine and it told me I had to take my card up to the desk to use.

    Ok, a little annoying but I can deal with it.

    Enter the cast:
    A - Attendant, lady running the gas booth
    GSB - gas station bitch, impatient bitch on pump #1
    Me -

    A: Which pump?
    Me: Um... 2? *I go to check*
    GSB: *jumps to the attendant and starts barking out* RECEIPT FOR PUMP 1!
    A: What amount was it?
    A: What amount was it?
    A: What amount was it?
    GSB: THIRTY TWO DOLLARS (or something like that!, with a huff of irritation)
    A: prints out receipt.
    GSB: *HUFF* It's not even accurate!! *HUFF! stalks off*
    Me: ** Twenty dollars on pump number 2, please.
    A: *takes a moment to regain her composure .. and then notices I'm being very polite*

    Rest of transaction was very polite. I figure she needed someone to treat her with manners and call her ma'am - especially after GSB treated her like shit.
    Last edited by PepperElf; 05-12-2011, 02:42 PM.

  • #2
    Those people annoy the nuggets out of me. I've told them to wait their turn, to wait at least until I was done with this person, essentially to F-off a few times. I once gave one a look that could freeze FIRE and she tucked her tail between her legs and got to the back of the line. Holy wow, I don't know where these people get their gall but honestly, they need to take a step back and look at themselves. Especially when they just yell things like a demand.

    We had a lady start yelling "five" at us and we couldn't figure out what she wanted. Turned out she wanted five packs of a certain brand of cigarettes (she expected us to know her brand). The whole time I was trying to find a receipt for pump 5.


    • #3
      Uggg... makes me wonder why someone doesn't start yelling at morons like this.


      • #4
        Well jumping ahead of me I can understand at least - I had walked away from the window to see what pump I was on.

        The rest of her attitude however was pure bitch.


        • #5
          Stupid, too. The answer to "what amount was it?" is not PUMP ONE!

          Honestly, I'd have been tempted to go with the two-finger salute and a "PUMP THIS, LADY!"
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            I'd have been tempted to yell at the SC, "She asked you HOW MUCH, not what pump number!" I can't stand seeing fellow service-industry workers being abused.
            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably

