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Makes me proud of what I do

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  • Makes me proud of what I do

    Or: "Why I always win by following the rules"

    So, as you all know, I sell TV parts online. Mostly it's on eBay, but we do have a ProStores site as well. Because we're also a TV repair shop, I buy parts that we don't have.

    99% of the time, if I buy on eBay the sellers are great and have the same values and business ethic that I do. If someone needs to return something to me, I take it. I don't care if they're rookies who just threw parts at their broken TVs to try to get them to work or if it's legitimately a bad part- I take it back with a smile because it's just good business sense and the right thing to do.

    Two weeks ago, I bought a board for a customer's TV. I get the board in a poorly-packed crockpot box with hardly any packaging or anti-static protection. It irked me, but I was willing to look past it if the part worked, which it didn't. So, I contacted the seller about returning it and promptly got my head bitten off.

    His response to my email, which was a longer, less blunt version of "thanks for the fast shipping, but the part didn't work and I need to return it," was to send back THREE emails that questioned my shop's integrity, my seller practices on eBay and hinted that I was going to try to steal from him by sending back my broken board.

    After 3 more emails, I got a confirmation of refund upon return, a return address (I always verify where I send my returns. I heart butt coverage), sent it Priority with a signature confirmation and gave him the tracking number. I *should* have opened a case at this point, but I'm a little too nice for my own good.

    He let it sit at the post office for a week and ignored my emails. So, at this point I *did* open a case. Not 3 hours later he emails me and tells me he's been sick and couldn't get to the post office. I just rolled my eyes at that one!

    Then, the next day things got amusing. He informs me that he's only going to refund me if he finds the board to be non-working. This goes against what he agreed to, so I told him that I would escalate the case if he couldn't promise the refund. No response, so I escalated it and won.

    Now, I never EVER leave negative feedback. You have to be the king of the schmucks to actually get that from me. I've only left 1-2 neutral feedbacks, honestly. This guy got it. It wasn't mean, just honest. Thus began his personal vendetta.

    He has now emailed me 10 times in the past few days accusing me of mail fraud (because apparently I underweighted the package by 8 pounds) and threatening us with lawsuits for the apparent $18 he said he had to pay for the package. He even left us positive feedback with a negative message (since removed. But I got to keep the positive points! Thanks, eBay! ).

    So, now I have eBay involved. Oh, and he won't actually prove he had to pay anything, either; So, needless to say I don't believe him. The thing is that if I did underweigh it, it was maybe by a pound and totally by accident. I would have actually reimbursed him for it since I agreed to pay for return postage. But, since he's out of his mind, I stopped reading or replying to him since he threatened us and refused to prove anything.

    Supposedly he's "contacted the post master and eBay" and I'm inches away from Federal Prison.
    "You are beginning to damage my calm."

  • #2
    this sounds interesting. If something does come up, do tell. lol but that guy is a real weiner...:P
    I can only please one person a day, today isn't your day, and tomorrow doesn't look good either.

    When someone asks you a stupid question, give them a stupid answer.


    • #3
      LOL sounds like a guy we tried to buy a car on ebay motors from ... parts car for our 74 opel sedan, perfect location [buffalo NY, so we could hit my moms near Rochester when we went to go get it]

      Paid him paypal the way he wanted, cut and pasted his own email address from his email. Week goes by, he never gets the money,and emails it wasn't in paypal yet, we figure that he checked and it hadn't transferred in yet. We email him a day later, he never responds to email. Second week, hubby shoots him the 4th or 5th email asking when he was going to get around to sending us the address and pickup information. He gets all nasty that we havent done paypal yet. We email back that we did, and used the email address cut and pasted in from his email. He finally gives us a nasty review, and relists the car ... the money was still sitting there in paypal waiting ... so we stopped the transaction, and sent screen caps and copies of emails to ebay ... moron. he kept relisting the car for about a year with nobody but us interested in it.

      Pity, at one point in time when I checked with a cop friend in 2000, we had one of 700 left registered in the US ... we probably have the last registered, running and legally insured ones in the country now
      EVE Online: 99% of the time you sit around waiting for something to happen, but that 1% of action is what hooks people like crack, you don't get interviewed by the BBC for a WoW raid.


      • #4
        I haven't heard anything about the main complaint, but I got the feedback removed. But, here's what's funny about it: when eBay "removes" feedback, they just remove the comment itself, not the rating itself (I actually have mixed emotions about this as a whole). So, this idiot has contributed to my high feedback rating... with positive feedback.

        Still winning. Tiger Blood, bitches.
        "You are beginning to damage my calm."


        • #5
          dont forget to add him to your blocked bidders list in case he starts to feel vindictive

          i just recently left a neg for a seller who i bought a beautiful pair of shoes from. seller basically threw shoes in a postbag and posted from UK to AU. no, the shoes did not travel well. the stunning heels were all scuffed and marked.

          packing an item should be a major thing for a seller. not his and miss. i know when i sell items everthing is wrapped securely and thoroughly in case of bad weather or rough handling.

          theres NO way a tv board should be in a box with little packaging. thats just asking for a neg. bit of common sense needed.


          • #6
            Let's just say my very first time on E-Bay was well, interesting. I was not aware that they encourage you to refrain from leaving nasty feedback until you have tried resolving your issues with the seller first. But, later on, it was the right thing to do.

            This bitch sold me a Mickey Mouse watch clock and some wall hangings. I really wanted that clock being they did not make them any longer. The photo this woman posted was convincing as well where it looked to be in pristine condition.

            When the clock arrived, one of the watch straps was missing. One no reply to my e-mail later, I left negative feedback about what a fraud she was. Her photo, upon closer inspection, revealed a clock on a table shoved up close to a wall, and it was good enough to fool me into believing it was intact.

            Once she had the feedback, she got pissed royally. I opened a case but did not get my money back at all. I at that time never thought about looking at previous feedback as again, it was my first purchase.

            This lady's positive rating was 92%! Lots of negative feedback about how stuff wasn't what she promised, how long if took to send out stuff, and how she never would refund people their money. If you left neutral feedback, she would retaliate with negative on the buyer. Now, sellers can't leave negative feedback on buyers.

            She had her seller account revoked, but I really wonder his this stops frauds like that. People can probably open a new account with another username, right?
            Last edited by greensinestro; 05-29-2011, 12:55 PM.


            • #7
              dont forget to add him to your blocked bidders list in case he starts to feel vindictive
              I actually did that the first time I got a nasty email reply. He really struck me as someone who was very hotheaded and not worth the effort as a customer, beyond any vindictive behavior.
              "You are beginning to damage my calm."


              • #8
                So apparently he's still mad. He just bought something from me with his wife's (GF? Roommate?) account. So, I've reported it to eBay.

                eBay opened up an investigation of the account and told me to still ship to them. Dude has no life.
                "You are beginning to damage my calm."


                • #9
                  but now you know whom else to block at least.

                  but on the positive side, you get his money? unless he's buying it just to turn around and whine like a cock-slapped bitch


                  • #10
                    Quoth PepperElf View Post
                    but now you know whom else to block at least.

                    but on the positive side, you get his money? unless he's buying it just to turn around and whine like a cock-slapped bitch
                    And blocked I did.

                    Unfortunately, I think it might be the latter. It *might* be totally innocent, but this guy has proven himself to be totally batty. Here's hoping.
                    "You are beginning to damage my calm."


                    • #11
                      im sure it says in the rules somewhere that if you block a buyer and they use another account to buy from you (to try and ruin feedback or just muck you around) they can be reported for circumventing your bbl.

                      think its called malicious bidding but im not exactly sure

                      found it !! the policy says you cant use another account to bid on a sellers item if you're on the sellers bbl



                      • #12
                        Quoth georgie View Post
                        im sure it says in the rules somewhere that if you block a buyer and they use another account to buy from you (to try and ruin feedback or just muck you around) they can be reported for circumventing your bbl.

                        think its called malicious bidding but im not exactly sure

                        found it !! the policy says you cant use another account to bid on a sellers item if you're on the sellers bbl

                        That's it and why I reported the wife's account to eBay. He's a sad, sad little man. And she's apparently a sad, sad little woman.
                        "You are beginning to damage my calm."


                        • #13

                          and his lesson for the day is never piss off a seller who knows their policies

                          hope they both lose their accounts


                          • #14
                            Quoth georgie View Post

                            and his lesson for the day is never piss off a seller who knows their policies

                            hope they both lose their accounts
                            The ironic thing is he WAS the seller. If he hasn't been such an ass about giving me a refund, none of this would have happened. Anger management fail! LOL
                            "You are beginning to damage my calm."


                            • #15
                              So... . he was a whiney bitch towards you, got blocked, and now is trying to buy from you ...

                              what, in order to leave negative feedback?
                              is this the new way for sellers to get revenge on buyers?

                              except that... if it was his diabolical plan, it could get him in trouble since he was blocked from you

