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I Can Haz Cart?

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  • I Can Haz Cart?

    Not horrible, just irritating.


    OM = Older Man
    OMW = Older Man's Wife

    So I was checking out at the Mart of Wal late one night (getting a huge amount of groceries to carry me until my next paycheck), and was stuck behind two other customers. The woman currently checking out at the register was taking an ungodly amount of time to get herself organized and pay via the credit card reader, so the other customer ahead of me (an older man) was sharing some "What's taking so long?" looks with me. I felt exactly the same way, so I reciprocated in kind. (You'd think we had a sort of quasi-bromance going, but alas, it wasn't meant to be.)

    Finally, the woman pays and leaves, and it's now OM's turn to pay. While the employee takes care of his items, I start unloading my cart and putting my things on the conveyor belt. Once my cart is empty, I stand there quietly and wait my turn.

    As I'm waiting, OM grabs my cart and moves it out a bit from the register. Okay, not too big of a deal. I figured he just needed the room in front of the register to pay. As OM is paying, OMW walks up and starts going through the bags of groceries that are now sitting in OM's cart. I hear them chatting in low voices, but don't pay too much attention. Honestly, I'm just watching my empty cart out of the corner of my eye to make sure it doesn't magically disappear. I had a ton of groceries to take with me, so my cart was a definite necessity.

    As OM pays and is leaving, he pushes my cart all the way into the exit aisle (a space for people to move their carts around and head toward the exit). OMW grabs it, asks "Is this ours?" and proceeds to wheel it away while OM takes their cart and follows after her.

    (WTH? Is that EMPTY CART yours? Somehow I doubt it.)

    I finally open my mouth and say as politely as I can (since at this point I'm completely flabbergasted at the stupidity I'm witnessing), "Um, can I have that back?"

    OMW stops and stares at me in confusion, while OM says, "No, you can't have it back." in a sort-of joking manner (it sounded slightly snotty). He then pushes my cart back toward me and then he and OMW leave.

    Honestly, I'm not sure if this was a brain-burp moment or not. You'd think OM would have noticed that I was standing behind him with a cart full of groceries for at least 10 minutes, then maybe thought that the suddenly empty cart between us might have some use to me in the near future. The lack of apology or acknowledgment that he was about to steal my cart didn't help too much, either.

  • #2
    I think some people are just genetically jerks.

