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Oil Change Rip-off

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  • Oil Change Rip-off

    Just to head off the questions----I live in an apartment that that doesn't allow you to do it on property and I work 60-80 hours a week. This is why I don't just change my own oil.

    I recently got my oil changed at once of those basic car care places down the street from me. Usually they do the whole, "You need this, this, and this done to your car. We'll do all of it for $XXX if you'd like," thing after they're done. They didn't this time, which I thought was weird, especially since I hadn't taken care of a couple things they mentioned last time I was there. Oh well, I think, they won't try to up-sale me. That's good, right? Ha. I think they knew they were ripping me off and were trying to get me out as soon as possible.

    The rest of that day, I drove all over and around the city, going no less than 65 mph for most of it. I only stopped on a red light a couple times that day, and every time it felt like the car was shaking a little, but I thought maybe I'm imagining it. The next day, I had a friend in a car behind me and he told me that my car was letting out a lot of excess exhaust. Uh oh. So we check the oil level (after the car was cool, of course) and it was 3-4 inches past the max fill line. I saw red.

    So the next day (since they were closed the previous one), I called and talked to the manager on the phone.

    (Manager and I exchange pleasantries and I explain the situation)
    Manager: Well, you see, your make does weird things with their dipsticks and it actually pulls oil up it. So it's just marked it wrong.
    Me: Then explain to be the exhaust and the shaking of the car.
    Manager: Well, did the 'check engine' light come on your dash? Because nowadays the computers are so advanced that as soon as anything is wrong, it'll tell you right away.
    Me: No, but that's not neither true nor the point. I got my oil changed. My car started having problems. Cause and effect.
    Manager: Well, that's actually impossible. You see, we have a computer that does the work for us. We just put the VIN in and the computer puts the oil in the car. So we really can't mess up, see?
    Me: Are you refusing to even look at my car?
    Manager: No, just trying to point out there probably wasn't a mistake. Let me send a guy out to you now to look at it.
    Me: You can't now. I am at work and the car is at home. I had to get a coworker to take me in because of this problem you caused.
    Manager: Well, I guess you made it so I can't fix it yet, huh? Can you just call me on the way home? (emphasis mine)
    I agree to, tell him a tentative time, we give our byes.

    On the way home (about 10 minutes away), I call:
    Manager: Well, call me when you get home.
    Me: You told me to call you in the way home. We are driving there now.
    Manager: Just call me when you get home.
    Me: I've already passed your shop. If you leave now, we'll still beat you there.
    Manager: Good. Call me when you get home.

    About three minutes later, I'm home. I call again. I give his worker directions. It took him 15 minutes to make it to my place. The shop is about 1.5 miles away. I could've walked there in that time. The guy looked at it, told me the manager told him the oil was leaking. I told him I never said that and that I only told him that there was a lot of exhaust. The guy starts the car and makes it vibrate like I told him it did. He called it a "racket" and said that it sounded awful and we had to get it to the shop right away because it didn't sound good. We called the manager, who asked me to just let the guy drive it over so they can fix it and get it back to me. Haha. I will stay with my car, thank you.

    Ok, since my post is already long, I will just briefly summarize the adventures in the shop.

    (1) As soon as I show up, the manager again starts emphasizing the badly made dipstick and told me it was probably nothing.
    (2) He also again starts trying to tell me that since the "check engine" light never came on, there wasn't any damage.

    After he took my car and brought it back:
    (3) He told me he didn't see any excess exhaust or feel any shaking (even though your worker did, bud?).
    (4) He told me that one of his workers put in the computer that I had a different car (what about the VIN?), so they thought I needed 5 quarts instead of 4 quarts and they put in 4.25 quarts (so you rip off owners of those other vehicles by not putting enough in?). So, "it was only a little more."
    (5) Tells me to call if the check engine light comes on, since that will tell him there's actually been damage done.
    (6) When I asked for my money back, he said the best he can do is give me a coupon to get my next oil change free. Ha!

    So, we drive around, it seems to be better, so I go home...

    ....and go on Facebook to warn everyone about this. Get about 20 comments from friends also ripped off by them. Now we have a saying, "Friends don't let friends go to <shop>."
    Last edited by TexasT; 06-14-2011, 06:31 AM.

  • #2
    Actually at this point, I'd make the time to take it to a shop and have it looked at. Chances are they did do something and only a trusted/licensed mechanic will be able to say what the problem is.

    From there it's a matter of seeing whether or not they'll blow you off or if they'll try to salvage their reputation and actually pay for any repairs. Seeing as others have had problems, don't be surprised if you're blown off. You can either eat the cost of the repairs or take them to small claims court.
    Random conversation:
    Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
    DDD: Cuz it's cool

    So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


    • #3
      I agree. A second mechanic can nearly always detect the work of a bad first one.
      Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


      • #4
        and if you paid via credit card i'd recommend calling the credit card company and telling them the runaround you're getting.

        nothing quite like taking the money right out of their hands by force


        • #5
          I took mine in to the big V and got my oil changed and even got all the little extras they try and force on you. We were taking a trip with the kids for Easter and going to a big zoo about 2 and a half hours away so I wanted to make sure everything was ship shape. We take our trip and about 30 minutes before we get to the exit it starts knocking. Right at the exit it died and the oil light came on. We could not even push it over because there were big trucks and everything zooming past. A cop finally stopped and helped us. There was almost no oil at all in it. That caused something in the motor to happen and the motor locked up. I called the oil place and they said they have the person putting the oil in on video so it is not their fault. They would not do anything about it even though sure they had the person putting oil in but it did not show how much.
          So since we could not rent a car because we don't have a credit card, only debit and no one would rent us a car we had to get a motel at the exit until we could find someone to drive all that way to get us on Easter weekend. A 550 tow bill to get the van home, 250 or so for 3 days at a motel because we could not find anyone we knew that had a car big enough for all 5 of us until 3 days later, and a 2200 dollar bill to replace the motor later and we still never made it to the zoo. The kids were mad, lol.
          Luckily one of my customers that I have made a lot of outfits for called to tell me that her daughter won Supreme in her outfit I made. I told her what had happened and she offered to drive all the way to get us, took us home, then drove all the way back to her house 2 hours away. And would not take any money for it. I made her some free outfits for doing it that she didn't refuse though


          • #6
            I quit taking my car to places that do quick oil changes after the last one tried to rip me off on repairs I didn't need for my Jeep.

            I've had problems with both dealers and franchise shops. Right now I go to a dealer that's been straight with me so far, but I'm planning to try a mechanic a friend recommended and whom I've since met.

            Finding a good, honest mechanic is akin to finding a good dentist. They're like gold.
            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


            • #7
              I love the dealership. When I run out of free oil changes, I'm just going to go to their spin-off lube station, which is owned by the same people.

              There was a tad of suck with them, it wasn't related to oil, though. I gashed my weather strip one winter's day a few months ago (would you believe those bastards can cost up to $100, for a piece of RUBBER?!). It was covered under my factory warranty, but the dealership didn't want to fix it free of charge because they have to reimburse General Motors for everything they fix under warranty.

              Seems to me, in that sense, they can suck it. People buy warranties/newer cars with warranties that are still good because they don't want to pay hundreds/thousands of dollars in repairs. It's something that comes with buying a newer, more expensive car. Don't like it? Go work at a regular old garage where you can charge whatever you feel like.
              You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


              • #8
                It's difficult, in most engines, to add enough oil to actually cause damage in less than a hundred miles of driving. When you overfill the engine by several inches it means the crankshaft is rotating in the oil and churning it up, making it frothy. Draining and replacing with new oil would be required, after which the engine should be fine.


                • #9
                  I used to go to Jiffy Lube for mine but they would borderline harass you to get everything done and use more expensive oil. Went down the street to Sears and I love them. Takes longer, but the prices are better and they never try to rip me off. They discount the high mileage oil for me most of the time so it's the same price as standard. They give me good deals on stuff and never try to get me to do tons of other stuff. Plus they do free tire rotations. Hellz yea.
                  "I've found that when you want to know the truth about someone, that someone is probably the last person you should ask." - House


                  • #10
                    I like my little garage. He's a little one-man-band outfit, he only charges a pittance for labour, he doesn't charge a "female tax", & he's literally just around the corner from me so I can drop off my car then go home for a cup of tea

                    The only downside is that he's constantly rushed off his feet due to his excellent reputation (all word of mouth - his only advertising is the sign on the side of his garage in the tiny back road you'd only go in if you lived there) & he doesn't make appointments except for major jobs (e.g. taking the engine out), so you have to drop your car off at 8am if you want to be certain that he'll be able to do your car that day.
                    "It is traditional when asking for help or advice to listen to the answers you receive" - RealUnimportant

                    Rev that Engine Louder, I Can't Hear How Small Your Dick Is - Jay 2K Winger

                    The Darwin Awards The best site to visit to restore your faith in instant karma.


                    • #11
                      greek_jester the "female tax" and "talk down to the woman" are the reasons Mr. Mis doesn't allow me to deal with mechanics anymore. He feels it's in their best interest to only deal with him since I will rip them up one side and down the other when they pull that bullshit with me.
                      Do not annoy the woman with the flamethrower!

                      If you don't like it, I believe you can go to hell! ~Trinity from The Matrix

                      Yes, MadMike does live under my couch.


                      • #12
                        All this hassle is exactly why we have our own mechanic for our fleet! Since all our delivery lorries are from the same company, we have the right computerized diagnostic tools (hideously expensive stuff) and can do anything a garage can do. By now the guys at Mercedes stopped wondering when we order spare parts from them.

                        Of course... the mechanic is quite popular with the other employees when it comes to problems with their cars or when they want to buy a new used one.
                        No trees were killed in the posting of this message.

                        However, a large number of electrons were terribly inconvenienced.


                        • #13
                          That's why i love my mechanic. I've been going to him since I bought my first car at 15 (needed time to get it running!) and my dad's known him since I was a baby. He and my baby brother are the only one's who get to touch any thing under my hood. He never talks down to me and actually offered me a job at one point. The only suck there's ever been was when I bought an older car that they don't carry parts for regularly. He couldn't replace my air filter (I can do it myself but, as he's in there, I usually have him do it.) that day but told me to give him some notice that I was bringing it in next time and he'd make sure there was one there.

                          Also, he runs credit the old way. My dad has a tab with him and will have me just bring my car over when it's time to get his car, my moms car, the truck and my brother's car changed (SIL has a lease that her parents take care of). We all do it over the same week and my dad settles up with him at the end of the week. Not many places can do that and I will be really sad if his son doesn't take over the business when he decides to retire.
                          "I'm starting to see a pattern in the men I date" - Miss Piggy, Muppet Treasure Island

                          I'm writing!! Check out the blog.

