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Back in my day...

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  • Back in my day...

    Recently I was in my local supermarket, in they dairy section looking for a specific item near a employee stocking the shelves. Over walks Old SC.

    OSC: Excuse meee!
    E: How can I help you?
    OSC: what is wrong with your products?
    E: Which ones?
    OSC: This *shoves a plastic container of sour cream or similar at them* one!
    E: *takes it, looks it over* What is wrong with it? It looks fine to me.
    OSC: Feel it.
    E: *removes gloves and hold item* I don't feel anytime wrong with it. It is still cold.
    OSC: and...
    E: and what?
    OSC: It's leaking!!!!! You didn't feel it leaking.
    E: You mean the moisture on the outside?
    OSC: Yes.
    E: That's just condensation. It was in a cold case and it was moved into the warmer humid store and...
    OSC: Quit using those new-fangled terms on me, back in my day that never happened. Never! Bunch of inferior quality products!

    With that OSC stomps off and myself and the employee have that "wtf just happened" look on our faces.

  • #2
    There was no condensation in his day? Some people just have to complain or they'll DIE.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      I had to LOL. This post reminded me of this part from Family Guy (Is SFW):


      • #4
        I'm reminded of this...
        this never happened 20 years ago!


        • #5
          Quoth PepperElf View Post
          I'm reminded of this...
          this never happened 20 years ago!

          Beat me to it.

          Apparently science didn't happen in the good old days.
          Check out my webcomic!


          • #6
            Quoth Polenicus View Post
            Beat me to it.

            Apparently science didn't happen in the good old days.
            I blame Clarence Darrow.
            Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

            "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


            • #7
              Quoth Food Lady View Post
              There was no condensation in his day? Some people just have to complain or they'll DIE.
              There probably wasn't.

              Back in his day, sour cream came in waxed paper cups, not plastic containers, and the refrigerators might not have been as cold as today's either. Of course more people died of botulism and salmonella, but hey, at least the outside of the container wasn't wet.


              • #8
                Quoth Shalom View Post
                There probably wasn't.

                Back in his day, sour cream came in waxed paper cups, not plastic containers, and the refrigerators might not have been as cold as today's either. Of course more people died of botulism and salmonella, but hey, at least the outside of the container wasn't wet.
                "Listen here, sonny, there warn't no botch-oh-listum's and salmo-nello's in MY day...None'o yore fancy-schmancy, too-good-for-me, dee-ziner diseases! We just upped and kicked the bucket like proper folks!" (spit) "...ask me, young'uns is all too damn edu-cated now..grumblemumblegrowl..."
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  Probably back in his day, oxygen had not yet been discovered, making us wonder what people breathed before that!


                  • #10
                    Quoth greensinestro View Post
                    Probably back in his day, oxygen had not yet been discovered, making us wonder what people breathed before that!
                    They didn't. If you go all the way back, anaerobic metabolism was the rule.

                    I remember a SF short story, possibly by Larry Niven, concerning a species to which oxygen was deadly poison. The line that stuck in my head was "The only species that survived the advent of aerobic metabolism on Earth were botulism and gangrene, and not much else."

                    I have a vague memory of a title something like "The Green Poison", but g00gle doesn't find anything called that.


                    • #11
                      "The Green Marauder", in the short story collection "Limits".

                      ETA and a few other places.


                      • #12
                        Ah, right. Thanks. I actually have that book in the house somewhere.

