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Pizza Yuck

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  • #31
    Quoth AquaGirl View Post
    And not necessarily a Pizza Hut rant either, simply that particular restaurant. Saying that other Pizza Huts did x or y really doesn't make me feel any better about eating at this one.
    I'd really recommend calling the board of health on them.

    It's the only real way to stop them... especially if they say bullshit like "we can't wear gloves". Bull-fucking-shit. Wearing gloves when you have on acrylic nails IS in most fucking health codes. And let us not forget the Finger-licking girl. Fucking skanky saliva on your pizza. Yum yum.

    If they don't want to obey the law then they shouldn't be in the business in the first place.

    And hell go for one of those local news on-your-side things. Might help light a fire under their asses if the local news reports it too.


    • #32
      Same was true for the Pizza Hut I worked at, and all the others I saw when I had to run ingredients between branches. Seems like it's Hut's corporate policy or something.
      DJ Particle


      • #33
        Years ago I was a delivery driver for my local Pizza Haven, (the chain no longer exists so I don't think it's a problem to use their name, if so please delete), and us drivers would cut the pizzas as they came out for delivery.

        It never occured to me that we should be wearing gloves until I read your post... I certainly wasn't licking my fingers and touching the utensil, and I never actually touched the pizza, but again now thinking back on it, we didn't rinse the cutter between pizza's so I guess we were cross contaminating all over the place?! WHOOPSIE!

        They did wear gloves to make the pizza, so I guess it wasn't an issue as we weren't physically touching the food.. but I guess it would have been better if we had just to be on the safe side.. I was only 18 though and fresh out of high school, it was a second part time job that only lasted a few months, but that is another story!
        "You're perfect yes it's true, but without meeeee you're only you!"


        • #34
          Quoth Beckpatton View Post
          Years ago I was a delivery driver for my local Pizza Haven, (the chain no longer exists so I don't think it's a problem to use their name, if so please delete), and us drivers would cut the pizzas as they came out for delivery.

          It never occured to me that we should be wearing gloves until I read your post... I certainly wasn't licking my fingers and touching the utensil, and I never actually touched the pizza, but again now thinking back on it, we didn't rinse the cutter between pizza's so I guess we were cross contaminating all over the place?! WHOOPSIE!

          They did wear gloves to make the pizza, so I guess it wasn't an issue as we weren't physically touching the food.. but I guess it would have been better if we had just to be on the safe side.. I was only 18 though and fresh out of high school, it was a second part time job that only lasted a few months, but that is another story!
          Its cause of a few things
          1 health department doesn't care if it gets cooked.
          2 the health department doesn't care as long as its routinely rotated out and isn't visibly dirty due to the temperature of the cooked product.

          At the Dom, we used one cutter between about 25-35 pizzas. Which really isnt that much cause in average day we could make 200.

          But touching the cutting part? NO NO NO NO... and NO. bad.


          • #35
            Yah, cross contamination between foods is mostly a non-issue in terms of health. The one exception would be that anything that has come in contact with raw meat should be washed before it comes in contact with finished food (hands, knives, cutting boards, etc).

            It also matters if you are attempting to keep things Kosher/Vegan/vegetarian/whatever. So if you sliced a pepperoni pie and then a cheese pie, the 2nd pie is now tref (not kosher), that said, it was any way as far as the strictly religious are (cooked in the same oven), so any one that actually cares knows about this sort of stuff and knows what to avoid :P

            There is a Mongolian BBQ place in Cleveland called BD's (I assume a chain) that very specifically has a vegetarian wok that they use if asked, which I thought was very good of them. Hell, iirc, they actually asked my friend if she was vegetarian (as there was no meat in her bowl) which was even better.


            • #36
              Quoth thansal View Post
              There is a Mongolian BBQ place in Cleveland called BD's (I assume a chain) that very specifically has a vegetarian wok that they use if asked, which I thought was very good of them.
              Yes, it's a chain. They also will do an "allergy bowl" if needed.


              • #37
                They are one of the things I miss about living in OH (one of the few tbh). It was a combination of good food, fun food, and really good staff. My friends and I would go for special occasions fairly regularly (hey, $20 is expensive for college students :P)


                • #38
                  If brain surgery is not difficult to perform without gloves, I think making a pizza with gloves is probably fairly doable.

                  Some kneading dough barehanded is one thing...dough is tough to knead and it's going to get baked at a high temp anyways.

                  But the sneezing is just nasty and disrespectful and Mr. "it's hard to make pizza with gloves on" simply does not want to pay for gloves for his crew. I shudder to think what other corners he's cutting. Little phone call to the health department might be in order.


                  • #39
                    A few years ago out here in AZ, one of the pizza chains got into a lot of trouble because some of the workers at one location had video recorded themselves
                    rubbing the pizza dough on their privates. And they were stupid enough to post them on youtube.
                    I won't set foot in one after that.
                    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"

