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You go weave 'round them cones. Weave them cones!

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  • You go weave 'round them cones. Weave them cones!

    I found out (the hard way, obviously...) that there is construction work (Repaving, actually) on a major intersection near my block. We turn the corner to find cones in a line in the middle of the street. Further down the block, at the intersection, there are clearly several workers in orange and yellow vests, and a bulldozer to smoothen the pavement. (About damn time. > <. They didn't finish the job they started a few weeks ago.)

    As we're between the cones and the intersection to find out if we can cross or not, we see two cars coming up the street. ... But wait, weren't there cones blocking off the street?! Yes, there were! What gives?

    The two cars stop at the traffic light, and a construction worker walks over to them. I'm about fifteen feet away, so I overhear the following:

    (CW is "construction worker" oddly enough. How convenient. SC is "Serious car." Ain't that just awesome? XD )

    CW: "Good morning, ma'am. I'm sorry but this road is closed. You'll have to go back around the other way down ____ street."
    SC: "Why? What's wrong with the road? Why can't you just let me through?"
    CW: "Well as you can probably figure this road is being paved over. The road isn't suitable to drive over right now."
    SC: "Oh now why did you have to go and do that?"
    CW: "Just my orders, ma'am. I'm sure you noticed the orange cones at the beginning of the street."
    SC: "What, those? I just drove around them! Whoever put those there should be shot for their inconsideration!"
    CW: *taken aback* "... Well, ma'am, I put those there so that fine folks like yourself wouldn't have to be stopped here and have to turn around, but I'm afraid that's exactly what's going to happen. Now be a dear and turn around now. You have a good day."

    He walks away, though blocks her way down the intersection. I feel bad for him, really. He must get a lot of that. I mean the cones were on the right side of the road, where traffic goes. Who would drive around them? Sheesh.
    SC: "Are you new or something?"
    Me: "Yes. Your planet is very backwards I hope you realize."

  • #2
    Quoth ShadowTiger View Post
    I mean the cones were on the right side of the road, where traffic goes. Who would drive around them? Sheesh.
    Well, there's at least one person.....

    Also, I gotta say that I love your avatar
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx


    • #3
      Back in the 90s when I was living in Buffalo, they were paving the left lane of a road that had two lanes in each direction. They had cones all along the white lines... except for one cone right smack in the middle of the lane we were actually driving in.

      So of course everyone went around it into the newly-paved roadway. Most of us came back into the solid lane, but this one luser decided he was going to stay there. He drove right up to the back of the truck that was laying out the new asphalt. As he was sitting there with his tires buried three inches deep in hot asphalt, the guy in the truck came out and started screaming at him...


      • #4
        sometimes you just want to let them drive over the hot tar and damage their tires... except for the fact that it would destroy the workmanship...


        • #5
          At first glance of the title. i thought this thread was going to be about "The Matrix".

          Hugo Weaving. :-)
          "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


          • #6
            Quoth ShadowTiger View Post
            SC: "What, those? I just drove around them! Whoever put those there should be shot for their inconsideration!"
            That's the bit that concerns me more than anything else here. An entitlement complex that large suggests a huge lack of awareness of consequences.


