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Oh just leave that anywhere...

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  • Oh just leave that anywhere...

    I stopped at my local Tar-zhay this evening on my way home from work to pick up a few things. There were 2 regular lines open and 1 express (<10 items). I had a hand basket and maybe about 15 items so I got on the shorter of the 2 regular lines. There was 1 woman paying, another with her stuff on the belt and her cart just at the end of the counter, and then 1 other woman before me. The first lady finished, and the 2nd moved her cart up, but the woman in front of me did not move up, leaving about 5 feet of space between herself and the end of the counter. Oh, and she was talking on her cellphone, describing whatever she was holding in her hand (gloves, I think) to the person on the other end. I was just starting to think to myself, Are you on line or what? when she apparently decided against purchasing her item. So she laid them between the computer and pinpad on the closed register next to us and walked off. I was going to pick them up and give them to the cashier but my basket was kind of heavy so I wanted to put it down first.

    At this point, another woman with a cart had come up behind me, and I could see she had been eyeing the express lane (which had a fairly long line) and the other lane, but apparently decided on my line. She had 2 fairly small items in the front basket of the cart. I put my stuff up on the belt, and put my basket on the stack at the end of the counter (there's a space for them there), and then the woman behind me moved her cart off to the side behind the closed register in front of the one the other woman had left the gloves on and walked away. I thought maybe she was going to grab something real quick but then I saw her walking out the door.

    By now someone else was behind me and the abandoned cart was next to her and I couldn't grab the gloves without moving one of them, and I hadn't totally decided the cart lady wasn't coming back yet. (It was after I turned around at this point that I saw her at the door.) So I didn't get the gloves and I felt a little bad cuz I hate that.

    But I was looking at hand cream and I looked at one tube that was in the wrong place; I started to put it back where I picked it up from but then looked down and saw the little display box it came from a few shelves down so I put it back where it belonged. So, guess my karma evens out...
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

  • #2
    Once, when I was in line, the person infront of me, put something in the magazine racks, and left it there. I picked them up, and handed them to the cashier, explained everything, and I basically got in trouble for it. I got told, to leave it out somewhere, cause I am taking her job away from her
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      powerboy, I did that once, but instead of bawling me out for taking her job away, the cashier said in a really snarky tone "Sure, someone ELSE left it there."... *jawdrop*

      I just said "fine, next time I won't be so considerate, and you can find the other lady's ice cream in the magazine rack I took it from"
      GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


      • #4
        Quoth tollbaby View Post
        powerboy, I did that once, but instead of bawling me out for taking her job away, the cashier said in a really snarky tone "Sure, someone ELSE left it there."... *jawdrop*

        I just said "fine, next time I won't be so considerate, and you can find the other lady's ice cream in the magazine rack I took it from"
        I picked up a basket once at the grocery store and found a pack of hot dogs in it. It was a little crazy that day - the store was getting ready to close down so it was a bit messed up with empty shelves everywhere - and we weren't anywhere near where they belonged, but I at least put them in an nearby endcap refrigerator so maybe they wouldn't have to get thrown out. A few weeks ago at the craft store I collected at least 6 things from the candy rack in front of the register, including a can of spray paint and a picture frame. I gave them to the cashier, and she looked surprised. I hate when people leave stuff in the candy/magazine racks. I don't always pick them up but I will if it's something perishable, or breakable that might get knocked off.

        powerboy, I can not imagine complaining about a customer actually doing something to make my job easier! you should have offered to smash them on the floor or something, just so she could feel useful.

        and tollbaby, what the heck was her problem...if you were the type to just leave things, you would have. and if you were the considerate type and they were your items, you'd have put them back where you got them or at least told her you'd changed your mind.
        I don't go in for ancient wisdom
        I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
        It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


        • #5
          Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
          and tollbaby, what the heck was her problem...if you were the type to just leave things, you would have. and if you were the considerate type and they were your items, you'd have put them back where you got them or at least told her you'd changed your mind.

          Well, see, I often give the cashiers at my grocery store things that my grocery budget just can't cover that week (I'm on a VERY tight budget, and sometimes I miscalculate with taxes and whatnot) so it's not rare for me to hand them something, but I'm always honest about it. I'd never bother blaming it on someone else, so it was a real surprise when she got snarky with me overi t. She's the bloody manager too. *sigh*
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #6
            Quoth powerboy View Post
            Once, when I was in line, the person infront of me, put something in the magazine racks, and left it there. I picked them up, and handed them to the cashier, explained everything, and I basically got in trouble for it. I got told, to leave it out somewhere, cause I am taking her job away from her
            Which is exactly why I don't get involved. Not all employees are good employees like us and care about such things. The few times I have gotten involved I have got a response like p-boy did. While I'm a nice guy and all I am not shopping there to take care of their restock for them. If I see something perishable out of place, or someone shoplifting, I will say something, but besides that my blinders are on.
            If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


            • #7
              I've been on the other side; I once asked a customer politely to hand me a carton of eggs sitting on the end of the till where someone had dumped it, she responded snappily, "Well, I didn't put it there!" I replied (also politely) to her that I knew that, I just wanted the eggs away from the end of the till where someone could knock them off. She handed me the eggs then and was nice after that, but I don't see why she had to be nasty cuz I wasn't accusing her!
              People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
              My DeviantArt.


              • #8
                BookstoreEscapee, you're a gem. You're straightening efforts seemed to be snowballing! You find one thing and another out-of-place thing catches your eye...happens to me all the time. As a bullseye employee, I thank you for your efforts. It was sweet of you and I would appreciate it if I was the cashier.
                "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


                • #9
                  Quoth Food Lady View Post
                  BookstoreEscapee, you're a gem. You're straightening efforts seemed to be snowballing! You find one thing and another out-of-place thing catches your eye...happens to me all the time. As a bullseye employee, I thank you for your efforts. It was sweet of you and I would appreciate it if I was the cashier.
                  Well, thanks, I try

                  I drove me crazy in the bookstore when people would just stick stuff on the shelf right in front of my register, or one woman slipped a book behind my register's moniter. just give it to me! I'm standing right here! I'm WATCHING you for god's sake! I loved when little kids would hand me stuff they weren't taking. I'd always make a big show of thanking them...hopefully they'll remember when they get older

                  I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                  I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                  It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


                  • #10
                    I yelled at my mom in Borders today, because I picked up a bunch of stuff, then decided I shouldn't be spending that much until I actually find out how much my bonus (yay!) is going to be. When I figured out at least one of the books that I wasn't going to buy, she told me to just dump it anywhere, but I took it up and gave it to the cashier. OT: He also made my day, because I didn't realize that Borders knew the difference between comics and graphic novels, so I got to use a coupon not good on comics to get my Sandman gn for 20% off.
                    "In the end I was the mean girl/or somebody's in between girl"~Neko Case

                    “You don't need many words if you already know what you're talking about.” ~William Stafford

