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But... where is the sour cream?

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  • But... where is the sour cream?

    Could be considered minor, but I still found it annoying.

    Was at a Denny's I haven't been to before, and as usual ordered the half zesty nachos. Now, it states on the menu details for the item that one of the things it comes with is sour cream..

    So I place the order, wait a while and finally my nachos come... and there is no sour cream, and the waitress has already headed off elsewhere.

    I finally flag her back down.

    Me: Um, excuse me, but aren't these nachos supposed to come with sour cream? It states so on the menu...
    Waitress: OH, so you wanted sour cream? Okay, hold on and I'll get you some!
    Me: Thanks. ^^;;

    Another few minutes go by and finally she returns with my sour cream.

    Me: Thanks, and sorry again... just never had them come without the sour cream before.
    Waitress: Oh, well, they ARE supposed to, but I got so tired of people getting upset at me because they'd order the nachos and when they come, they didn't want the sour cream! So I've just decided to always have them made without any, and if the customer wants it they can ask for it!
    Me: ... Oh, I see...
    Waitress: Yeah. It's just that they never seem to read the menu and yet I get yelled at for it! So I hope you understand! It's just irritating getting yelled at, and you understand, right?

    Actually, no. No I don't.

    Wait, I KIND OF understand but the fact remains that the menu details specifically state it comes with sour cream.

    I should not have to ASK YOU for something that is assumed to already be included because YOU think I should.

    Wouldn't it be less inconvenient for ALL OF US, if YOU asked to confirm people want the sour cream on the nachos, on the side or not? Instead of, you know, thinking that EVERYONE doesn't want it? :|

    I mean, if the menu had no menton of sour cream whatsoever for that particular item or it stated specifically that sour cream was optional/cost extra, then okay.

    But it doesn't.

  • #2
    That does suck =/, I'd be a bit irked if I was expecting something to be there and it wasn't, UNLESS they ran out.

    But I'm wondering if the people forget to request no sour cream or she just forgets to write it down.

    Either way she wasn't very professional.


    • #3
      No she wasn't very professional at all. I hope her tip reflected that.


      • #4
        Honestly, if she really was having that problem, and wanted to do something about it, she could have easily brought it out on the side regularly.

        Even there, she is likely going to be up a specific creek if her manager ever found out.


        • #5
          It should have stopped at your "Thanks!" Typically, unless the customer does something to indicate they want an explanation, you shouldn't offer one -- especially not a detailed one.
          Drive it like it's a county car.


          • #6
            Yeah that wasn't up to her. If it is that much of a problem-and knowing what we all know of SCs I imagine it is-she can certainly say, "That comes with sour cream," giving you an opportunity to ask to have it without.

