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Those Aren't Shoes!

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  • #31
    Quoth EricKei View Post
    I wear a size 16, EEEE width in US measurement o_O
    And I thought I had big feet - size 11 1/2, EEEEE here.

    New Balance is my friend - Size 12, EEEE fits pretty good without special order.


    • #32
      Quoth EricKei View Post
      Neat article.

      My ancestry, on both sides, is essentially Alsace-Lorraine/Bavarian region (Southern German and Northern French on one side, Southern German and Cajun on the other), which would suggest, well, anything BUT Celtic >_> That being said:

      Now that I look at my feet -- not something I do often -- They resemble the left side/"celtic" version more, save for the fact that my big toe and "index toe" are apparently identical in length; however, the foot shape is more English -- or should I say, really freaking wide. I wear a size 16, EEEE width in US measurement o_O
      You could very well have some Celt in your ancestry. Nobody's pure anything anymore. I have a very Celtic foot from the combination of my dad and mom. My mom's not as pronounced as mine is and my grandmother (her mom) had a positively Saxon foot.

      The Celts didn't originate in and only exist on British Isle. We actually originated in (what is now) central and eastern Europe, the Hallstatt culture. The Gallic Celts are the barbarians referred to that sacked Delphi (297BC) and Rome (387BC).

      And then there's the 3000-year-old Celtic mummies in China.

      A good book specifically about the Scots is "The Scots: A Genetic Journey" by Alistair Moffatt and James F. Wilson. It's actually about Scottish DNA, but instead of being deadly boring, it's really more of a history book. Goes way, way back to pre-pre-historic times.

      Quoth EricKei View Post
      And ya know what they say about us guys with big feet, right...? ...It's hard to find shoes our size.

      Last edited by Pagan; 06-26-2011, 04:10 AM.
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


      • #33
        Those do look interesting. I might have to see if there's a brick and mortar here selling them (and would be very suprised if there isn't, I'm near Vegas). I'd have to wear a pair for a couple of days to know if I could deal with them or not. I have low grade (at least for now) but progressive nerve degeneration in my toes as part of a genetic condition (thanks, Dad!). I buy my shoes half a size or so too large and as wide as I can find because I can barely stand anything at all touching my feet, and I don't know if I could handle stuff being between my toes, and I refuse to wear sandals or any other open style shoe because of how my toenails and the sides and sole of my feet look because of the aforementioned condition. The situation with my feet makes it actually uncomfortable for me to go truly barefoot most of the time, though I have a pair of croc knock offs that I wear around the house and for shopping and such that are reasonably comfortable, at least for short periods.
        You're only delaying the inevitable, you run at your own expense. The repo man gets paid to chase you. ~Argabarga


        • #34
          Ooh, I've recently gotten into running and am training for a half-marathon this winter. I've always wanted to try these 5 Fingers because no matter how good the regular shoe, I ALWAYS feel toe cramp and just plain uncomfortable-ness in my feet during long runs. If 5 Fingers feels like I am wearing no shoes at all, then that would be awesome!
          We have a really cool Runner's Alley nearby with great staff so I don't have to worry about fakes!
          "There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary and those who don't."


          • #35
            Le sigh. Unexpected expenses came up, so no fancy shoes for me. They'll have to go on my list of things to ask for come December for birthday/Christmas presents.
            It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


            • #36
              I'm down by London at the moment so today I went off to a shop I found online which allegedly sold the Vibrams.
              When i finally found my way there, they had 4 pairs, non of which fit me and they said they weren't planning on getting any more in
              I did try one pair on, but that one felt like it was about to chop my little toe off... its still sore now hours later
              |Hopefully i can run (45 mins on the uinderground) to another place in the morning & see if I have any better luck.
              I can see it will be mail order at this rate
              Arp happens!

              Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.

