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Do You Have to be so foul-mouthed?

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  • Do You Have to be so foul-mouthed?

    Normally when I'm out running errands, I don't run into any SC's of the nth degree, otherwise they'd been posted here.

    Yesterday afternoon, however, was the first of the month. And that means running errands with Mom after work.

    I got done with work shortly before noon. And of course, had to make a soft drink run (Perfect Drug Store has been running Pepsi products for .88 w/limit of 3 since last Sunday.)

    First two Perfect drugs (we have 'em on just about every corner in certain parts of town) were non eventful. Third store I stopped at (on the way to go grab lunch nearby) was another matter.

    The lines were getting a bit backed up after I'd zoomed in, grabbed a cart and picked up 3 diet Dews and headed up front.

    Two people in front of me and another one coming behind me when a young man came over to the register opposite the line I was standing in and called for the next customer in line.

    Next customer in line was the young lady in front of me struggling to hold onto a 24 pack of water - she went over to the register and I moved forward at the register I was at. The customer who was being checked out was asking the cashier about doggie diapers and the cashier was picking up the phone to call a CW to check on that when the young man called me over.

    Before I could turn around, the guy behind me - an older fellow - flew over to the counter and the cashier explained that I was actually the next person in line.

    Guy flew mad. "SO YOU'RE NOT GOING TO CHECK ME OUT?" he started yelling as I went over in front of him and set my 3 drinks on the counter. I smiled and said very sweetly "Excuse me" since he was trying to get into my space.

    The cashier explained again that he would get to him after me, since I was actually the next person in line.

    Old Crab slung his items onto the counter, almost knocking over my drinks and yelled "THIS IS FUCKING RIDICULOUS! WHERE'S THE DAMN MANAGER?" and stormed off toward the back of the store.

    Poor cashier shook his head and I just swiped my debit card and commented "Some people are just unnecessarily rude."

    Got checked out and left without hearing if the crab found the manager. I did wish the poor cashier a better day when I left.

    Some people . . . I hope he doesn't kiss his wife with that mouth.
    Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)

  • #2
    You didn't get any of the Arizona teas? Lol.

    But yeah. Idk why be assholes like that flock there.
    Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
    Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


    • #3
      He should have been allowed to go first, you are just some peon there to fill the dull landscape of his life. The cashier should have recognized this fact.


      • #4
        You young whippersnapper. Don't ya know to give way to yer elders? Yer pappa oughta tan yer hide, young lady!
        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


        • #5
          So, instead of just waiting his turn, he left the line to go find the manager? I wonder what happened upon his return to find his place in line wasn't saved?

          It probably took him more time to do that than it did to just stand in line. People are something else.
          Last edited by greensinestro; 07-11-2011, 03:06 PM.


          • #6
            Quoth DGoddessChardonnay View Post
            Some people . . . I hope he doesn't kiss his wife with that mouth.
            After seeing this, what makes you think he has a wife?
            If anyone breaks the three pint rule, they'll be running all night to the pisser and back.

