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Everyone else does it!

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  • Everyone else does it!

    This was from last week, not sure why I didn't post about it then...

    I was in line at the grocery store and the lady in front of us had maybe four or five things after they are rung up she tells the cashier that she wants to use her members card for the gas discount. The cashier asks for it and the woman says she doesn't have it on her then quickly says a bunch of numbers, "That is my drivers license, use that." The cashier explains that she has to actually have the license in front of her to use it, the woman gives her the nastiest look and says " WHO ELSE WOULD KNOW THE NUMBER?! IT'S MY LICENSE!!!" Since she was yelling, a manager came over to see what is wrong. Being a smart ass I pull out a scrap a paper and a pen knowing what is going to happen and wrote a bunch of numbers on it. The woman starts yelling at the manager that she wants the cashier fired and how EVERYONE ALWAYS lets her just use the license number and her wallet is in her car and she shouldn't have to go allllllll the way out to it to get the license. The manager tells the woman that no, they need to have it and she can go get it, or not use it but there are other people in line and the store is busy and she needs to move on. The woman screams as loud as she can then yells her license number at the cashier again demanding she use it. The cashier says no, she can't and the woman once again yells who else would know it. That's when I smile brightly and hold up the paper I had in my hand and say " I do! See, I even wrote it down. Wonder if anyone else has done that with you screaming it at cashiers just doing their job." The woman turned even brighter red, screamed once again, slammed down one of the things she was buying then once she realized no one was jumping to make her happy stomped out screaming and from the sounds of pretending to cry.

    The rest of the time there went smoothly the cashier and I talked about how crazy that woman was, and how she has had people get mad but never screaming, yelling and pretend crying. The manager said she had people get upset and kick things because of it but the pretend crying was funny. I told them they deserved a raise for not giving in.
    I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.

  • #2
    That was very evil.

    I love it!

    There is no problem we cannot ignore, confront, plot against, drown in chocolate sauce, or run over with the car- Christopher Elliot


    • #3
      You win, so very much.
      "If your day is filled with firefighting, you need to start taking the matches away from the toddlers…” - HM


      • #4
        you made her cry?

        you are my hero!
        look! it's ghengis khan!
        Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


        • #5
          I love you.


          • #6
            That was the most awesome of pwnage! I bow to you.
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              You... made a screaming SC... cry.

              For you, one Bacon Explosion and some banana marshmallow brownies.
              What colour is the sky in your world and how high of a dosage do you need before it turns back to blue? --Gravekeeper


              • #8
                Thanks everyone, I even get bacon and love??? Wow, I didn't know I did THAT good...
                I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


                • #9
                  Quoth Squeaksmyalias View Post
                  her wallet is in her car and she shouldn't have to go allllllll the way out to it to get the license.
                  This I never ever understand. It happens so often and I just for the life of me I just don't get why so many customers actually leave their friggen wallets in their car when they are buying stuff! Why do they do it?! I keep my wallet in my pocket at all times and would NEVER leave it in the car and risk having it broken into and stolen.

                  Some of that explanation I can attribute to just plain lying on the part of the underage kid trying to buy cigarettes, but there are still a lot of people who legitimately and intentionally leave their wallets in their car.
                  Fiancee: We're going to need to do laundry. I'm out of clean pants.
                  Me: Sounds like a job for Gravekeeper!
                  Fiancee: What?!
                  Me: Nevermind.


                  • #10
                    That was awesome, what you did there. Total, pure win! I salute you!

                    Quoth thehuckster View Post
                    This I never ever understand. It happens so often and I just for the life of me I just don't get why so many customers actually leave their friggen wallets in their car when they are buying stuff! Why do they do it?! I keep my wallet in my pocket at all times and would NEVER leave it in the car and risk having it broken into and stolen.

                    Some of that explanation I can attribute to just plain lying on the part of the underage kid trying to buy cigarettes, but there are still a lot of people who legitimately and intentionally leave their wallets in their car.
                    Not to mention, if you're paying for groceries...maybe not everyone does this, but I keep my money in my wallet. You know, what you use to pay for stuff. 'Cause that's kinda what wallets are for. To hold money. To pay for stuff. Which you would need to bring with you into the store to do.
                    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                    • #11
                      Completely awesome

                      Yeah, I'll never get why people leave their wallets in the car, ok, I do so when I pump gas, but I'm right at the car!

                      I get nervous if I don't have my wallet and phone on me.
                      "Getting to the top is optional. Getting down is mandatory." _Ed Viesturs
                      "Love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking, and don't settle" Steve Jobs


                      • #12
                        A month or so ago, during Pride weekend, there was a dance party at a local venue. I got myself prettied up, tucked credit card and cash into my bodice, and wandered off to go dance my pretty lil butt off.

                        Notice what I neglected to bring?

                        Now, I look not-quite-25 on a good day. Which I appreciate, and usually I love being carded. But this time, I got to the club, got carded, and went OOOOOHHHHHH FUUUUUUUU...

                        Turned around, went home, dug my ID out of my pants pocket from the previous day, and went back to the club. THEN danced my pretty lil ass off.


                        • #13
                          Quoth Squeaksmyalias View Post
                          TI was in line at the grocery store and the lady in front of us had maybe four or five things after they are rung up she tells the cashier that she wants to use her members card for the gas discount. The cashier asks for it and the woman says she doesn't have it on her then quickly says a bunch of numbers, "That is my drivers license, use that." The cashier explains that she has to actually have the license in front of her to use it, the woman gives her the nastiest look and says " WHO ELSE WOULD KNOW THE NUMBER?! IT'S MY LICENSE!!!" Since she was yelling, a manager came over to see what is wrong. Being a smart ass I pull out a scrap a paper and a pen knowing what is going to happen and wrote a bunch of numbers on it.

                          The cashier says no, she can't and the woman once again yells who else would know it. That's when I smile brightly and hold up the paper I had in my hand and say " I do! See, I even wrote it down. Wonder if anyone else has done that with you screaming it at cashiers just doing their job."
                          Only one thing missing that would have made it complete Pwnage: telling her that a lot of states use the SSN as the driver's license number, so everyone in earshot knows her SSN - and that she's asking to have her identity stolen.
                          Any fool can piss on the floor. It takes a talented SC to shit on the ceiling.


                          • #14
                            Quoth thehuckster View Post
                            Some of that explanation I can attribute to just plain lying on the part of the underage kid trying to buy cigarettes, but there are still a lot of people who legitimately and intentionally leave their wallets in their car.
                            How about two different customers that I had who lived at the apartment complex within walking distance of the store where I worked? Two separate instances (separated by at least a month), two different people. Both buying cigarettes, and when ID'd, telling me that they left their ID home as if I would suddenly change my mind and sell them cigarettes. No can do, people. I don't care if you walked here, if you're going to be buying age-restricted items, you need your ID. End of story.
                            "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                            - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                            • #15
                              Sometimes during work I'll walk over to get my pops and I a 6 pack, grab cash and totally forget my wallet at the store. I'll get to the check out and be like "FFFUUUUUUU...." point to the logo on my shirt and run back over for my ID!

