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  • #31
    Quoth Merriweather View Post
    The other teacher took a different approach. He gave us a test, stressing that it was a very unique test, to test how well we could follow directions, and the most important thing was to read it carefully, and follow each and every instruction exactly, no matter how odd.

    Those of us who actually read the entire thing got to sit back and watch quite a show of idiots that day, LOL. And the teacher proved his point quite well.
    I remember this, I did a similar test in elementary school.

    I was the only one to succeed it, as the last instruction was "If you're the first person to complete this test, say your name out loud."

    Which I did.

    Everybody else failed because they then proceeded to say their names out loud after me.
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    • #32
      Quoth wolfie

      One "someone forgot to fact-check the questions" U.S. geography quiz I saw had the question "What is the only state whose name consists of two words, neither of which is 'North', 'South', or 'New'?" The answer was "Rhode Island" - I'm sure virtually anyone from West Virginia would have got that one wrong.
      By those instructions, West Virginia is technically the only correct answer. "The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations" is way more than two words, even omitting "the state of" from the word count.
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      • #33
        Quoth DeltaSierra View Post
        Ugh, I hated those things! The first time I did it, it was called a "Reading and Understanding Directions" test. The main directions said "Read all the directions on this page." Or something generic like that. So I went ahead, read all the directions and followed all of them to a "T", then I get to #14 or so and it pulls that "skip #s ____ through _____" shit. I was so angry, because now it looked like I couldn't follow directions.

        Excuse my ignorance, but I didn't realize we're supposed to read all the directions in a test before we start. I'm not going to read the directions for Parts 1-6 all together, since I will presumably be smart enough to STOP after each part and read ONLY the directions dealing with the next portion of the test.

