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Are you going to pay for me? *slight language*

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  • Are you going to pay for me? *slight language*

    Yesterday I was at a Jr. Market to pick up some snacks and food for the cat. I've been going to this place for a few years since it's close to where I live. Anyways it's a family owned store, mom and pop type place. I've known the owner, his brother and uncle for some time now.

    I ran into two of the weirdest suckiest people. Usually people don't buy a ton of stuff here. It's also a liquor store so most people just buy snacks, cups, toiletries, ice and drinks. They don't come up with grocery baskets full of stuff. People don't even really use the baskets that they have provided. Now they do get the occasional homeless people.

    Lady with no money

    SC - Weird lady
    OU - Owners uncle

    This lady has filled the little counter up with extension cords, all types of snacks, dog food, light bulbs. Just a bunch of random shit and there was a lot of it. I had a feeling that OU knew the lady and had previous problems with her.

    SC - How much is this?
    OU - $2.25
    SC - And this?
    OU - $4.50
    SC - OK, well can you give me a discount cause I'm trying to get on the bus and...
    OU - Look lady you always come in here asking for discounts and not enough money. There's prices on these things. Why didn't you just look?
    SC - *starts acting weird. the only thing I can describe it as was a Janis Joplin type conniption.*
    *misc back and forth. The lady is trying to get some things for free*
    OU - Are you going to pay?
    SC - *digs around in her purse* No cause I ain't got no money to get what I want asshole.
    OU - Then gtfo of my store bitch. You always come in here causing trouble.

    SC storms out. I couldn't help the slight laughter that came out of me. The OU really did say "then gtfo..." She did curse at him and he cursed back. I've never seen OU get that mad. They must've had some type of history at the store.

    Are you going to pay for me?

    This one actually pissed me off because most people are nice to each other in this store. If they see your hands are full or you have cold drinks, they'll make space on the already small counter for you to put your stuff up. If a woman comes up behind a guy, the guy will usually tell her she can go ahead of him. Things like that.

    Cue this old jackass.

    SC - Old jackass
    Me -
    OU - Owners uncle

    This is all happened after the weird lady left. I put my stuff up. Snacks, pop and cat food. Old guy that looked around 50 something comes up and has two 40 ounces in his hands.

    Now if you leave even the slightest space, people will say excuse me and put their stuff up on the counter. Some will try to crowd you out like jerks. This guy was a bit different. He actually did the opposite of those two scenarios while still being a jerk.

    Me - Hey if you want, you can put your stuff up on the counter.
    SC - What?
    Me - *repeats what i said*
    SC - *in the nastiest snottiest tone* Are you going to pay for me?
    OU - He was just being nice to you. You can put your stuff up.
    SC - Is he going to pay for me?
    Me - No. I was just trying to be nice. You know if you wanted to free up your hands.
    SC - Well if you aren't going to pay for me then don't worry about it.
    Me - Really dude? Nice. You just keep standing right there with that snotty attitude.

    He didn't say anything after that.

    Now most people would just say to one another "no it's ok", "I'm fine" or take the person up on their generosity. They might even start small talk. You know being friendly to each other. That guy was just, I don't know just a nasty person I guess. It wasn't only the words he said, it was his whole demeanor, the way he said it and you could just tell he seemed liked a nasty person after he responded. Beforehand I couldn't really tell. Oh well.

  • #2
    No wonder there's so much incivility and ugliness out there, if people react that way to someone being nice! Well, you tried. If he wants to be a jerk, nothing you can do.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


    • #3
      dang OU has some fucked up customers (well aside from you of course )

