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Hunt for Elusive Spectacles, Courier Douchebaggery and Other Stories...

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  • Hunt for Elusive Spectacles, Courier Douchebaggery and Other Stories...


    Perhaps its because I'm in customer service myself, but I don't think I have exceptionally high standards in what I expect when I am being served by others in the retail/customer service industry. I guess its just because I know they are human like me, but up until today, I could only count on the fingers of one hand occassions of such bad service that I would bitch/complain about them. In the space of the last 3 days, I've got a bunch.

    Hunting for New Glasses
    Lil Retail Rabbit wears glasses, and very nice ones she thinks too. They are plain black, thin squarish-rims, nothing too fancy, but I think they suit me perfectly fine. I love them. Sadly they are about 8 years old and starting to get a bit worn. I would like to buy a new pair.

    I first went into the well-known chain, Specsavers. Actually, I went in there last week, but I was returning to have a look at frames now I had a good idea of what the prices were. I was considering something a bit fancy as long as the shape was ok. I was finding nothing. I spent a good 15 minutes in there picking up frames and putting them on (and grimacing and looking sad at how ridiculous they all looked)...and not ONE sales advisor approached me. Oh they did the other day, but today they were too busy gossiping.

    Unimpressed by the frame selection (they didn't even have anything that rightly resembled what I have now), I went to their rival, Scrivens Opticians, a few doors down. Even though they close early and were only 30 minutes from close, the sales advisor was happy to chat with me and suggest some frames. Good start.

    Well I tell him that while I am open to other shapes, I would really love it if I could get a pair that look as close to the pair i was wearing already as possible, as I feel they are the perfect glasses for me. I was unhappy with everything I had been shown so far because the lenses were too wide for my face and made it look strange.

    He proceeded to make me feel like an utter weirdo by INSISTING that the lenses were the right size and that my current glasses were in fact the wrong size- too small, and that they looked "wrong" on my face. This just made me feel sad, and a little paranoid for a short while (self esteem isn't my strongest point ). I have been assured by people that my glasses look fine (and a couple of people, my fiance included, have insisted they look sexy ), but for the rest of the time I was in Scrivens, he was trying very hard to persuade me that HIS way was right, and I was WRONG. He did not at any point tell me exactly how or why that wearing "small" lenses is somehow harmful or bad in some way, but he sure as hell acted like he did. Surely my preference is what is important, being as I'm the one going to pay through the nose for them and wear them every single day?

    I escaped and tried Tesco's opticians, expecting it to be crap, being a supermarket's opticians. Within 5 minutes, I saw SEVERAL frames that looked snazzy on me, and within seconds of me entering the department a lady kindly asked if I'd like help. I didn't have time to do a proper look, so I'm going back tomorrow. They are also doing buy one get one free on all glasses priced over £65 I hope that my first impression of them turns out to be correct!

    Stop Lying About the Shampoo Prices, I CAN Read!

    I am a thrifty bunny, and I like a bargain. I used to buy the VO5 shampoo/conditioner because it was very cheap but also did good stuff to my hair. It seemed to become discontinued a few months back so I switched to the slightly-more expensive and not as long-lasting Loreal Elvive. Nice and all, but if you don't get it on offer, it can be a bit pricey. So when I was restocking on toiletries in Superdrug on the same day as the glasses hunt (Wednesday), I was very pleased to see that VO5 is being sold in new shiny bottles. I am about to run out of Elvive in 400ml bottles (lasted a while, and I got them on offer) and these bottles are 500 ml, which I think, cool, that will last a while! Then I notice the little promotional price tags on the shelves:

    VO5- better than half price!

    It states that the 250ml bottles are 99p. I think, ooh not bad. And then next to them, it says the 500ml bottles are £1.99. I was rather surprised- £2 is cheap for a 500ml bottle of shampoo. I check and re-check...yep...the little ticket under the price stating £1.99 says "VO5 500ml". I snap it up.

    I didn't realise until yesterday when I was writing in my spending book that for the shampoo and conditioner, I was charged £3.49 each. Annoyed much

    I was CERTAIN that the prices had been I thought "Thats ok, I'll check the Superdrug in my work precinct." This store (I'll call it store A) is not the store where I bought the shampoo, but I figured, it being the same chain, they could help me. I went there after work today. First of all, I double checked the price before approaching the cashier, you know, just in case I had had a dumb moment. Nope, it was the same here too- VO5 500ml, £1.99. I asked the cashier if they would be able to help me. They said they couldn't refund me the difference as it wasn't their store where I was overcharged, but they were cool about it. I said "What if they don't believe me about the price? What if it changes before I can get there next?" They said "It only just went on promotion so it shouldn't change too soon. Howabout you call the store before you go there, so you can give them a head up?" I thank them kindly. In Store A, they are lovely peeps. Then again, in this precinct, we all know each other

    I called Store B (where I was overcharged) this afternoon to ask about it, and give them a heads up, as suggested. The manager first of all denied that the shampoos were £1.99 AT ALL. She implied that the people at Store B were wrong and that I was wrong too. I explained that I double check the price today at Store A and was told it was a new promotion. She relented, stating that the promotion had "just finished" and that if it was stated that price in another store she'd have to refund me. I'm a bit annoyed, as her tone implied I was scamming. I know its only a difference of about £3, but that £3 can be put to good use when you have very little money (and need to buy new glasses <.< ). I told her I'll be in Store B tomorrow, but I have a sneaking suspicion she's going to deny me. I should mention I was very polite on the phone.

    As Useful as an Ashtray on a Motorcycle... how I would describe the morons at Yodel.

    My mum recently bought new furniture for the guest room (which is soon to be occupied) from well-known and pricey catalogue Littlewoods. She picked a wardrobe that was just over £200. When she opened it up to assemble it, it was broken. This was over 2 weeks ago- she called Littlewoods and requested a refund on the basis that the item was faulty (and decided that she'd get a wardrobe of the same quality but much better price from Argos).

    Now I should point out that it was really more down to the manufacturer of the product at this point, but Littlewoods of course accepted the refund request and told my mum that it would be collected within 3-5 days. To be honest, this was already mum was on holiday and spending that time redecorating the room and preparing it for our "lodger's" arrival. Her holiday was ending in 3 days time.

    They messed her around and then eventually told her what they neglected to tell her 5 days previous- that she needed to arrange a date for the collection etc. More annoyance. My mum contacted them but then had to wait to be contacted by suck-tastic courier Yodel. One evening last week, my dad took the call and I overheard him saying that my mum was working on Thursday (yesterday). I interrupted and said that I had the day off work and could cancel my plans to sit in for the collection. And so it was arranged.

    Fast forward to yesterday. I don't do anything all day...I don't wash because I don't want to be half-naked and realise the collection had arrived, I don't vacuum because its noisy, I don't even sit in the same room as the washer in case it blocked out the noise. I wasn't even sure WHEN they were meant to come, but by around 2:30, I told my fiance "I don't think they are coming."

    4:04, I get a call from my mum asking if I was out. I said "No, Im at home waiting for this stupid courier." My mum said "They still haven't come?" "Nope." She tells me where to find Yodel's phone number- on the note it also says that they were supposed to coming between 12:15 an 4:15. Mum asks me to chase up Yodel and to make it clear we're unhappy.

    I call them at 4:11. I give them my details and say that the collection hasn't arrived. The guy lamely says "Well its only 4:11...(meek silence)...oh...I guess that only gives them 4 minutes." He puts me on hold to try and get in contact with the driver. He tells me he only went to answer-machine but left a message for the driver asking him to contact me. He says if they haven't arrived within half an hour, to call back.

    I give it to 4:50. Mum comes home and she's tired and not in the mood for confrontation. I call Yodel again. Get some other guy. Go through everything again, tell him that the last guy said to call back. He tries calling the driver again and says "I only got his answer machine so I left him a message asking him to contact you."

    Me: "The last person I spoke to said that also. Look, I'm sorry, but this is terribly inconvenient for us, I had to take the day off work for this and the item for collection is blocking a large amount of our living space. Will he actually arrive?"
    Guy2: "Well, I'm checking the log, and it says the driver has encountered no delays, so I don't know why he's not there. We will be closing at 6, so you can keep calling us until then..."

    Fine >.< I thank him too and hang up.

    5:30 rolls around. I try one more time:

    Yodel Girl: *opening spiel*
    Me: *details*
    YG: And this item is for collection?
    Me: Yes, this is the 3rd time I've had to call you *repeats everything from before, including the 12:15-4:15 thing and the fact I'm off work*

    (They don't need to know I had the day off already, thats not the point)

    YG: I can try calling the driver again?
    Me: *silent grimace* Ok, but the other 2 guys tried that already too.

    *she puts me on hold*

    My tone is cold, but utterly polite and assertive btw.

    YG: OK well I could only get his answer machine so I left him a message asking him to contact you.
    Deja Vu anyone?
    Me: Heh. He's not going to call.
    YG *real attitude, and whining* Well maybe his mobile phone has run out of battery! Maybe he can't get to the phone! You don't know! He might have been delayed!
    Me: *blinking and giving my mum a look of surprise* The last guy I spoke to said that there were no delays reported.
    YG: *still being a shit* Well if his phone is dead then he won't be able to report delays and things! *seems to realise how rude she is being and goes back into customer-service mode* Besides, even though we close at 6, the drivers keep delivering until they are finished, so he'll probably just be late coming to you.
    Me: So he is coming?
    YG:...well, they just keep going until they are finished...

    Needless to say, the wanker never showed up. I had an early shift this morning so I didn't get the pleasure of calling Yodel back myself at 9am...but when I came home this afternoon, my mum said she was so "furious" that she needed to calm down before she told me.

    She called Yodel up. Whoever she got said "Oh your collection was cancelled." My mum was already livid (but knowing her, she kept her cool, she doesn't fly off the handle). She asked why. They said "Because you decided you wanted to keep the item." She replied "Do you know anyone stupid enough to buy a £200 wardrobe and then keep it when they realise it is completely broken?" They then changed their mind and said "Um, no, Littlewoods cancelled it." So they've already lied there.

    She asks why Littlewoods cancelled it. They said "You'll have to ask them." So she phoned them. They said they hadn't cancelled it at all, and thought it was on their way back to them.

    Are, so Yodel are just a bunch of filthy liars eh? My mum said "Well, this company that you use have just lied to me, twice." Now we have to arrange ANOTHER time for collection and mum has also told Littlewoods that she's clearing her account with them because she's fed up.

    This is obviously Yodel's fault but as Littlewoods are prepared to keep using them I guess they need to accept some responsibility. I tell you what, these guys are damn out of order. This item is taking up so much space, its hard to walk around and completely blocking where we keep our coats and jackets...and its heavy so you can't just move it out of the way on a whim. Oh and of course, although we were assertive, we were totally polite throughout our dealings with these people.

    Can't get the staff, eh?

  • #2
    Tesco opticians - FABULOUS for buying frames and lenses (I got 2 pairs for £20, frames and lenses and they've lasted longer than my £100 Boots pair did). Actual eye tests are a bit rubbish - although that may just be my local-ish store.

    Yodel - BEYOND useless. It's a real shame Littlewoods use them because it puts me off buying anything from them. Also, Disney Store online uses them and they've been known not to put the parcel onto the van because there was no room for it. We're talking a parcel no bigger than a small jiffy bag. My last delivery they left in my shed which has no door and is open access to anyone passing, the one before they left with my neighbour without telling us it had arrived. And 3 days before the agreed delivery date which I had booked a day off work to cover. Absolute rubbish.


    • #3
      Is there a UK equivalent to the Better Business Bureau that you can call and report Yodel's epic fail?
      Fixing problems... one broken customer at a time.


      • #4
        If its not too late and you have the right amount of clubcard vouchers Tesco is doing the Double Voucher scheme on Opticians at the moment (In minimum of £5 clubcard voucher to £10 voucher to spend in the opticians ).

        Oh, and a friend of mine has real problems with Yodel. They either claim he wasn't it and return the item to the retailer for non delivery or chuck it over fences etc without even trying to ring the doorbell or find somewhere safe to put it. I think one even put in in the bin.. yes the wheelie bin meant for rubbish! luckily they got to it before it was bin day or they put anything else in there without knowing.
        Last edited by Gizmo; 08-06-2011, 01:12 PM.
        I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi


        • #5
          This Yodel sounds a lot like UPS (Universal Parcel Service) here in the US >_> They routinely ignore requests regarding item placement, minor special instructions, etc. From my own experience: I ALWAYS request that they ring the bell (it's written on the label), and, if it's raining, I set out a chair or milk crate with a sign saying "Deliveries here" so it won't get wet (most of what I get are computer parts, so wet = really BAD THING); if it's not some el cheapo part, I request (on the label) that they at least try to "hide" it behind the huge bushes right next to the door... It never helps -- they never ring nor even knock (even tho HQ says they are ALWAYS supposed to do one or the other even if not requested), and they see nothing wrong with leaving a huge cardboard box (e.g. a system case) on the wet ground in plain sight of whomever may pass by. The best part is, if a Signature is called for on the label, they may or may not even attempt to get one. I've had different times where they would either just leave the box there, or ring the bell and run back to the truck 5 seconds later without delivering it.

          Note that, when I was working in an office, they brought stuff straight to the desk where it could be watched, essentially for lack of any real choice in the matter.

          If they have failed to deliver something, you are given the option to go to their warehouse and pick it up -- but not until AFTER its scheduled delivery date. Yes, this means that, if the item is in their warehouse but not on a delivery truck because it's not schedule to be delivered until tomorrow, they won't let you go and pick it up until the day AFTER tomorrow, after a delivery attempt has been made and failed for some reason >_< Note that the conditions I mentioned above are considered "successful" delivery attempts.

          The best part is one of their more well-known, notorious practices: The fact that a package can easily be marked as "delivered" half an hour before it even arrives. Their drivers will pull onto a street, stop at the first drop location, and then proceed to mark EVERY item on that street as having been safely delivered...>_> I could understand doing that AFTER dropping everything for that block, but not before.

          My favorite experience was when, a few years ago, they delivered a PS3 I had ordered to the wrong address...basically, 123 instead of 132...The label had the correct address, the item was neither small nor cheap, and it was literally just left on an old lady's front porch in plain view. If not for the fact that said lady knew me, I might never have known about it.
          Last edited by EricKei; 08-06-2011, 03:49 PM.
          "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
          "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
          "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
          "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
          "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
          "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
          Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
          "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


          • #6
            Sounds to me like they'd be better named as "Yokel".

            Does anyone still use that term anymore?


            • #7
              re: glasses

              This thread is worthless without pics!
              Long days, short nights, a bottle of NOS makes it all right.

              Canadians Unite !


              • #8
                Quoth Little Retail Rabbit View Post

                This just made me feel sad, and a little paranoid for a short while (self esteem isn't my strongest point ).
                I've seen your pic & as a red-blooded male I can assure you that you have no reason to worry about your appearance
                "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

                Mark Twain


                • #9
                  Rabbit, so long as the glasses you're getting work with your interpupilary distance (or however you spell it; the distance between your pupils), then it doesn't matter if they're a bit smaller. Sounds like the guy at the second place was just a jerk trying to sell you on a more expensive pair or something. (Or full of himself. One of the two.) Glad to hear Tesco is working out for you.

                  Quoth EricKei View Post
                  This Yodel sounds a lot like UPS (Universal Parcel Service) here in the US >_>
                  This really does seem to depend on your area and delivery people. Our UPS guy is awesome, as is our USPS guy. FedEx is okay enough, though they tend to skip delivery and claim they tried on occasion. DHL is the really bad one in this area.
                  "Enough expository banter. It's time we fight like men. And ladies. And ladies who dress like men. For Gilgamesh...IT'S MORPHING TIME!"
                  - Gilgamesh, Final Fantasy V


                  • #10
                    @Linda: I went back to Tesco yesterday and they were sooo helpful and friendly and they even said "Sure your glasses are a little small, but they suit you!" I have an appointment for Tuesday now, and I've already definately picked a pair from Bench that are very similar to my current glasses (the lenses are the exact same size- squee!). Just trying to pick a snazzy pair now, might as well as its BOGOF I was really disappointed by the Littlewoods thing personally as they seem to be the only place I've seen that sells proper kick-flare jeans these days (last pair I bought proclaimed to be kick-flare but were merely bootcut). They aren't a bad company but using Yodel lets them down and ultimately puts a mark on their own reputation, I really think they should consider using someone else.

                    @Gizmo: yes, the assistants told me yesterday, sadly my mum and I have no vouchers at the moment, but thats ok, at least its BOGOF Thats a very cool promotion though.

                    @Kogarashi: My prescription is fine my eyes are a bit sensitive to glare so I sometimes wear reactions lenses in the sun (they turn dark) and like anyone else I will strain a little bit in the dark or half-light (must stop reading in the dark...sometimes I don't even realise until I've left the room and re-enteredit how dark it is!). I may pay for some anti-reflection coating on my new glasses to help with that, otherwise, they're ok

                    We've had some bad experiences with couriers and postal workers in the past but Yodel well and truly take the taco. I mean, we've had some arsy, lazy postman, but in recent years he was replaced by a good lad who works hard, and we've had some sucky couriers. One time I was on the computer (this room is at the back of the house) and I could hear the sound of paper hitting the floor in the porch (at the front of the house- I have good ears!) I go over, assuming the postman has been and delivered a bill or something, to see its a failed delivery note. I quickly yanked the door open and I see this woman getting into her car, looking very sheepish. I said "Why didn't you knock the door?" And she immediately got snappy and defensive and said "I DID knock the door!" I said "Well you obviously didn't, I came to the door because I could hear you slip this note through the letterbox- I heard that but no knock?" She just gave me a very sour look and gave me my dad's parcel. I have no idea what she had hoped to gain from that.

                    But to end on a positive note, I also had a very happy experience...I was reminded when some of you guys recalled finding packages in your wheeliebins or in other very inappropriate places. Well, I was awaiting my new MASSIVE book to come in the post, Emilie Autumn's Asylum for Wayward For Victorian Girls. I knew it had been shipped and when I came home from work, I was hoping that it had been delivered. I asked my mum and she said she didn't hear the door all day. Sad face Oh well, I figure tomorrow. My mum asks me to shut the living room windows because its getting cold. I go over to close it....and...there on the shelf next to the window is my huge package addressed to ME! This is what I guess happened. Mum keeps the windows open even in cold weather for fresh air. She was hoovering and couldn't hear the door. The courier (possibly dismayed at the idea of having to carry that HEAVY book around for the rest of the day) could hear through the window that the hoover was running, and knew my mum couldn't hear him/her, and then decided "well, why not put it through the window?" The net was even arranged perfectly so it didn't look disturbed. I personally thought it was a very good bit of initiative and gave me a very pleasant surprise


                    • #11
                      You got The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls?! -envious- Soooooo how are you today, Miss Rabbit... -stealthily inches hand toward book- [Apparently it's actually really confusing in spots and she needed better editing. I still want to read it. ]
                      "And so all the night-tide, I lie down by the side of my darling, my darling, my life and my bride!"
                      "Hallo elskan min/Trui ekki hvad timinn lidur"
                      Amayis is my wifey


                      • #12
                        All of the parcel delivery companies seem to get a big case of the lazies when they get to my apartment complex.. they routinely deliver all of the packages to the management office where we pay the rent check, and then go round and slap a missed delivery, placed with office sticker on the proper doors. I once caught the UPS guy by accident opening my door to leave, and he almost stickered my face. I asked him for my parcel and he looked sheepish and stated he'd already left it at the office. Ugh.
                        "If looks could really kill, my occupation would be staring" Brand New - I Will Play My Game Beneath The Spin Light


                        • #13
                          Quoth Setsunaela View Post
                          they routinely deliver all of the packages to the management office where we pay the rent check, and then go round and slap a missed delivery, placed with office sticker on the proper doors.
                          Check with apartment management, there may be a policy in place that requires this. Personally, if I were in a complex, I'd prefer it be done this way, as it means that my packages would be inside, being at least technically "watched" or in view of somebody.

                          Then again, it's also likely to be a bit of the fact that delivery companies demand that their drivers be FAST...and doing it that way is considerably faster, unless *everyone* getting a package that day has small, light items that can all be taken in one trip. This also creates a tendency for the trucks to park where they shouldn't, however x.x
                          "For a musician, the SNES sound engine is like using Crayola Crayons. Nobuo Uematsu used Crayola Crayons to paint the Sistine Chapel." - Jeremy Jahns (re: "Dancing Mad")
                          "The difference between an amateur and a master is that the master has failed way more times." - JoCat
                          "Thinking is difficult, therefore let the herd pronounce judgment!" ~ Carl Jung
                          "There's burning bridges, and then there's the lake just to fill it with gasoline." - Wiccy, reddit
                          "Retail is a cruel master, and could very well be the most educational time of many people's lives, in its own twisted way." - me
                          "Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down...tell you she's hurtin' 'fore she keens...makes her a home." - Capt. Malcolm Reynolds, "Serenity" (2005)
                          Acts of Gord – Read it, Learn it, Love it!
                          "Our psychic powers only work if the customer has a mind to read." - me


                          • #14
                            Quoth Kogarashi View Post
                            This really does seem to depend on your area and delivery people. Our UPS guy is awesome, as is our USPS guy. FedEx is okay enough, though they tend to skip delivery and claim they tried on occasion. DHL is the really bad one in this area.
                            Our local UPS depot is great, too. I'd rather they handle my shipments than any other local carrier--including the USPS. If I come home to a missed delivery sticker, I can call and usually pickup the package at the depot that evening.
                            The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                            "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                            Hoc spatio locantur.


                            • #15
                              For my sins my sub £10 Lego order just got a "failed delivery" from Yodel today. The worse thing is it was subcontracted from DHL who are normally great and in the worst case have a local office about a mile from us. Yodels pick up offices are 30 miles from us and they won't redeliver on a weekend day.

                              I've ended up asking them to add a note to the account pleading the delivery person to *try* to come after the time I get home from work (mid afternoon) and hope that it works.
                              I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi

