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Newspaper numbskullery

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  • Newspaper numbskullery

    My city has one of those "Springfield Shopper" newspapers. Published twice weekly, it contains no actual news other than "this event happened, this event is happening soon, this person got some award so here's a cliched 'grip n' grin' photo, these people did something so here's a cliched 'execution at dawn' photo."

    But it has all the ad circulars for all the stores in town, so it isn't completely without value.

    And my mom was complaining to me today that she didn't get her paper. For about the tenth time this year. Mind you, this is a totally free, non-subscription newspaper. How hard is it to buttfuck your way into tossing a copy of the paper in front of every house on your route?

    It doesn't seem to be a problem of not having enough papers. Mom called the newspaper again, and she's getting close to being an SC about it, but every time she calls they just tell her they'll re-deliver the latest issue, but as often as not that doesn't happen either.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

  • #2
    Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
    But it has all the ad circulars for all the stores in town, so it isn't completely without value.

    And my mom was complaining to me today that she didn't get her paper. For about the tenth time this year. Mind you, this is a totally free, non-subscription newspaper. How hard is it to buttfuck your way into tossing a copy of the paper in front of every house on your route?
    Could one of her neighbors be collecting hers as well as theirs, for extra coupons? We had a problem like that once.

    Madness takes it's toll....
    Please have exact change ready.


    • #3
      If it's a free paper, the delivery people probably aren't paid much. They could be tossing them in the closest dumpster.

      We had a problem when we put out a free pub a some years back. Some of the free-lancers apparently got bored while delivering and would just dump bundles of the freebie section wherever they felt like it. I found a couple of bundles behind a tree on my way to the bus stop once, and another time saw a whole bunch of bundles lying on a slope just off the railroad tracks.
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        I remember delivering the local free newspaper and getting a whopping 2 cents per paper. At the end of the month, sis and I (we shared the route) had a whopping 10-12 bucks. Of course we were young and didn't have an allowance, so that was big money then. We rarely got complaints except for one or two houses, who I swear had newspaper-eating-shrubbery or something, because we knew it was delivered. *shrugs*
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          I don't remember what I get paid per paper. It's like 15-50 cents, depending on the subscription (I get more per paper for weekend-only subscriptions). Then there's a bunch of gas comp, and tips, and insurance, and a bunch of other stuff that gives me a headache to try and unravel.

          Our weekly shopper comes in the mailbox. I'd hate to deliver it to houses. (1) Delivering to every house/apt in my delivery area would probably triple my delivery time! And (2) those weekly ads we get are so flimsy, it'd be like tossing feathers at houses.

          It is very possible that your neighbors could be snatching yours. It's a fairly common problem. I have some customers where I have to deliver up to their porches because of this. Of course, with a freebie, good luck getting your carrier to deliver to your porch. I know I wouldn't want to.
          Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


          • #6
            Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
            And my mom was complaining to me today that she didn't get her paper. For about the tenth time this year. Mind you, this is a totally free, non-subscription newspaper. How hard is it to buttfuck your way into tossing a copy of the paper in front of every house on your route?
            We have a problem with ours because we actually have a driveway and they hate walking up it to the porch and doorway slightly to the side of the house.

            But even weirder is when they do that and then fail to put it through the letterbox even though they walked all that way! They just leave it in the porch (where it usually flies away before we get to it)
            I am so SO glad I was not present for this. There would have been an unpleasant duct tape incident. - Joi

