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And how was YOUR week?

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  • And how was YOUR week?

    Here's a rundown of the week I just had. Keep in mind, I'm trying to housesit for my parents (who are now back home thank you Jesus) who were in Taos all week. They live across town from me and have shitty, intermittent internet connection. Being at my parents house can be a little stressful sometimes. She has two dogs and two cats and they drive me a little nuts because they are not disciplined in the least.

    And while this is going on, I'm trying to keep an eye on my friend's cats. My friends are at Pennsic. Their cats have food without my going over there, but I give them treats and tuna and some cuddles.

    And go home every now and and then to water my plants and my garden.

    MONDAY: I don't want to make a huge deal out of this here, but I had a cancer scare late last week and I was waiting on the results of a biopsy. I don't have cancer. However, I didn't know this as of Monday. Call Time Warner Cable and schedule a truck to come out.

    Truck comes out to fix the internet connection. He shows up at the exact same moment my grandmother's nurse next door blows the fuse in the kitchen in my grandmother's house. Guys "fixes" the Road Runner line. Works for five minutes after the guy leaves. I have to go dick around with my grandmother's fuse box before driving over to my house. Set sprinklers. Head over to Pennsic friend's house to feed cats. On the way over, the doc's office calls me to tell me I've evidently evaded the Grim Reaper for yet another hour. Finish up and head back over to the other side of town. Schedule another truck roll.

    Wednesday: Another TWC truck shows up. Lather, rinse, repeat. Spend part of day on help line to TWC. I should add that these fuckers gave me a TWELVE HOUR WINDOW in which to expect their tech to show up. TWELVE FUCKING HOURS. The whole time I'm reminding myself I don't have cancer. Which is probably the whole reason I have not had a meltdown by now. I did NOT schedule a truck roll because after sitting around all day waiting for them to show up, I had shit I had to do on Thursday.

    Recieve garbled message from unknown number while running errands. Ignore it. Turns out to be a tech looking for the house, which I found out on Friday. Go back over to the house and visit friends while the kids play a bit. Take care of friend's cats. Run sprinklers. Take kid to ballet later.

    Friday: Schedule another truck roll. They're all like "we had a guy trying to come there yesterday." Apparently the garbled mystery call was from them. I told them I would not have agreed to another TWELVE HOURS of waiing for them to get what would probably be a non result. Sorry, but their track record for fixing shit sucks. I wasn't nasty, but I was honest. I never agreed to a Thursday truck roll. They came out with a truck and once again the very nice man failed to fix the line. In fact, now it was completely and steadily dead.

    Saturday: They sent this surly turd of a technician out and we hated him. In fact, he tried to get out of doing ANYTHING. He tried to slip out on the job, if you can believe it. Husband wasn't having it. Ironically, the guy may have actually managed to fix the cable. So if being a turd gets your service fixed, I guess I'm okay with his being a turd.

    We're supposed to go home tonight and then my parents call and their flight home has been cancelled. So an extra night at the parents. Sigh.

    Husband and daughter head over to the movies to watch the Smurfs and I head over to my place to grab some stuff we need and go visit the cats.Storm blows in as I'm getting home. I pull in and a huge bolt of lighting strikes over my head and I wisely decided to stay in the van and wait out the storm. I'm hanging out in the van, and it blows over eventually and I get out and walk out to the end of my driveway because I hear sirens and the house four down from me is completely engulfed in flames.

    Ooookay. Insert obligatory freaking out and clusters of panicked neighbors running hither and yon. I accidently said "Oh, holy shit!!!" in front of my extremely hardcore Baptist next door neighbor lady. That house and the one behind it in the nearby neigborhood are now smoking craters. And not to make light of this awful situation...nobody got hurt in either house, thankfully..I am now trapped on my street (which is a cul de sack) by two police cars, two ambulances, and four pumper trucks.

    Some four or five hours later, I make it my friend's house to check on their cats, much MUCH later than I had planned. I mean, it's okay, clearly other people had way bigger problems in that one night than I had all fucking week. I'm not complaining. I'm just saying that I was pretty tired at this point.

    Meanwhile, my mother and father are booked into a hotel by American Airlines. The three rooms adjacent and near my parent's room are being used by a gang of extremely low end prostitutes to evidently run some sort of assembly line on the smoking and loitering johns in the hallways and parking lot. These are not high priced "escorts." No, these are hos, skanks, and cheap, cheap women.

    Sunday: Today was pretty nice, other than someone passing out in church this morning right in front of me. She's okay. We called 911 and they came out, but she seemed fine. I hope it was just the heat and humidity. It wasn't hot at all inside, but the air is hard to breathe lately.

    My mom called me a little while ago to say they got home okay. She took off her clothes, which she never changed, and left them on the porch before going into the house for fear of vermin and pestilence. I'm home now, too.

    In Other News:
    A little while ago, I found a tick. On my junk. Again.
    Last edited by RecoveringKinkoid; 08-08-2011, 05:48 AM.

  • #2
    Congratulations on No Cancer!!! the rest: ooooh wow.......
    Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. It is the rest of your story who you choose to be. So who are you? - Kung Fu Panda 2


    • #3
      what a week! Glad everyone's alright-- and alive? Hope your parents and friends had good times where they were at, and that you got a tip!
      "Is it the lie that keeps you sane? Is this the lie that keeps you sane?What is it?Can it be?Ought it to exist?"
      "...and may it be that I cleave to the ugly truth, rather than the beautiful lie..."


      • #4
        Glad you're OK, no cancer, and your house is still standing!


        • #5
          I'm glad that you and everyone else in your post is ok. That's a week to behold, for sure !! Whew !!
          Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer


          • #6
            O_o Wow.
            "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


            • #7
              Awww geeeze I didn't know about the cancer scare...but I'm glad it turned out ok!

              As for the tick...yeah I got nothing.

              I'm also glad your house didn't burn down but I feel bad for the neighbor. And I'm glad you're back home....
              Great YouTube channel check it out!


              • #8
                Damn. That was a hell of a nightmare of a week.


                • #9
                  Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                  My friends are at Pennsic.
                  So that's where everyone ran off to! I was wondering why my news feed has been so quiet lately.

                  I'm glad you are ok, I hope that this week goes better for you.
                  I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


                  • #10
                    *hands over a case of hard alcohol* Oh, want some chips too? Here, here's tortilla chips, limes, margarita mix, and..oh, few good looking men to do the chores while you rest.

                    Jesus H. Tapdancing Deity, what the FUCK happened to your week??
                    In my heart, in my soul, I'm a woman for rock & roll.
                    She's as fast as slugs on barbituates.


                    • #11
                      I dunno, man, it was something else. I firmly believe all the bad stuff happens at once so you can just get it over with.

                      On the upside, the cable at my mom's place is still working. And also on the upside, the tick bite so far has not caused any of the sort of problems that might end up with me on antibiotics. (that's happened to me at least twice in my life.) Bite itches like a sonuvabitch, though. It really wasn't on my junk per se, it was in the juncture of my thigh, right there where the skin rubs. And I suspect two of them got me and one fell off before I found the second one. Been wearing boxer shorts. TMI, I know. Ticks. Gaaaah. Nasty little shits. Keep your fingers crossed I don't get sick from it.

                      Oh, yes, believe you me the first thing I did when I finally got home Sunday evening is crack open a bottle of Patron and start drinking.

                      Yeah, all the SCAdians are at Pennsic right now. All the SCA boards are vewy vewy quiet.


                      • #12
                        That right there was one he'll of a craptasic week there, my friend! But you had the right beverages!!

                        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                        Here's a rundown of the week I just had. Keep in mind, I'm trying to housesit for my parents (who are now back home thank you Jesus) who were in Taos all week.

                        We're supposed to go home tonight and then my parents call and their flight home has been cancelled. So an extra night at the parents. Sigh.
                        I'm guessing this was at a connection, cause we ain't had any sort of weather in literally months to cause any delays anywhere in the state!

                        Quoth teh_blumchenkinder View Post
                        what a week! Glad everyone's alright-- and alive? Hope your parents and friends had good times where they were at, and that you got a tip!
                        There's no way they didn't. Taos is awesome! I haven't had the time or money to go for several years, though.
                        It's floating wicker propelled by fire!


                        • #13
                          Oh, they had a great time and yes, they ended up paying me. Well. Not that they had to, but my mom always insists, claiming it would cost that to board her pets and she wouldn't have the peace of mind she has with us just keeping them home.

                          It wasn't weather, she heard from a fellow traveler there was some sort of mechanical trouble with the plane.


                          • #14
                            Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                            Yeah, all the SCAdians are at Pennsic right now. All the SCA boards are vewy vewy quiet.
                            I'm a newly fledged renn girl (I still have downy feathers and am safe and cuddly in the nest ) so I was confused by all the noise about it then the sudden silence after everyone left, I think Monday the German longsword gang finally headed down, there is tumble weed blowing across the news feed until everyone returns.
                            I'm the 5th horsemen of the apocalypse. Bringer of giggly bouncy doom, they don't talk about me much.


                            • #15
                              It's always a little disconcerting when you're a SCAdian and you DON'T go to Pennsic. It's like being in a ghost town till everyone gets back.

                              And, of course, you get plant/pet duty for everyone who's gone.

