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New sign at lowes - or at least the first time I noticed it

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  • #31
    I just recalled being in a leather goods store and the woman up at the counter had a bundle in her arms...A half-grown pied crow crossbreed flapped-out and onto the counter! She was looking to get some scrap leather for the bird's jesses (leg straps). It sure gave us some excitement, especially after learning crows and ravens can mimic, and the guy ended-up giving her the scrap leather for free.
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #32
      I used to take one of my cats to the chiropracter with me. But in my defense, I checked with them in advance, and the cat was 4 weeks old. I had to keep her with me all the time to feed her on schedule and the chiro was on the way home from work, where the cat was also allowed. The staff at the chiro LOVED kitten time! The one lady would lead me back to the water table thing and just take the kitten out of her (tiny!) carrier and go to the back office to play with her.

      But I never brought her where she wasn't allowed.

      I do take one of the other cats in the car sometimes, but only if I'm not getting out and only if it isn't hot. He just sits in his harness and bitches at passing cars or the people at the drive-thru window. He'll stop if they tell him he's pretty.


      • #33
        My bank is pet friendly, one of the managers has an adorable little pup (black lab only about a year old but amazingly well trained) who is frequently in, even has a doggy bed in one of the corners, they have a water bowl on the tiled floor at the entrance for any thirsty pets as well as dog treats (but that one is safely up on a table). They also are very clear that they welcome all well behaved pets but they have no qualms about kicking out any problem animals.


        • #34
          Quoth Solumina
          My bank is pet friendly, one of the managers has an adorable little pup (black lab only about a year old but amazingly well trained) who is frequently in, even has a doggy bed in one of the corners, they have a water bowl on the tiled floor at the entrance for any thirsty pets as well as dog treats (but that one is safely up on a table). They also are very clear that they welcome all well behaved pets but they have no qualms about kicking out any problem animals.
          My parents' bank(s) knows their dog Ratatouille (and knew Ginger before she passed). And the dogs knew a trip to the bank meant treats! :P
          Driver Picks the Music, Shotgun Shuts His Cakehole.
          Supernatural 9-13-05 to forever


          • #35
            This is one of my biggest pet peeves with non-service animals. Not only for health reasons, but Fido might get scared and bite someone on the hand or leg and that person would have to go to the hospital. Then not only would the person who got bit sue the owner of the animal, they'll sue the store for letting the animal inside in the first place.
            Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


            • #36
              We took my littermate, Kc, into the hardware stores when it was hot because it was cooler and they didn't mind dogs (we didn't have AC in the campgrounds).

              My store tolerates it so long as the fuzzies are well behaved. Currently in a state where it's illegal to leave kids and pets in the car during hot days (and MAN has it been HOT!) and we'd rather the fur-kids came in than were left outside. We get a LOT of travelers in my store (if we stocked maps and souvenirs then we'd be in the black ALL THE TIME and not just at the beginning of the month).
              Now a member of that alien race called Management.

              Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


              • #37
                The print shop I applied at earlier in the year had an office cat that was just so damn cute. I'm the kind of person who, when they see a cat, they need to pet it. It's like an automatic response. But in a more depressing case, the thrift store here that I practically live at let a stray kitty in during the winter and he'd be rolling around on the furniture. He was such a sweetie, but did not like anyone touching his belly. I guess he bit one of the customers who learned this the hard way and the store had to have the cat put down. Le sigh.

                But I really cannot think of a reason why someone would need to take a dog to a home improvement store. Maybe to let him pick out a new toilet to drink out of?


                • #38
                  I adore my Marjorie, (my house cat). But I'd never take her to work with me, or anywhere else for that matter. Her rightful place is to rule my apartment. She doesn't need to leave for any reason. There are a lot of dogs around here - from the other tenants. I would never subject my Marjorie to that kind of danger. So I keep her at home.
                  Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                  • #39
                    Last Easter (it was actually Good Friday), I was waiting in line at Shoppers Drug Mart, and I noticed the person behind me had an Easter basket and what I took at first to be a plush kitten.... And then the kitten moved.

                    She had gotten the kitten for one of her relatives for Easter (from what she described the family knew how to take care of animals so no concerns there) and she wanted a basket that would fit the kitten to give it over with. Normally I'm sure Shoppers normally wouldn't allow animals in, but no one batted an eye about it. The lady herself was very pleasant as was the kitten that everyone in line ooo'd and aww'd over.


                    • #40
                      I accidentally brought my lizard into a grocery store before...I had her zipped into my hoodie (It was late fall), forgot she was there, and walked to the store.
                      She decided to pop her head up when I was checking out, because she heard the lady talk to me. We both jumped and then I was like..."Oh hi Ryuu, I forgot you were in there."
                      Cashier lady and I had a good laugh over it too, and all she said was "Check your shirt next time before you go shopping, ok? I'd hate to see some reptilephobe freak out on you for that."
                      I don't even take her with to the pet store, because she's paralyzed and it would just be stressful, especially if there were male beardies around to screw up her hormones.
                      One of the garden shops I went to last fall had a gorgeous friendly calico in the store. She let us pet her and fawn over her, and I ended up spending a bit too much there Such a charmer.
                      Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


                      • #41
                        There are stores around that keep a cat as an 'employee' because they're fantastic at solving rodent problems in a natural (chemical-free) way.

                        Two of the best cats we ever had, Lawrence and Garland, were given to us by friendly employees at the Home Depot (mid-eighties, by the way, when I was just a child). Their cat there, whom I adored, had just had a litter of kittens. So the employees gave us two of the cat's sons. Mother and I were the only ones shopping there. My brother was in karate class at the time. So when we left that store to pick him up at the karate class, my was he in for a pleasant surprise.

                        To be fair, though, I love cats. I nearly always have one around. He's more of a dog person.
                        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


                        • #42
                          Bringing a dog to a place where pets wouldn't normally go? Sounds like a Lowe in human behavior.
                          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


                          • #43
                            and dogs do not wear shoes nor socks.
                            I was at the Tomato Festival in Nashville and I swear it was also a Dog Festival. Lots of dog-related products, grooming, etc... including places to let your dog stand in water to cool the paws off.

                            And I saw people who had socks tied to their dog's paws - because not all the dogs were use to walking on hot pavement. Granted one of the dogs didn't much like the socks either and kept shaking it's paws but... it's better than (as I also saw) someone with a dog that kept hopping around cos the pavement heat was hurting its paws...

                            now as for leaving a pet in the car... I've only done that twice...ish.

                            First time: actually my coworker was with him in the car, physically holding him, so I really shouldn't count that. I went in to the pet store to buy a cat carrier and then came back out to collect Viggo and shop with him inside.

                            Second time: I was on my way to a hotel after the apt had been broken into. I stopped off at a grocery store and left Viggo (in his carrier) in the car, as I picked up a small litter box & sand for him, and nothing else. (I think I already had food for him).


                            • #44
                              Quoth Food Lady View Post
                              Who brings a pet to the home improvement store??
                              People who are buying shovels. At least we hope that's what they're buying to clean up the presents they leave behind.


                              • #45
                                In south Florida, many of the retirees bring their dogs into the stores. One lady actually answered back with, "what am I supposed to do with him?" after the employee told her she wasn't allowed to bring her dog in. It's like they take it for granted that all places of business allow it.

