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Why won't you break the rules for me? I'm oooold/busy/more special than anyone else!

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  • Why won't you break the rules for me? I'm oooold/busy/more special than anyone else!

    So the other week there was a small fire at the Boots (a pharmacy) near where I work. They closed up the shop, but put up a sign saying they would still allow people to collect their prescriptions. And ONLY that. There were a few members of staff outside, blocking the doors, taking names and collecting medicines for people, and allowing them to pay in cash only. I walked past several times during the day whilst out getting coffee/lunch etc, and its right by the main road crossing so stood by it for a while each time waiting to cross, and could see them getting more frustrated throughout the day (not eavesdropping..well, maybe a little. Fine, a lot.), and saw/heard the following exchanges:

    Customer: "While you're in there love, can you grab me some soap?"
    Staff: "Sorry but we are only currently dispensing. You could try the Superdrug (rival drugstore) up the street."
    Customer: "It'll only take you a second. I'm ooold, my knees aren't what they used to be, I can't walk all the way to Superdrug."
    Staff: "Sorry, we can't do your shopping for you. There's been a fire. We are only dispensing."
    Customer: "It's only one thing! Come on, I'll even get it for you!" *attempts to push past member of staff into store*

    Staff: "Here's your prescription, that'll be £7.40 please."
    Customer: *hands over credit card*
    Staff: "Sorry, we're taking cash only, we can't allow customers into the store to process cards. There is a cashpoint just across the street, I'll keep this here for you"
    Customer: "But I don't wantttt to pay with cash! Fine, I'll take my prescription somewhere else."
    Staff: "Yeah, sorry, we can't give you that back once we've dispensed your medication, if you want to go elsewhere you'll need to get your doctor to write a new prescription."
    Customer: "That belongs to me! Wahhh!" *tries to drum up support from the queue* "This is totally ridiculous! Did you hear what she just said to me??"

    Customer: *hands over prescription*
    Staff: "Sorry, we're only allowing customers to collect outstanding prescriptions, we're not taking new prescriptions, I'm afraid you'll have to go to another pharmacy or come back later in the week"
    Customer: "WHAT! You mean I queued up for half an hour this?? You need to make it clearer on the sign!" (there was maybe 2 other people waiting, so might've queued for 5 minutes, max).

    Staff: "Here's your prescription, that'll be £7.40 please."
    Customer: "I have to pay? Shouldn't I get it free, for the inconvience?"
    Staff: "Errrm, thats not how it works, it's a tax that you legally have to pay, unless you're exempt."
    CUstomer: "Yeah I'm that. Exempt".
    Staff: "OK can you tick which of the statements on this form applies to you, and provide some proof?"
    Customer: "Inconvience isn't on this form. Hahahahaha! Look how funny I am!"

    I know the staff seemed pretty curt in those replies, but I don't blame them.. Any other store would've just shut for the day, but I guess that could really screw people over who had already dropped off prescriptions and needed their medication right away. Just wish people would've appreciated how decent this was of them instead of being unreasonable idiots!

  • #2
    EWs of the year there. And how clear was the sign?


    • #3
      Yeah, they didn't have to dispense at all.
      "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


      • #4
        Well, it was just a bit of paper in the window. Maybe it wasn't too clear, but not like they could get a last minute proper sign made up. Still, if you're not being allowed in the store wouldn't you think to maybe look why, read the sign and listen to the staff?


        • #5
          I understand it's irritating when you have to get your prescription, but come on there's been a fire! My repeat prescriptions are something I always get a week in advance of my supply running out. I can't cope without them and I know that things happen like them not having it in stock etc.
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