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Another old band story

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  • Another old band story

    These memories pop up sometimes.....

    We'd just finished a set & I sat down at a table with some folks I knew & they introduce me to a young lady they'd brought with them.After the introduction I smile & ask the usual question "How do you like the band?"

    She frowns & shakes her head saying "I don't really like them".

    So I smile at her & say "Is there anything we could play that you'd like to hear?"

    She looks at me blankly for about 5 seconds,turns bright red,then & runs into the ladies room.Didn't see her the rest of the night

    her friend started to apologize for her & I said "No need to,I think it's hilarious & I'm not insulted"
    "If you pick up a starving dog and make him prosperous he will not bite you.This is the principal difference between a man and a dog"

    Mark Twain

  • #2
    Well at least you got some entertainment out of it. Some bands would have been insulted. Also its possible that she'd been brought along to be hooked up with one of you and so since she put her foot in her mouth didn't want to show her face again.

