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Quick Karma

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  • Quick Karma

    As told to me by younger brother, S

    S went to Golden Arches with a friend for a quick snack. He ordered a burger and an iced coffee and tried to pay with his card. The machine failed to read it, and after a few minutes of fussing around they realised that it was broken. S only had enough cash to pay for his iced coffee, but offered to go to the ATM while they held his food. AM gave him the burger for free as "We're not going to eat it, why waste anymore time?"

    Friend decided that he wanted a free burger, so he ate all but one-fifth of his burger and then returned it, claiming that it didn't taste quite right + other miscellaneous complaints. AM quietly made the burger for him, apparently it was a perfect burger and actually looked like the one on the menu. Friend took a huge bite and promptly burnt his mouth. Cue arm-waving, many loud noises and my brother saying: "Well, that's what you get for scamming them out of a burger!"
    Don't tempt pixies, it never ends well.

    Avatar created by the lovely Eisa.

  • #2

    sounds like the friend saw S get a free burger and thought he'd try for one too
    only karma bit him in the ass because ... S got his because of *their* mistake & was polite to them through it all... the friend however did it on purpose

    to S
    and to scamming friend


    • #3
      ooohh this gives me ideas

