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A small collection of sightings--kinda long

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  • A small collection of sightings--kinda long

    Hello all! I’m going to post some good/funny stories for your enjoyment. Hope they entertain you!

    Quick BG: I’m an “assistant manager” at a major theme park.

    Out of the mouths of babes, part 1
    My coworker E found 2 little girls hiding between bookshelves in our princess store. She hunkered down and had a conversation with them. The eldest one was around 7, the younger around 4-5. Oldest sister notices one of the pins E had on her pin pouch.

    Older Sister: Who’s that?
    E: Well, that’s Jessica Rabbit. (Proceeds to explain her movie)
    OS: Oh. She has big titties.
    While E tries to recover, OS looks down at her pins.
    OS: (pointing to her Jonas Brothers pins) Which one should she marry? I’m marrying this one. How about this one?

    E had to bolt at that point for fear of laughing uncontrollably.

    Character names
    S, one of my fellow AMs, trained me when I first came to this land. He had the “pleasure” of training me again when I became an AM myself. Our night of training had a very interesting guest interaction.

    S and I were standing outside one of our shops with L. An older lady comes by with “the look”, so we all dutifully show her our pins. The lady’s eyes lit up and she turns to her family:

    “Oh, look honey! He’s got a Woody!”

    I’ve been told I have 20 different smiles. My smile froze on “polite indifference bordering on maniacal laughter” mode at that point. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed S was turning beet red.

    The lady realized what had come out of her mouth, but she soldiered on through the pin trade and left. S and I exchanged looks, kinda mumbled “Um…back…stockroom… NOW…” and bolted, leaving L bewildered as to our behavior. We barely made it into the stockroom, laughing our heads off.

    Later on, it was a few minutes to close. We’d done our rounds, checked everything outside per procedure, and were waiting to close one store so I could go into store closing procedures. The store is EMPTY of guests. We’re walking around, fixing merchandise and bantering back and forth. I’m still chuckling about the earlier exchange. S is still embarrassed about earlier. I went around a fixture and hear this:

    S: It is NOT funny! (in a falsetto voice) “Oh, look honey, he’s got a Woody!”

    A few seconds later I saw him run past the fixture, hand over his mouth, and chuckled again. When I came around to where he was, I see these 2 ladies browsing the shirts, and one’s chuckling. My jaw dropped and I ran to the back to check on S.

    S tells me later he turned around expecting me to be next to him. Instead, there was a LADY looking at him. He turned beet red and mumbled, “sorry, um, excuse me…” and ran to the back stockroom.

    S later told me that a few weeks later he was with M and manager Z (all males), and another lady came up asking for pins.

    L: Do you have any Toy Story pins? Any Buzz? Ok, do any of you have a Woody?

    He thought to himself, “why me?”

    Out of the mouths of babes that need duct tape
    Female coworker S is in the princess shop when she encounters a little girl of about 5-6. She has a conversation with this child until this gem happens:

    LG: I know where babies come from. Do you want to know?

    S gets a little uncomfortable until the child explains.

    LG: When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they give each other a special hug and that puts the baby in the mommy’s tummy.

    S tries to steer the conversation away from this topic, but LG is relentless.

    LG: (points to Jasmine Barbie) You know why she dresses like that? Because she wants boys to give her lots of special hugs.

    S tries frantically to find this child’s parents. And fails before the child busts out THIS gem:

    LG: And when you have a baby your boobs grow. (pats S on the shoulder) Don’t worry, you’ll get yours soon.

  • #2
    this is the only reason why i miss working in retail


    • #3
      Quoth Lady_Pigeon View Post
      LG: When a mommy and a daddy love each other very much, they give each other a special hug and that puts the baby in the mommy’s tummy.

      S tries to steer the conversation away from this topic, but LG is relentless.

      LG: (points to Jasmine Barbie) You know why she dresses like that? Because she wants boys to give her lots of special hugs.

      S tries frantically to find this child’s parents. And fails before the child busts out THIS gem:

      LG: And when you have a baby your boobs grow. (pats S on the shoulder) Don’t worry, you’ll get yours soon.
      Can't...stop...laughing! That is priceless.
      "Redheads have at least a 95% chance of being gorgeous. They're also concentrated evil." - Irv

      "This is all strange, uncharted territory and your hamster only has three legs." - Gravekeeper


      • #4
        Quoth Lady_Pigeon View Post
        Oldest sister notices one of the pins E had on her pin pouch.
        *ogles pins on pin pouch*

        That is unbelievably addictive. >_< But fun if you don't get too carried away.

        Quoth Lady_Pigeon View Post
        Out of the mouths of babes that need duct tape
        Oh, look, a little girl that either has recently had or is about to have a younger sibling enter the world.

        Thought the comment about Jasmine wanting lots of "special hugs" is pretty hilarious.

        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


        • #5
          I keep hearing in my head "Woody da Wabbitt!!" from "Meatballs"...LMAO!!


          • #6
            Quoth Andara Bledin View Post
            Oh, look, a little girl that either has recently had or is about to have a younger sibling enter the world.
            That or she caught mommy and daddy giving each other "special hugs."

