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Woohoo! I found The Devil's Panties @ DragonCon

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  • Woohoo! I found The Devil's Panties @ DragonCon

    Yep. I saw the sign at the artists area and was like "OMG! I know that one!" I was the one in the Jayne Hat with the yellow "Sorry I'm Late" shirt

    Not posting the photo I took, however unless a Mod says it's OK - figured it might fall under the rules about posting pics of other members etc.

    anyway woot! glad to have seen someone from here at the Con.

  • #2
    yay! when someone mentions DragonCon I immediately think of Devil's Panties and the kilt blowing! Lucky that you got a chance to see it!
    Now, if you smell the roses but it doesn't lift your spirits, you're either allergic to rose pollen or you need medical intervention. ~ Seshat


    • #3
      I think I read in the Daily Dragon that she got engaged at the con as well.


      • #4
        o sweet that's awesome.



        • #5
          Yeah, she had her boyfriend show up at kilt blowing, and manage one of the more impressive proposals I'm just waiting to see what they manage for the wedding! Sad part is, we'd headed home right before that point, had been AT the kilt blowing it happened at, just didn't stick around long enough (Else I'd give more details...But just heard stories about those)


          • #6
            , she had her boyfriend show up at kilt blowing
            Wait, what?? The what, now??
            When you start at zero, everything's progress.


            • #7
              Men in kilts. Leafblower. Camera. Let your imagination fill in what a woman would do with those three things.

              I've seen something to the effect of "If you don't have a kilt, we'll lend you ours" in her comics. She usually does a few about the most memorable men afterwards.
              It's little things that make the difference between 'enjoyable', 'tolerable', and 'gimme a spoon, I'm digging an escape tunnel'.


              • #8
                I saw them at Dragon*Con, too!


                • #9
                  hmmm. you know that does sound interesting.

                  at the "Firefly drinking songs" someone asked the singer/harpist (marc gunn) to lift his. though he declined


                  • #10
                    There's video on Youtube of the proposal.

                    I can't believe it! The one year I miss, and this happens! Boooooooo!

                    Definitely making sure I make it there next year!

                    Pepper - every year, the DP fan group has a pizza party on Sunday night. Once next year's gets organized, I can give you details. That way you can meet all of us in person, view the antics in real-time, and hang out with Jennie & Obby & Happygoth.


                    • #11
                      I'm not sure it's something I can make it to through. It was a good 6 hour drive for us to DragonCon but thanks.


                      • #12
                        It was during the middle of the con the last couple years, I believe, so if you're at D*C, you should be able to make it


                        • #13
                          Quoth KiaKat View Post
                          There's video on Youtube of the proposal.

                          I can't believe it! The one year I miss, and this happens! Boooooooo!

                          Definitely making sure I make it there next year!
                          I only saw the proposal video by accident yesterday. Had a great big soppy grin all over my face for the rest of the evening.



                          • #14
                            o cool.
                            not sure if we wil go to next one or not. i know we want to but we haven't reserved rooms yet.

                            all i know is we don't want the piece of shit hotel we had this time. it was not in a good area of town. first morning we woke up and there were 6 cop cars in parking lot and someone being questioned on our floor. *bleh*


                            • #15
                              Dasota is looking into getting a suite in a host hotel. Talk to her and maybe you'll end up saving money by rooming with her, but still having your own bedroom. It's worth it, being in a host hotel.

                              My understanding is that the Marriott opens reservations on 10/3. Dunno what time, but as soon as I know, I'll update.

