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Hate to be this guy's Plumber...

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  • Hate to be this guy's Plumber...

    Not sure which section this fit in, but this log really irked me.It just happened tonight on one of the games I'm on and I hate to be this guys' plumber or landlord...

    Horsetuna: Me
    Plumbergod: even if 10 people tell me otherwise, I am still right
    Chicaman: Cool guy
    Rimmer: Another cool person. She likes to bite my char.
    John: Guy who told me to go to the admin with this log.

    Course, all names are changed to protect the innocent and not-so innocent...

    John says, "spounge the water away, then try flushing again"
    Horsetuna says, "nah, its fixed. Beating it with the toilet loofa worked"
    PlumberGod says, "Take the top off the toilet, find the chain that's attached to the level. Pull the chain. Wait for water to go down. You'll have to hole the black ball with your other hand. Release chain, push plug with your now free hand until it blocks the hole. Release everything. Match sure toilet doesn't overflow. Return top of toilet."
    John says, "type faster, PlumberGod "
    PlumberGod says, "(hole the black ball : hold the black ball)"
    Horsetuna says, "Uh... wouldnt releasing all that water via the tank means the toilet will overflow?"
    PlumberGod says, "Only if your toilet was hooked up by a crack head."
    Horsetuna says, "Well, I dunno... when you flush, the lever pulls that plug up and the tank drains into the bowl, meaning if the bowl does not drain, and is full, all that water will flood into the now-full bowl, and down onto the floor."
    Horsetuna says, "that's why water can drain noislily into the tank for an infinite amount of time if the plug doesnt fall back properly into place."
    John says, "thus why I suggested to spounge it clear, first "
    PlumberGod says, "When you pull the plug up, the water in the bowl does into the sewer."
    ChicaMan says, "Not if its plugged."
    Horsetuna says, "Yeah"
    PlumberGod says, "Is it plugged? You got xray vision, you can see that?"
    Horsetuna says, "its the U bend in the pipe that keeps some water in the bowl, but when the level of water increases more than that, it creates a siphon which sucks all the water and other stuff out of the bowl and down."
    Horsetuna says, "that's how the toilet flushes. When that passage is blocked, the water can't ge through, and therefore, the bowl fills with water"
    Rimmer' says, "if the bowl doesn't drain, it is plugged"
    Horsetuna nods
    John says, "you might consider not drain anything else than water, then LOL"
    PlumberGod says, "Okaie. CLEARLY you know more about fixing my toilet then I do, and all the times I've had to do it."
    Horsetuna shrugs. Maybe canadian toilets work differently?
    PlumberGod returns to not helping.
    ChicaMan says, "No, of course not. but (said sarcastically) I can't see the blades in my garbage disposal, but I'm not about to feel around for them while its running just to prove they exist either."
    Horsetuna says, "all I know is that if the bowl is abnormally full, then there is something not letting the water drain out of it."
    PlumberGod says, "I wouldn't know, I'm in the States."
    Horsetuna says, "and when you push the lever, the tank empties into the bowl. "
    Horsetuna says, "reaguardless, I fixed the toilet."
    Rimmer' says, "you can make a toilet flush just by pouring water into it. if it isn't plugged, unless it is some special kind of toilet like a basement toilet that flushes up."
    PlumberGod says, "When you push the button, the TV turns on. Only there is a little more going on then that."
    John says, "yeah, we used to do that at the summer house, Rimmer"
    Horsetuna says, "This toilet is half-basement, but the inside of the tank and stuff looks like any other non-automated house toilet i've seen"
    PlumberGod says, "Pouring water into the tank lifts the ball which opens the value which drains the water."
    Horsetuna says, "Yes, the water drains down into the bowl"
    John says, "not into the tank, into the bowl"
    Horsetuna says, "which then floods, because its plugged"
    PlumberGod says, "It's a toilet, people. It isn't magic."
    John says, "toilets aren't magic?????????"
    Rimmer' says, "I grew up on a river, is winter storms we'd loose power so the pump would go out on the well, no running water. We'd get buckets of river water to pour into the toilet to make it flush"
    Horsetuna says, "I know. But the tank empties into the bowl, which then empties into the pipes. If the pipe is blocked, the bowl wont drain, and when the tank drains, it empties onto the floor instead."
    PlumberGod says, "That's what the unicorn said."
    John says, "you got is, Horsetuna "
    John says, "it*"
    John says, "oh, just use a bucket"
    PlumberGod says, "You can prevent that last thing from happening by having done what I said, Horsetuna. I know this happens because I've done it."
    Horsetuna says, "think about it... the tank is ABOVE the bowl, as is the plug that is in the tank. If unplugging that drains the bowl, how does it work, considering that plug is ABOVE the bowl of water? "
    Horsetuna says, "if it drained the bowl, the plug would be below the bowl, so that gravity lets the water flood out"
    PlumberGod says, "By asking your question, plumbers everywhere have increased their prices."
    Rimmer' facepalms
    Horsetuna shrugs.
    Horsetuna says, ""
    Horsetuna says, "simple science."
    Horsetuna says, "see that? The tank drains into the bowl, which drains into the pipes. If the bowl is blocked, the draining tank would fill up and overflow the bowl"
    PlumberGod looks at picture and notices that everything he told you to do is proved in the picture.
    Horsetuna says, " qqarukbtn3hg7fcixx2qu4plwg44ztpxmzdaafeig/Graphic-ENVOPS-Water-conservation-toilet-diagram-313x336.gif"
    Horsetuna says, "I dotn see how. I see the tank draining into the bowl, and if the bowls' pipe is blocked, then it woudl overflow"
    Rimmer' says, "bottom line, water in the bowl, how ever it gets there from tank or outside source, once you get enough makes the bowl drain, if the bowl doesn't drain, it has a plug"
    Horsetuna nods at cha.
    PlumberGod says, "Horsetuna. Let it go. Collect a chia pet or something."
    Horsetuna says, "thanks, but I outgrew those 15 years ago "
    Horsetuna says, "I got my toilet unplugged, without flooding the bathroom. That's all that matters."
    Rimmer' says, "I love Chia's!"
    PlumberGod says, "That you even done them is funny."
    Horsetuna will be investing in a plunger though
    Horsetuna says, "I got one as a birthday present."
    PlumberGod says, "A plunger? What a thoughtful person."
    Horsetuna says, "no, I thought you meant Chias, considering you said 'done them'"
    Rimmer' says, "I have a chia tweety bird"
    PlumberGod says, "You have sex with chia pets? That's revolting."
    Horsetuna says, "I never said that. IF you are going to be rude, go be rude to someone else."
    Rimmer' faints at Jo's remark!
    PlumberGod says, "Did you get the Chia CHiPs and have a three way?"
    John says, "sorry, I have no clue what chia is"
    Horsetuna says, "Its one of those 'fad' toys of the eighties. Clay animals that you spread soaked seeds on and they sprout all at once, giving it a green fuzzy appearance."
    John says, "oh!"
    You paged Rimmer' and John with 'god, PlumberGod is an ass. I'm half tempted to report him for offensiveness.'
    Rimmer' says, "it is a teracotta figure of something, with groves, you soak in water, rub with seeds and it grows."
    John says, "ok, I know what it is.... never knew it was called chia"
    Horsetuna has seen Chia Homers, Chia turtles (the one I had)...
    Horsetuna says, "not sure why its' called that. Maybe its the plant"
    John says, "I have seen chia Garfield"

    End of log.
    Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?

  • #2
    Garbage disposals actually don't have blades in them. They simply consist of a spinning plate at the bottom of a small chamber, anything that hits the plate bounces off and hits the wall of the chamber, repeat until pulverized. Contrary to what's seen in your more ironic horror movies, sticking your hand down the drain while the disposer is on will hurt you but do you no serious damage.
    You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


    • #3
      Danger, extreme danger!

      I think there must be different types of garbage disposal, because I can remember seeing pictures on certain other sites that showed people with horrific injuries from fiddling about with garbage disposal units.


      • #4
        All of a sudden I don't feel so alone in coming across people like that in EQ. do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

        Chickens are Asexual!


        • #5
          the garbage disposal unit my father-in-law bought it still in its box because my mother-in-law would never let him install it. It has blades. Maybe there are different kinds?
          GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


          • #6
            The waste disposal we had in our old house had blades ! It would DEFINITELY not be a good idea to stick your hand into it
            A person who is nice to you, but not nice to the waiter is not a nice person
            - Dave Barry


            • #7
              Quoth Sofar View Post
              Garbage disposals actually don't have blades in them. They simply consist of a spinning plate at the bottom of a small chamber, anything that hits the plate bounces off and hits the wall of the chamber, repeat until pulverized. Contrary to what's seen in your more ironic horror movies, sticking your hand down the drain while the disposer is on will hurt you but do you no serious damage.
              Ummm... all the garbage disposalys I've had had blades in them. Maybe not the type of blades you would see in food processor but blades nonetheless. My current garbage disposal has a spinning plate, attached to which is are two other smaller plates each with two pointed blades on them, sticking at approx 45 degree angles.


              • #8
                The three I've taken apart had no blades in them. Just a revolving plate.
                You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


                • #9
                  Mine has blades. I know cuz I had to fish a utensil out of it earlier this week and damn near cut myself...
                  I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                  "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue


                  • #10
                    I'm SOOO having nightmares tonight.
                    I make my mommy grab things out of the disposal if something falls in.
                    I now have the heebieJeebies.
                    Things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do. I would gladly hit the road, get up and go if I knew,that someday it would bring me back to you.


                    • #11
                      Horsetuna, you just gave me all shades of nostalgia from my glory days MUSH/MUXing. I think I still might have come copies of old scene logs lying around somewhere. Might be time for a stroll down memory lane.


                      • #12
                        My disposal doesn't have any blades. I know because I've had to reach down there to retrieve things it couldn't handle, like unpopped popcorn. I still get a little nervous down there, and I keep a sharp eye on the switch to make sure no one is anywhere near it.

                        Kind of OT, but did anyone see the one episode of Frasier, where someone was reaching down the disposal to retrieve something, who then got the crap scared out of him when someone turned on a nearby blender?
                        Sometimes life is altered.
                        Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
                        Uneasy with confrontation.
                        Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


                        • #13
                          Quoth MadMike View Post
                          Kind of OT, but did anyone see the one episode of Frasier, where someone was reaching down the disposal to retrieve something, who then got the crap scared out of him when someone turned on a nearby blender?

                          I think it was Niles.
                          I know I'm laughing but it's really not funny. - Me
                          "I was in the hall. I know, because I was there." - Clue

