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SC on Facebook

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  • SC on Facebook

    This may not be the right place to post this but I just read a comment on FB and it rubbed me wrong. I was reading Michael's FB page and some SC was bitching because the cashier wouldn't let her use more then one coupon at once. So she said she left every thing and went to Joanne's and used 9 coupons. I couldn't stop myself. I posted a message saying Don't you think its a little excessive to expect a store to honor 9 coupons at once? I know at my store and at Michael's the coupons say 1 coupon per person per visit per day. As a cashier I can fly under radar and take two from one person. In employee handbook it says you can be writen up/fired for taking more coupons.

  • #2
    It's really very frustrating when a person has a friend, either on FB or in life, who admits to being a sucky customer.

    I have a FB friend who is a couponer.
    I have to keep from responding all the time when she is complaining about stores not giving her a break or making exceptions on certain purchases using coupons in the way they really weren't intended.

    She had a very similar post on her page in that she also left all of her stuff and went to another store where they let her use the coupons the way she wanted to.

    All she sees is that she has saved all this money on her order, which is great for her, but she doesn't seem to get that there is a hidden cost to the consumer with all these great "savings". In most cases, it costs a store money to redeem these coupons to the clearing houses, and the stores only get reimbursed a portion of the coupon face value.
    A lot of people don't realize that at all.

    The stores have to make it up somewhere. They can't operate at a loss. They mark up the prices slightly to accommodate the costs of these types of promotions.
    If people would only realize that, maybe they wouldn't try pushing the rules when it comes to coupons.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


    • #3
      Then again, there are SCs who are unable to process that kind of basic info at all -- e.g. did you read about the woman who was banned from (IIRC) all WalMarts for life and was in a massive tizzy because now she can't run out and shop at WM everyday and thus she can't save money?


      • #4
        Probably most of our friends could understand the concept and we should let them know. I have educated a few friends about how retail works, and one is a reformed sucky coupon customer. She actually admitted that what she wanted to do wasn't technically outside the rules, but a somewhere in the realm of dishonest. (I know the whole situation and I agree). And she saw that and felt bad about it, and changed. Some people will change when something is pointed out to them.
        "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


        • #5
          *waves to hotelslave* I had this funny feeling that it was a fellow CSer posting. Don't ask me why.

          I think it was excessive too. There is a reason why the coupon sites limit how many coupons you can print.
          Random conversation:
          Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
          DDD: Cuz it's cool

          So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


          • #6
            Lol thats too funny if you saw my response. I guess it shouldn't of bothered me since I don't know the person who tried to run this scam and it wasn't even at the craft store I work at. I've seen people try to come through my line with seperate coupons for every single item and then get pissed when I say I won't take all the coupons.


            • #7
              On my stores fb page the day of Christmas this bish was complaining that we were not open. A gift her son wanted didnt work and she wanted to exchange it. She went on and on about customer service and that she will be in line at 6 am the next day and she better be the 1st one waited on. Alot of people stuck up for us.


              • #8
                My store was open on Easter. A lot of people complained about the workers having to work on Easter. I was surprised that they actually cared if I spent the holiday with my family. Lol


                • #9
                  OMG I love her reply where she states, "I didn't understand that one coupon meant one and only one coupon."


                  • #10
                    There was a poster on a forum dedicated to a book series I read as a kid and is now being re-released for a younger audience. The poster bought the last of the series and wrote how she was so disappointed in the ending that she basically twisted the book owner's arm into giving her a refund.

                    She actually bragged about this.

                    It brought back so many memories...
                    Last edited by NateTheChops; 09-25-2011, 12:41 PM.


                    • #11
                      I saw one on my store's FB page; complaining about our return policy. Which is 90 days. And she was upset because she had an INFANT, and brought her item back a couple days past teh 90 days, and gasp, the store actually had a spine, and wouldn't take it back. And how unfair that was as she had an INFANT and couldn't get there to return the item. Which had been ordered online

                      First of all, my store makes it very easy for returns; you order online, no problem, bring it back to the store. Second, you can't tell me that in that 90 day period there was no one you knew who could either watch said infant, or bring the item back for you- nor could she possible be expected to get out and bring it back. Apparently she was chained up and locked in the house after the birth.

                      While it sucks she missed it by a couple of days, the policy is more than generous, and if we made an exception, we'd have to make one for everyone, which then defeats the purpouse of the policy!


                      • #12
                        Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                        I saw one on my store's FB page; complaining about our return policy. Which is 90 days. And she was upset because she had an INFANT, and brought her item back a couple days past teh 90 days, and gasp, the store actually had a spine, and wouldn't take it back. And how unfair that was as she had an INFANT and couldn't get there to return the item. Which had been ordered online

                        First of all, my store makes it very easy for returns; you order online, no problem, bring it back to the store. Second, you can't tell me that in that 90 day period there was no one you knew who could either watch said infant, or bring the item back for you- nor could she possible be expected to get out and bring it back. Apparently she was chained up and locked in the house after the birth.

                        While it sucks she missed it by a couple of days, the policy is more than generous, and if we made an exception, we'd have to make one for everyone, which then defeats the purpouse of the policy!
                        Onine orders wont even process after 90 days.......I Love it


                        • #13
                          It makes me wonder how long before she complains to corporate for not bending to her will.
                          Random conversation:
                          Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
                          DDD: Cuz it's cool

                          So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Catwoman2965 View Post
                            While it sucks she missed it by a couple of days, the policy is more than generous, and if we made an exception, we'd have to make one for everyone, which then defeats the purpouse of the policy!
                            Even worse, if you made an exception for her, you would always have to make an exception for her.

                            In unison now: "But you did it for me before!"
                            "I don't have to be petty. The Universe does that for me."


                            • #15
                              I am forbidden to "Like" High End Home Store's FB page as it could be construed as a conflict of interest The only reason I care is that it doesn't seem like I can read any users' posts without liking the page...I can read everything HEHS posts but that's it. Guess I'll have to hijack someone else's FB page and like it from there
                              "I was only LOOKING, I didn't mean to enter my card's CVV and actually ORDER! REFUND ME RIGHT NOW!!"

